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HaxeUI Ceramic backend

  • The cwd for resources and @:build xmls is 2 levels deep from project root. Add ../../ to your haxeui filepaths
  • Images can be loaded from your main scene asset object, the one you pass to toolkit.init or a file:// path
    • If you want to use from an asset object, pass the file name to the haxeui prop
    • <image resource="ceramic" /> at assets root (no file extension!)
    • <image resource="icons/ceramic" /> where icons is a sub directory in the assets folder

How to use

  1. Install ceramic
  2. Open an empty directory and run ceramic init --name myproject to create a blank project
  3. Open the project in vscode
  4. Run in the same project directory:
haxelib git haxeui-core
haxelib git haxeui-ceramic
  1. Add the following to your ceramic.yml
        - haxeui-core
        - haxeui-ceramic
  1. In your Project.hx ready() function initialise your haxeui things
//put the following code AFTER you call app.scenes.main = new MainScene()
Toolkit.init(); // some optional config can be passed to init
//Toolkit.theme = 'dark';
var haxeui_component = new MyComponent();

Extra Features

FPS Throttling

In your Toolkit.init() there's a new option called performance set this to FPS and whenever your app gets into an idle state, it will lower the FPS down to 15 and boost it back up when it is no longer idle

Cached Rendering

Out of the box this will only update the UI when a change has occured to prevent constantly redrawing the UI. If you want to completely turn this feature off add the no_filter_root define to your ceramic.yml. For the most part, I suspect this will be a feature moreso for applications than games, however with the below features it can be for both. There are 2 ways you can go about this.


Call this if you want a quick "pulse" render. The UI will be redrawn at the end of the update phase If you want to use the feature but want to add non UI components to your UI hierarchy then here's what you do:

  1. Add import haxe.ui.backend.Ceramic;
  2. Then in your custom visual/component, call Ceramic.forceRender()

so an example:

import haxe.ui.backend.Ceramic;

class Foo extends Visual {
	var updated:Bool = false;
	public function update() {
		if (!this.updated) {
		// Do stuff
		Ceramic.forceRender(); //<-- Call this to force a complete UI re-render

Ceramic.startForceDraw() and Ceramic.endForceDraw()

This one is used as a state toggle, call startForceDraw once to start re-rendering the UI, it will redraw every frame like normal and then call endForceDraw to stop it. An example usecase is for live interactable components.

import haxe.ui.backend.Ceramic;

class Foo extends Visual {
	var field:EditText;
	public function new() {
		field.onStart(this, function() {
			Ceramic.startForceDraw(); //when the textbox is active we want to update the cache frequently

		field.onEnd(this, function() {
			Ceramic.endForceDraw(); //when textbox has lost focus, we no longer need to be constantly redrawing the UI

Not working/Bugged:

  • canvas
  • number stepper (text alignment)

Working: basic

  • buttons
  • button bar
  • checkboxes
  • option boxes
  • progress bars
  • sliders
  • scrollbars
  • classic scroll bars
  • calendars
  • labels
  • drop down
  • dropdown
  • switches


  • tabs
  • frames
  • scroll views
  • table views
  • accordian
  • cards
  • menus
  • list view
  • tables
  • tree view


  • absolute
  • box
  • horizontal
  • vertial
  • grid
  • splitter
  • spliter


  • tooltips
  • drag
  • animations
  • clipping
  • images


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