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#My knowledgebase

  • study note
    • Computer Science
      • Computer basis knowledge [/Dev]
      • Hardware [/Hardware]
      • Algorithm,DataStructure [/AlgorithmDS]
      • Software Design and architeture [/Design]
      • Database [/Database]
      • Front end [/FrontEnd]
        • javascript
        • css
        • react
        • package manager
      • Language [/Language]
        • java [/Java]
          • grammer
          • common lib
          • JVM
          • spring
          • struts2
          • database
            • hibernate
            • mybatis
          • lucene
          • hadoop
          • hbase
        • python [/Python]
        • ruby [/Ruby]
        • php [/PHP]
        • golang [/Language/]
        • Regrex [/Language/]
        • Latex [/Language/]
      • OS
        • linux [/Linux]
        • win
      • Security [/Security]
      • Web [/Web]
    • Art [/Art]
    • Military [/Military]
    • Medical [/Medical]
    • Life [/Life]
  • some useful script
    • Linux,OSX [/Script/*]
      • bash setting [/Script/bashrc/*]
    • win [/Script/]
  • common setting of some server [/Tools/]
  • common tools setting and usage [/Tools/*]