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NuclearPhaser: Phasing of dikaryotic genome assemblies with Hi-C data


Most animals and plants have more than one set of chromosomes and package these haplotypes into a single nucleus, usually most often diploid, within each cell. In contrast, many fungal species carry multiple haploid nuclei per cell. Rust fungi are such species with two nuclei (karyons) that contain a full set of haploid chromosomes each. This dikaryotic state has advantages for haplotype phase separation using Hi-C chromatin contact information as the two haplotypes are physically separated. It also means that, unlike in diploids, Hi-C chromatin contacts between haplotypes are false positive signals.

Overview of the method

NuclearPhaser is a method for phasing of dikaryotic genomes into the two haplotypes using Hi-C contact graphs. This is an overview of the phasing pipeline for dikaryons.

Prerequisites for running NuclearPhaser

  • A high-quality genome assembly that has few collapsed regions and is cleaned from contaminant contigs

The following software needs to be installed:

High-level overview for running NuclearPhaser

Step1: Construct a highly confident subset of the two haplotypes that are expected to reside in separate nuclei

A gene binning step is used to find sets of homologous contigs which represent the two haplotypes. For this, genes that map exactly twice to the unphased assembly are used as phasing markers to assign homologous contigs into diploid scaffold bins Bin_1,...,Bin_n. Scaffold bins are constructed with a graph network approach where nodes are contigs and edges are the number of shared genes per Mb. Each strongly connected community in the graph is a diploid scaffold bin Bin_x and contains two subsets Bin_xa and Bin_xb. Thus, a scaffold bin is part of a chromosome where the two subsets represent the haplotypes.

Step2: Separate the binned contigs into two haplotype sets representing their nuclear origin

We use a graph based on Hi-C links between the scaffold bins, ignoring Hi-C links within scaffold bins for preliminary phasing. A graph network approach should return the two expected communities that represent a high proportion of the phased haplotypes, but might still include phase switches. Note that if you get more than two haplotypes in this step the pipeline will stop. It is likely you have either an assembly with too many phase switches or you have contaminant contigs in your assembly (e.g. plant or bacterial).

Step3: Fix phase switches in the two haplotype sets

This step requires some manual work at the moment. For each contig in the scaffold bins, we visualized the proportion of Hi-C contacts to haploypes A and B for each scaffold bin. As an example, see below contig tig00000828 from a HiCanu assembly and its associated haplotig alignments. Contig tig00000828 appears to switch phase at ~1.5-3.7 Mb, which overlaps with the corresponding haplotig alignment start and end points.

Step4: After fixing phase switches, run the pipeline again with the updated genome

After correction of phase switches, the input files (Gene mapping, BUSCO table & Hi-C contact map) need to be re-generated with the genome that has the phase switches corrected.

Step5: Obtain phased haplotypes

At the very end, NuclearPhaser will return the two haplotype sets in FASTA format.

Detailed instructions for running NuclearPhaser

Step0: Generate all required input files

NuclearPhaser needs three input files and the clean genome assembly FASTA file.

First, generate the gene hit table with biokanga blitz ( You need a set of transcripts/genes for your species. This can come from previously published genome annotations, or it can be a gene set from a closely related species. You want to find genes that are highly conserved and occur exactly twice, think of it as housekeeping genes or 'haplotype phasing markers'. For example:


biokanga index --threads=4 -i ${genome} -o biokanga_index -r gene_mapping
biokanga blitz --sensitivity=2 --mismatchscore=1 --threads=4 -o Pt_Clean_Genome_GeneMapping.txt --in=${genes} --sfx=biokanga_index

The output should look like this:

head Pt_Clean_Genome_GeneMapping.txt

psLayout version 3
Generated by biokanga blitz, Version 4.4.2
match   mis-    rep.    N's     Q gap   Q gap   T gap   T gap   strand  Q               Q       Q       Q       T               T       T       T       block   blockSizes      qStarts     tStarts
        match   match           count   bases   count   bases           name            size    start   end     name            size    start   end     count
357     0       0       0       0       0       3       630     -       jgi|Puctr1|2|PTTG_25073T0       357     0       357     tig00000821     1756792 38612   39599   4       43,130,127,57,     0,43,173,300,   38612,38733,38967,39542,
356     1       0       0       0       0       3       630     -       jgi|Puctr1|2|PTTG_25073T0       357     0       357     tig00000656     4891113 3219391 3220378 4       43,130,127,57,     0,43,173,300,   3219391,3219512,3219746,3220321,
420     0       0       0       0       0       0       0       +       jgi|Puctr1|3|PTTG_04086T0       420     0       420     tig00000821     1756792 45261   45681   1       420,       0,      45261,
419     1       0       0       0       0       0       0       +       jgi|Puctr1|3|PTTG_04086T0       420     0       420     tig00000656     4891113 3226034 3226454 1       420,       0,      3226034,
317     46      0       0       1       5       1       4       +       jgi|Puctr1|3|PTTG_04086T0       420     0       368     tig00000533     5698764 1765183 1765550 2       271,92,    0,276,  1765183,1765458,

You can see here that gene PTTG_25073T0 will act like a phasing marker as it has two hits exactly to contigs tig00000821 and tig00000656.

Second, you need a full table of BUSCO hits ( Note that we have tested BUSCO v3 only and the latest BUSCO output format might be incompatible. For example: -i ${genome} -o buscov3_clean_assembly -l basidiomycota_odb9 -m geno -sp coprinus -c4

The output should look like this:

head full_table_buscov3_clean_assembly.tsv

# BUSCO version is: 3.1.0
# The lineage dataset is: basidiomycota_odb9 (Creation date: 2016-02-13, number of species: 25, number of BUSCOs: 1335)
# To reproduce this run: python /apps/busco/3.1.0/scripts/ -i Pt_Clean_Genome.fasta -o buscov3_clean_assembly -l basidiomycota_odb9/ -m genome -c 4 -sp coprinus
# Busco id      Status  Contig  Start   End     Score   Length
EOG092R000C     Duplicated      tig00000348     6772572 6790264 2620.1  2401
EOG092R000C     Duplicated      tig00001348     188359  205921  2621.3  2402
EOG092R000I     Duplicated      tig00000129     7090796 7107677 2028.3  1919
EOG092R000I     Duplicated      tig00001352     223668  240549  2028.4  1919

You can see here that duplicated BUSCOs will also act like a phasing marker as they have two hits exactly to two contigs.

Third, you need a Hi-C contact map in ginteractions format. We recommend following the HiC-Pro pipeline ( and then converting the h5 format to ginteractions with hicexplorer (

We also recommend to set MAPQ=10 in the HiC-Pro config file and to obtain a matrix at resolution 100,000 bps. You can also try MAPQ=30 and resolution 20,000 bps.

Your Hi-C contact map output file in ginteractions format should look like this:

head HiC_MAPQ30.clean_assembly.20000.matrix.tsv
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000001     0       20000   27.008251
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000001     20000   40000   2.989856
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000001     40000   60000   1.906241
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000001     180000  200000  0.653958
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000001     9280000 9300000 0.435236
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000171     3740000 3760000 0.550744
tig00000001     0       20000   tig00000286     0       20000   0.415017

Step1: Run NuclearPhaser: gene binning & phasing of the gene bins

Now you are ready to run the phasing pipeline like so:

python -g Pt_Clean_Genome_GeneMapping.txt -b full_table_buscov3_clean_assembly.tsv \
-c HiC_MAPQ30.clean_assembly.20000.matrix.tsv -f ${genome} -o /path_to_output_dir/Genome_Phasing_Output/

You should get an output like this:

Run minimap2
[M::mm_idx_gen::4.708*1.47] collected minimizers
[M::mm_idx_gen::5.214*1.69] sorted minimizers
[M::main::5.214*1.69] loaded/built the index for 600 target sequence(s)
[M::mm_mapopt_update::5.363*1.67] mid_occ = 343
[M::mm_idx_stat] kmer size: 19; skip: 19; is_hpc: 0; #seq: 600
[M::mm_idx_stat::5.467*1.66] distinct minimizers: 8631579 (16.13% are singletons); average occurrences: 2.975; average spacing: 9.988
[M::worker_pipeline::58.309*3.48] mapped 600 sequences
[M::main] Version: 2.16-r922
[M::main] CMD: minimap2 -k19 -w19 -m200 -DP -r1000 -t4 -o /path_to_output_dir/Genome_Phasing_Output/temp.paf genome.clean.fasta genome.clean.fasta
[M::main] Real time: 58.356 sec; CPU: 202.880 sec; Peak RSS: 3.928 GB
Minimap2 alignments are finished, now scan the paf file.
Done scanning the PAF alignment file.
Now find haplotigs
Mean alignment length is: 16528.201507812657
Find contig pairs that share genes.
Read in contact map
Hi-C contact matrix has resolution: 20000
Construct graph from contig pairs to find well-connected groups
Construct community
Use 26 gene bins.

Contigs in bins: 193 with a total length of 240.48791 MB
Still unphased: 407 contigs with a total length of 15.975574 MB

Construct graph to phase the gene bins with Hi-C data

Construct community to phase gene bins into the haplotypes
Haplotype_0 ['Bin_10a', 'Bin_11b', 'Bin_12a', 'Bin_13a', 'Bin_14b', 'Bin_15a', 'Bin_16a', 'Bin_17a', 'Bin_18b', 'Bin_19b', 'Bin_1a', 'Bin_20a', 'Bin_21b', 'Bin_22a', 'Bin_23a', 'Bin_24a', 'Bin_25b', 'Bin_26a', 'Bin_2b', 'Bin_3b', 'Bin_4a', 'Bin_5a', 'Bin_6a', 'Bin_7b', 'Bin_8b', 'Bin_9a']
120.424197 MB
Haplotype_1 ['Bin_10b', 'Bin_11a', 'Bin_12b', 'Bin_13b', 'Bin_14a', 'Bin_15b', 'Bin_16b', 'Bin_17b', 'Bin_18a', 'Bin_19a', 'Bin_1b', 'Bin_20b', 'Bin_21a', 'Bin_22b', 'Bin_23b', 'Bin_24b', 'Bin_25a', 'Bin_26b', 'Bin_2a', 'Bin_3a', 'Bin_4b', 'Bin_5b', 'Bin_6b', 'Bin_7a', 'Bin_8a', 'Bin_9b']
120.063713 MB
Recommended to do a DGenies dot-plot alignment of these two files at this stage to confirm that the gene binning & phasing went well:

In this example, NuclearPhaser found 26 gene/scaffold bins that contain 193 contigs with a total length of 240.5 MB. Also, in this example the Hi-C phasing signal is clear and the scaffold bins were phased into two haplotypes (Haplotype_0_genephasing.fasta and Haplotype_1_genephasing.fasta). It is a good idea to visualize the two preliminary haplotypes to see if the dot plot has nice synteny. Here we use Dgenies ( for visualization.

Note that if you get more than two haplotypes at this stages, your data does not support that this is a dikaryon. This could be because of extensive phase switches, collapsed regions or the presence of contaminants. We are planning to add support for other ploidys in the future.

Step2: Correct phase switches in the gene bins

It is very likely that you will see phase switches, even in HiFi assemblies. NuclearPhaser now goes through the gene bins and prints the Hi-C trans contact frequencies to haplotype 0 and 1 for each gene bin like so:

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_1 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000348']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000355', 'tig00000379', 'tig00000399', 'tig00000403', 'tig00000405', 'tig00001076', 'tig00001316', 'tig00001323', 'tig00001348', 'tig00001450']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [54.43]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [66.56, 2.59, 18.47, 62.35, 100.0, 18.5, 13.78, 4.45, 19.92, 3.77]

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_16 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000533']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000807', 'tig00001197', 'tig00001205', 'tig00001218', 'tig00001403']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [80.61]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [33.02, 29.41, 21.26, 29.96, 31.66]

In the first example (Bin_1), there are likely phase switches in contig tig00000348. Some of the associated haplotigs alternate in haplotype assignment, indicating that these regions need to be corrected for phase switching.

The second example (Bin_16) appears fine, contig tig00000533 has 80.61% of its Hi-C contacts to haplotype 0 and the associated haplotigs do not alternate in phase assignment.

NuclearPhaser produces output files for each suspect phase switch contig that can be used for determining where the phase switch breakpoints are. For example:

head tig00000348_HiC_Contacts.txt

0       20000   |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*******    92.63   0.07    6.87    0.55
40000   60000   |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*******    92.7    0.07    5.6     0.44
60000   80000   ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    100.0   0.0     7.55    0
80000   100000  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    100.0   0.0     1.64    0
100000  120000  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||***********    88.82   0.11    4.97    0.63
120000  140000  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    100.0   0.0     13.91   0
140000  160000  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*    99.06   0.01    7.03    0.07
160000  180000  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**********************************************************************    29.78   0.7     1.49    3.51
180000  200000  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    100.0   0.0     1.34    0
200000  220000  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    100.0   0.0     13.0    0

Here, the contig is divided into 20,000 kb bins in line with the Hi-C contact map. For each bin, the Hi-C contacts to haplotypes 0 and 1 are summarized and visualized. Column 4 is % of Hi-C contacts to haplotype 0, column 5 is % of Hi-C contacts to haplotype 1, column 6 is normalized Hi-C contact frequency to haplotype 0 and column 7 is normalized Hi-C contact frequency to haplotype 1. This information can also be visualized with the provided R script PhaseSwaps.R.

In this example, the phase switch in contig tig00000348 at genomic coordinate ~2.75 is visible. Looking at the haplotig alignment coordinates, the phase switch breakpoint can be pin-pointed to genomic coordinate 2820716-2811038, where tig00000399 switches phase to haplotype 0 (81.53% of Hi-C contacts are to haplotype 0). To break the contig, you could use samtools faidx. It is recommended procedure to investigate all the gene bins for phase switches and correct those.

cat tig00000348_Haplotigs.txt
tig00000355     7686    47594   33.44   66.56
tig00000355     97768   170161  33.44   66.56
tig00000355     190087  518405  33.44   66.56
tig00000355     535249  802073  33.44   66.56
tig00000403     878206  1292871 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     1312712 1673905 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     1712013 1759902 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     1783891 1850210 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     1871941 2065795 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     2116860 2200863 37.65   62.35
tig00000403     2256411 2704252 37.65   62.35
tig00000405     2691390 2820716 0.0     100.0
tig00000399     2811038 2834211 81.53   18.47
tig00000406     2815726 2834211 0.0     0.0
tig00000399     2852283 3518628 81.53   18.47
tig00000956     3492943 3518628 0.0     0.0
tig00000957     3492943 3518628 0.0     0.0
tig00000399     3542287 4033740 81.53   18.47
tig00000964     4018978 4048337 0.0     0.0
tig00001450     4036980 4464822 96.23   3.77
tig00001076     4454145 5255388 81.5    18.5
tig00001076     5280040 5324405 81.5    18.5
tig00002747     5306911 5333720 0.0     0.0
tig00001316     5336761 5537559 86.22   13.78
tig00001316     5572453 5968562 86.22   13.78
tig00001316     6018731 6154952 86.22   13.78
tig00001323     6137105 6582141 95.55   4.45
tig00001337     6568058 6598726 0.0     0.0
tig00001348     6600243 6857179 80.08   19.92
tig00001348     6880708 6943015 80.08   19.92
tig00001348     6964312 7005418 80.08   19.92
tig00001348     7038671 7130148 80.08   19.92
tig00001348     7149873 7211901 80.08   19.92

Step3: Run NuclearPhaser again with an assembly where phase switches have been corrected

At this stage you have to re-generate the three input files (with biokanga blitz, BUSCO, HiC-Pro) and provide the clean, phase switch-corrected genome assembly FASTA file.

Then run NuclearPhaser again:

python -g Pt_Clean_Genome_PhaseSwitchesCorrected_GeneMapping.txt \
-b full_table_buscov3_clean_assembly_PhaseSwitchesCorrected.tsv -c HiC_MAPQ30.clean_assembly_PhaseSwitchesCorrected.20000.matrix.tsv \
-f ${genome_PhaseSwitchesCorrected} -o /path_to_output_dir/Genome_Phasing_Output_PhaseSwitchesCorrected/

This should now run to completion with two phased haplotypes and the remaining unplaced contigs as the final output.

Running the toy example

A toy example data set is provided to test NuclearPhaser. This toy example includes contigs with numerous phase switches.

First unzip the genome file and then run NuclearPhaser. Your output should be as follows:

cd ToyExample/

python ../ GeneHits_genome_example.txt full_table_buscov3_genome_example.tsv HiC_MAPQ30.genome_example.20000.matrix.tsv genome_example.fasta ./Phasing_Testing/

Run minimap2
[M::mm_idx_gen::1.170*1.01] collected minimizers
[M::mm_idx_gen::1.282*1.26] sorted minimizers
[M::main::1.282*1.26] loaded/built the index for 52 target sequence(s)
[M::mm_mapopt_update::1.322*1.25] mid_occ = 91
[M::mm_idx_stat] kmer size: 19; skip: 19; is_hpc: 0; #seq: 52
[M::mm_idx_stat::1.348*1.24] distinct minimizers: 2279828 (20.90% are singletons); average occurrences: 2.267; average spacing: 9.994
[M::worker_pipeline::5.031*2.82] mapped 52 sequences
[M::main] Version: 2.16-r922
[M::main] CMD: minimap2 -k19 -w19 -m200 -DP -r1000 -t4 -o Phasing_Testing/temp.paf genome_example.fasta genome_example.fasta
[M::main] Real time: 5.046 sec; CPU: 14.215 sec; Peak RSS: 0.868 GB
Minimap2 alignments are finished, now scan the paf file.
Done scanning the PAF alignment file.
Now find haplotigs
Mean alignment length is: 27507.875102040816
Find contig pairs that share genes.
Read in contact map
Hi-C contact matrix has resolution: 20000
Construct graph from contig pairs to find well-connected groups
Construct community
Use 5 gene bins.

Contigs in bins: 51 with a total length of 51.612912 MB
Still unphased: 1 contigs with a total length of 0.031332 MB

Construct graph to phase the gene bins with Hi-C data

Construct community to phase gene bins into the haplotypes
Haplotype_0 ['Bin_1a', 'Bin_2b', 'Bin_3a', 'Bin_4a', 'Bin_5a']
26.552015 MB
Haplotype_1 ['Bin_1b', 'Bin_2a', 'Bin_3b', 'Bin_4b', 'Bin_5b']
25.060897 MB
Recommended to do a DGenies dot-plot alignment of these two files at this stage to confirm that the gene binning & phasing went well:
Haplotype 0 length 26.552015 MB
Haplotype 1 length 25.060897 MB
Unphased contigs 0.031332 MB
------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_1 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000001']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000004', 'tig00000046', 'tig00000059', 'tig00000077', 'tig00000091', 'tig00000098', 'tig00000116', 'tig00000127', 'tig00001493']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [69.55]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [11.3, 56.93, 29.55, 48.31, 14.5, 42.39, 79.97, 9.69, 10.9]

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_2 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000287']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000599', 'tig00000600', 'tig00000602', 'tig00000605', 'tig00000612', 'tig00000620', 'tig00000625', 'tig00000636', 'tig00000637', 'tig00000650']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [29.58]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [71.69, 63.84, 91.83, 0.0, 52.75, 82.65, 87.23, 73.71, 65.25, 86.9]

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_3 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000606']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000641']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [52.6]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [46.17]

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_4 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000286']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000290', 'tig00000294', 'tig00000295', 'tig00000297', 'tig00000303', 'tig00000308', 'tig00000318', 'tig00000332', 'tig00000339', 'tig00000767', 'tig00000952', 'tig00001116', 'tig00001162', 'tig00031848']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [59.64]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [35.0, 6.96, 57.81, 31.03, 33.61, 0.0, 7.89, 64.52, 19.88, 22.22, 3.65, 13.53, 23.66, 0.0]

------- Hi-C contacts in this bin Bin_5 -------
Haplotype 0 contigs: ['tig00000699']
Haplotype 1 contigs: ['tig00000704', 'tig00000705', 'tig00000729', 'tig00000740', 'tig00000745', 'tig00000756', 'tig00000760', 'tig00000762', 'tig00001001', 'tig00001391', 'tig00001411', 'tig00001416']
Haplotype 0 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [78.9]
Haplotype 1 contigs - contact to haplotype 0: [0.0, 6.12, 35.35, 100.0, 0.0, 0.18, 0.0, 0.0, 23.57, 5.29, 7.85, 81.31]

At this stage it is advised to break phase switches in the gene bins
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000001 ( 9321276  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000046 ( 1698592  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000077 ( 2168510  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000286 ( 7468728  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000287 ( 3663278  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000606 ( 1910973  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000641 ( 1424325  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00000699 ( 4697996  bps)
Potential phase switch in this contig: tig00001162 ( 1419579  bps)
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 1 0.031332 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 0 0.0 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Contigs have been placed based on synteny, now assign contigs with Hi-C

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Now place the remaining contigs based on synteny
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 0 0.0 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 0 0.0 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Contigs have been placed based on synteny, now assign contigs with Hi-C

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 0 0.0 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
Unplaced contigs before synteny assignment: 0 0.0 MB

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 14
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 38
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 26552015 ( 26.552 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 25092229 ( 25.092 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)

Total number of contigs: 52
Number of contigs in haplotype 0: 28
Number of contigs in haplotype 1: 24
Number of unphased contigs: 0

Total length of haplotype 0 (bps): 38997750 ( 38.998 Mb)
Total length of haplotype 1 (bps): 12646494 ( 12.646 Mb)
Total length of unphased contigs (bps): 0 ( 0.0 Mb)
All done.


Phasing of dikaryotic fungal genome assemblies







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