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84 lines (61 loc) · 1.64 KB


File metadata and controls

84 lines (61 loc) · 1.64 KB

import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";

<Tabs defaultValue="powershell" groupId="shell" values={[ { label: 'powershell', value: 'powershell', }, { label: 'zsh', value: 'zsh', }, { label: 'bash', value: 'bash', }, { label: 'fish', value: 'fish', }, ] }>

Export-PoshTheme -FilePath ~/.mytheme.omp.json -Format json

Once you're done editing, adjust your $PROFILE to use your newly created theme.

oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config ~/.mytheme.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
export_poshconfig "~/.mytheme.omp.json" json

Once you're done editing, adjust ~/.zshrc to use your newly created theme.

eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell zsh --config ~/.mytheme.omp.json)"

When adjusted, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.

. ~/.zshrc
export_poshconfig "~/.mytheme.omp.json" json

Once you're done editing, adjust ~/.bashrc to use your newly created theme.

eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell bash --config ~/.mytheme.omp.json)"

When adjusted, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.

. ~/.bashrc
export_poshconfig "~/.mytheme.omp.json" json

Once you're done editing, adjust to use your newly created theme.

oh-my-posh --init --shell fish --config ~/.mytheme.omp.json | source

Once adjusted, reload your config for the changes to take effect.

. ~/.config/fish/