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My personal portfolio website built using Gatsby and hosted with Netify.

Click here to view:

Built With

Installation Instructions

  1. The following is instructions on how to get started with your own personal website using Gatsby.
  2. Install the Gatsby CLI using your favorite terminal.
    npm install -g gatsby-cli
  3. Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site.
    # create a new Gatsby site using the hello-world starter
    gatsby new my-hello-world-starter
  4. Navigate into your new site’s directory and start developing.
    cd my-hello-world-starter/
    gatsby develop

Future Development Plans

  • Add toggleable light/dark mode
  • Make use of React's Form to create contact page
  • Add AI Chatbot
  • Add more projects/blog posts as I complete them
  • Continue to make edits to source code, so that code can be more optimal

Warning (09/2023)

Anyone looking to use this code, please be advised that there is currently a continuous integration issue.