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Archie Jaskowicz edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the DPP-UE wiki!

Here, you'll find information on how to use DPP-UE in Blueprints and C++ (soon).

What is DPP-UE?

DPP-UE is DPP (A Discord Bot library made in C++) in Unreal Engine! It's made to integrate all the features from DPP into Unreal, allowing you to use bots in dedicated servers, games, anything inside Unreal! It also means you can use webhooks too!

DPP-UE is available in Blueprints and C++! This means, if you'd like to write everything yourself, you can freely interact with DPP without using any of the methods located in ClusterObject

What is D++ (DPP)?

D++ is the Discord Bot library that DPP-UE uses (hence the name). It's a great library that is extremely efficient and is worked on by an amazing team of contributors (Including me!). You can view the GitHub Repository here for more information on D++.

Will DPP-UE be up-to-date with D++?

Right now, DPP-UE only updates when I update it. This means, if I don't update DPP-UE to the latest version of D++, DPP-UE will be out-dated. Ideally, DPP-UE will slowly begin to be automated, with functions and binaries being added on a per-update basis (when D++ does an actual release). The reason DPP-UE waits for releases is because D++ comes with pre-built binaries for these versions. Whilst we could use the nightly versions, it could be very unreliable, but it is something that I am definitely considering.

Can I use D++ on its own?

Yes! If you want to use D++ without any of the additional stuff that DPP-UE brings, you can! You will be limited to C++ only though (unless ofc you expose some methods to Blueprints yourself) if you do this. DPP-UE exposes all of D++ to Blueprints, allowing you to do anything you please, to do with D++, in Blueprints. You can even use the ClusterObject in C++ if you feel that would make things easier for you (and I highly encourage you to do).

Supported Operating Systems


Windows is one of the main target platform for this, as Unreal Engine is very much built for Windows. Most, if not all, game developers using Unreal Engine are in Windows (including myself).


The other target platform is Linux. With D++ being heavily used on Linux/Unix, it only makes sense to also support DPP-UE on Linux, allowing Linux Dedicated Servers.