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Support Me

Jaseunda edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Hello there! Thank you so much for considering to support my projects. As an individual developer, your contribution will help me to improve the quality of my projects, add new features, and provide a better user experience to the community.

If you'd like to make a donation, I offer various options to fit your preferences:

  1. Ko-fi: You can support me by buying me a "coffee" on my Ko-fi page.

  2. PayPal: You can donate via PayPal using this link.

  3. Buy me coffee: You can support me by purchasing a coffee on Buy Me a Coffee.

  4. Ronin address: You can also donate via Ronin address at ronin:fb69c8d99018cc5fd2960278855a1c436d1feeb5.

Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant impact and help me to continue developing and maintaining my projects. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

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