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PSF comparisons
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Directly generate WebbPSF PSF, primarily for comparing with coefficient solution
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JarronL committed Apr 9, 2020
1 parent 1742c40 commit 6c7f9f7
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Showing 2 changed files with 211 additions and 31 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pynrc/maths/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ def Tel2Sci_info(channel, coords, output="Sci"):
"""Telescope coords converted to Science coords
Returns the detector name and position associated with input coordinates.
This is alway relative to a full frame detector aperture. The detector
that is chosen is the one whose center is closest to the input coords.
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240 changes: 209 additions & 31 deletions pynrc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -800,14 +800,25 @@ def detector(self, value):
self._detector = value.upper()

# Detector aperture name
# Need to account for coronagraphic masks
image_mask = self._image_mask
if (image_mask is not None) and (image_mask in self._image_mask_apertures):
apname = self._image_mask_apertures[image_mask]
# Need to send correct aperture name for coronagraphic masks due to detector shift
if (self._image_mask is not None) and (self._image_mask in self._image_mask_apertures):
apname = self._image_mask_apertures[self._image_mask]
apname = self._detectors[self._detector]
self._detector_geom_info = DetectorGeometry_mod(, apname)

def _get_fits_header(self, hdulist, options):
""" Format NIRCam-like FITS headers, based on JWST DMS SRD 1 FITS keyword info """
super(NIRCam, self)._get_fits_header(hdulist, options)

hdulist[0].header['MODULE'] = (self.module, 'NIRCam module: A or B')
hdulist[0].header['CHANNEL'] = ('Short' if == 'short' else 'Long', 'NIRCam channel: long or short')
# filter, pupil added by calc_psf header code
hdulist[0].header['PILIN'] = ('False', 'Pupil imaging lens in optical path: T/F')
# Update APERNAME if coronagraphy
if (self._image_mask is not None) and (self._image_mask in self._image_mask_apertures):
result[0].header["APERNAME"] = (self._image_mask_apertures[self._image_mask], "SIAF aperture name")

class DetectorGeometry_mod(DetectorGeometry):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1401,19 +1412,20 @@ def psf_coeff(filter_or_bp, pupil=None, mask=None, module='A',
im_scale = frebin(im, scale=scale)
images[i] = pad_or_cut_to_size(im_scale, im.shape)

# LW coronagraphy has slight PSF dispersion
if coron_obs and ('LW' in chan_str):
w0 = 3.23 # Relative to TA filter wavelength
pix_size = 18.0 # Pixels are 18 microns in size
# # LW coronagraphy has slight PSF dispersion
# # Added to WebbPSF coronagraphic WFE
# if coron_obs and ('LW' in chan_str):
# w0 = 3.23 # Relative to TA filter wavelength
# pix_size = 18.0 # Pixels are 18 microns in size

dy0 = (-4.855 * w0**3) + (69.754 * w0**2) - (312.370 * w0)
# Shift in microns of each wavelength
dy_all = (-4.855 * waves**3) + (69.754 * waves**2) - (312.370 * waves) - dy0
# dy0 = (-4.855 * w0**3) + (69.754 * w0**2) - (312.370 * w0)
# # Shift in microns of each wavelength
# dy_all = (-4.855 * waves**3) + (69.754 * waves**2) - (312.370 * waves) - dy0

dely_pix_os = oversample * (dy_all / pix_size)
# dely_pix_os = oversample * (dy_all / pix_size)

for i,im in enumerate(images):
images[i] = fshift(im, dely=dely_pix_os[i], pad=True)
# for i,im in enumerate(images):
# images[i] = fshift(im, dely=dely_pix_os[i], pad=True)

# Turn results into an numpy array (npsf,ny,nx)
images = np.array(images)
Expand All @@ -1433,14 +1445,6 @@ def psf_coeff(filter_or_bp, pupil=None, mask=None, module='A',
hdr = hdu.header
head_temp = hdu_arr[0].header

# setup_logging('WARN', verbose=False)
# hdu_temp = inst.calc_psf(outfile=None, save_intermediates=False, \
# oversample=oversample, fov_pixels=fov_pix, \
# monochromatic=bp.avgwave()*1e-10, \
# add_distortion=False, crop_psf=False)
# setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False)
# head_temp = hdu_temp[0].header

hdr['DESCR'] = ('PSF Coeffecients', 'File Description')
hdr['NWAVES'] = (npsf, 'Number of wavelengths used in calculation')
hdr['PUPILOPD'] = (opd_name, 'Pupil wavefront OPD source')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1512,6 +1516,180 @@ def psf_coeff(filter_or_bp, pupil=None, mask=None, module='A',

return coeff_all

def gen_webbpsf_psf(filter_or_bp, pupil=None, mask=None, module='A', pynrc_mod=False,
fov_pix=11, oversample=None, tel_pupil=None, opd=None,
offset_r=None, offset_theta=None, jitter=None, jitter_sigma=0.007,
include_si_wfe=True, detector=None, detector_position=None,
add_distortion=False, crop_psf=True, **kwargs):

"""Create WebbPSF PSF
Kind of clunky way of generating a single PSF directly from WebbPSF
by passing all the different options through keyword arguments.

import webbpsf, pysiaf, six
from import fits

if detector is not None:
module = 'A' if 'A' in detector else 'B'

# Get filter throughput and create bandpass
if isinstance(filter_or_bp, six.string_types):
filter = filter_or_bp
bp = read_filter(filter, pupil=pupil, mask=mask, module=module, **kwargs)
bp = filter_or_bp
filter =

chan_str = 'SW' if bp.avgwave() < 24000 else 'LW'

# Change log levels to WARNING for pyNRC, WebbPSF, and POPPY
log_prev = conf.logging_level
setup_logging('WARN', verbose=False)

inst = webbpsf_NIRCam_mod() if pynrc_mod else webbpsf.NIRCam()

# Instrument filter and pupil
inst.filter = filter
# Check if mask and pupil names exist in WebbPSF lists.
# We don't want to pass values that WebbPSF does not recognize
# but are otherwise completely valid in the pynrc framework.
if mask in list(inst.image_mask_list): inst.image_mask = mask
if pupil in list(inst.pupil_mask_list): inst.pupil_mask = pupil

# Should we include field-dependent aberrations?
inst.include_si_wfe = include_si_wfe

# Detector position
# define defaults
det_switch = {'SWA': 'A1', 'SWB':'B1', 'LWA':'A5', 'LWB':'B5'}
detpos_switch = {'SW':(1024,1024), 'LW':(1024,1024)}
if (detector is None) and (detector_position is None):
inst.detector = 'NRC' + det_switch.get(chan_str+module)
inst.detector_position = detpos_switch.get(chan_str)
elif detector is None:
inst.detector = 'NRC' + det_switch.get(chan_str+module)
inst.detector_position = detector_position
elif detector_position is None:
inst.detector_position = detpos_switch.get(chan_str)
inst.detector = detector
inst.detector = detector
inst.detector_position = detector_position

# Telescope Pupil
if tel_pupil is not None:
inst.pupil = tel_pupil

mtemp = 'NONE' if mask is None else mask
ptemp = 'CLEAR' if pupil is None else pupil
# Get source offset positions
# 1. Round masks - Always assume theta=0 due to symmetry.
# 2. Bar Masks - PSF positioning is different depending on r and theta.
# 3. All other imaging - Just perform nominal r=theta=0.
# Any PSF movement is more quickly applied with sub-pixel shifting routines.
# NB: Implementation of field-dependent OPD maps may change these settings.
if offset_r is None: offset_r = 0
if offset_theta is None: offset_theta = 0
rtemp, ttemp = (offset_r, offset_theta)
inst.options['source_offset_r'] = rtemp
inst.options['source_offset_theta'] = ttemp

# Bar offsets (auto_offset not supported)
# If observing with bar mask, default to 0 offset
if 'B' in mtemp:
bar_offset = 0 if bar_offset is None else bar_offset
# Set to None if not observing with bar mask
bar_offset = None
bar_str = '' if bar_offset is None else '_bar{:.1f}'.format(bar_offset)
inst.options['bar_offset'] = bar_offset

jitter_sigma = 0 if jitter is None else jitter_sigma
inst.options['jitter'] = jitter
inst.options['jitter_sigma'] = jitter_sigma

setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False)

if opd is None: # Default OPD
opd = opd_default
elif isinstance(opd, six.string_types):
opd = (opd, 0)

# Deal with OPD file name
if isinstance(opd, tuple):
if not len(opd)==2:
raise ValueError("opd passed as tuple must have length of 2.")
# Filename info
opd_name = opd[0] # OPD file name
opd_num = opd[1] # OPD slice
rev = [s for s in opd_name.split('_') if "Rev" in s]
rev = '' if len(rev)==0 else rev[0]
otemp = '{}slice{:.0f}'.format(rev,opd_num)
opd = OPDFile_to_HDUList(opd_name, opd_num)
elif isinstance(opd, fits.HDUList):
# A custom OPD is passed. Consider using force=True.
otemp = 'OPDcustom'
opd_name = 'OPD from supplied FITS HDUlist object'
opd_num = 0
raise ValueError("OPD must be a string, tuple, or HDUList.")
inst.pupilopd = opd


setup_logging('WARN', verbose=False)
t0 = time.time()
hdu_list = inst.calc_psf(fov_pixels=fov_pix, oversample=oversample,
add_distortion=add_distortion, crop_psf=crop_psf)
t1 = time.time()
setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False)
time_string = 'Took {:.2f} seconds to generate WebbPSF images'.format(t1-t0)

return hdu_list

def gen_webbpsf_siwfe(filter_or_bp, coords, pynrc_mod=True, **kwargs):
""" Generate Location-specific PSF from WebbPSF
filter_or_bp : str, :mod:`pysynphot.obsbandpass`
Either the name of a filter or a Pysynphot bandpass.
coords : tuple
(V2,V3) coordinates in (arcmin)
Keyword Args
pynrc_mod : bool
Use `webbpsf_NIRCam_mod` instead of `webbpsf.NIRCam`.
This is a slightly modified version of NIRCam to fix
minor coordinate issues.

# Get filter throughput and create bandpass
if isinstance(filter_or_bp, six.string_types):
filter = filter_or_bp
bp = read_filter(filter, **kwargs)
bp = filter_or_bp
filter =

chan_str = 'SW' if bp.avgwave() < 24000 else 'LW'

detector, detector_position = Tel2Sci_info(chan_str, coords, output='sci')
print(detector, detector_position)

module = 'A' if 'A' in detector else 'B'

return gen_webbpsf_psf(filter, module=module, pynrc_mod=pynrc_mod, include_si_wfe=True,
detector=detector, detector_position=detector_position,
add_distortion=False, crop_psf=True, **kwargs)

def wfed_coeff(filter, force=False, save=True, save_name=None, **kwargs):
"""PSF Coefficient Mod for WFE Drift
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1955,15 +2133,15 @@ def gen_image_coeff(filter_or_bp, pupil=None, mask=None, module='A',
# For generating the PSF, let's save some time and memory by not using
# ever single wavelength in the bandpass.
# Do NOT do this for dispersed modes.
binsize = 1
if coeff.shape[-1]>2000:
binsize = 7
elif coeff.shape[-1]>1000:
binsize = 5
elif coeff.shape[-1]>700:
binsize = 3

if (not is_grism) and (not is_dhs):
if not (is_grism or is_dhs):
binsize = 1
if coeff.shape[-1]>2000:
binsize = 7
elif coeff.shape[-1]>1000:
binsize = 5
elif coeff.shape[-1]>700:
binsize = 3

if binsize>1:
excess = waveset.size % binsize
waveset = waveset[:waveset.size-excess]
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