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Teaching plan

Week 1: Basics, Console projects

Lesson 1 Intro


1. Introduce myself, my experience etc.
2. Explain the structure of the course. The aim of this course. Emphasis on teamwork.
3. Accelerated start to get you to able to work in a team.
4. Working in a scrum. Jira.
5. Install Visual Studio 2022, get familiar with the development environment, Project Types.
6. C# Basics -> Strings, Console Input, Output, Numbers, Parsing, Basic branching.

Lesson 2 Basic c# programming


1. Get familiar with.
2. Get familiar with basic programming concepts in .NET: Methods, Parameters, output, arrays, lists, loops statements, operators and etc.


Main: Console Shop Project.

Lesson 3 OOP


1. Introducing Object Oriented programming into C#: Classes, Objects, properties, constructors, functions.
2. Emphasis on encapsulation and abstraction, splitting functionality into different classes (services).
3. Continue learning C# programming, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction and etc.


Main: Console Shop Project.

Lesson 4 Lists, Objects, LINQ, JSON, Writing files


  1. Arrays/Lists manipulation.
  2. Creating, Adding, Removing Lists of Objects.
  3. LINQ -> Filtering (Where), Select, ForEach.
  4. JSON Notation
  5. Writing Reading from Files.


Main: Console Shop Project continued -> Save State to json file, write load from it. 

Lesson 5 GIT


1. Github
2. Git 
3. Github Desktop Client
5. Staging, Commit, Push, Remote, Branching, Pull-requests, Conflicts.
6. .gitignore
7. Git Flow.

Week 2: Databases, API

Lesson 1 POSTGRE


1. Relational Databases -> Postgre
2. Installing Postgre.
3. Installing pgAdmin
4. SQL for tables, columns, data.
5. Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Indexes
6. Relationships One to One, One to Many, Many to Many.


Create a database schema for a shop. Populate it with data.

Lesson 2 C# with Postgre


  1. Nugets.
  2. SQLConnection
  3. The trouble mapping sql to c# objects.
  4. Dapper.
  5. Repository.


Main: Shop should use database instead of Json

Lesson 3 API


1. Introduce WebAPI, MVC.
2. Explain REST API software architecture.
3. Sending parameters (FromBody vs FromUrl).
4. Test it via HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpDelete using Swagger.
5. Swagger
6. CRUD.


Main: CRUD api for Product warehouse.


What is an API? -

Lesson 4 API architecture


1. Controllers
2. Services
3. Repositories
4. Static Helper classes.
5. Extension methods
6. Dtos
7. Entities
8. DbDeploy/dbup


Main: Apply best practices for Product warehouse.

Day 5

1. UML
2. How to work in teams
3. Dividing into tasks.
4. Agile programming 
5. Pull-requests and Conflicts reminder

Week 3 for Hosting/Adform specifics

Day 1 CI/CD

1. CI/CD
2. Github Actions
3. Yml files/templates

Day 2 Docker Kubernetes intro

1. Virtual machines
2. Docker.
3. Kubernetes

Day 3 Hosting (Adform)

1. Scrum by Adform
2. Hosting and other details of Adform

Day 4 Logging and Monitoring in SCRUM (Adform)

1. Need for logging and monitoring
2. Grafana
3. Kibana

Day 5 Vault and other missed details (Adform)

1. Vault
2. Other detais

Week 4 The Good Practices

Day 1 Asynchronous programming and HttpClient

1. Async/Await
2. Task.Await
3. System Integration
4. HttpClient
6. Parsing response.
7. Sending Body

Day 2 Automapper, Generics

1. Dont expose Entities
2. Dtos
3. AutoMapper
4. Inheritance
5. Generics

Day 3 Validation and configurations

1. Attributes
2. ModelState
3. FluentValidation
4. Services vs StaticHelpers vs Extensions
5. Appsettings/Configurations.

Day 4 Exceptions StatusCodes

1. Exception handling
2. Custom Exceptions
3. Status Codes.

Day 5 REST API delicacies

1. REST API documentation
2. Swagger documentation attributes.
3. Semantic versioning, contract changes.
4. Is Api Restful?

Week 4 Automated Tests

Lesson 1 Xunit


1. Nunit
1. InlineData
2. Task.Assert vs FluentAssertions
3. Archictecture for tests.

Lesson 2 Mocks

1. Dependency Inversion Principles.
2. Interfaces
3. Mocks
4. Moq
5. Code Coverage

Lesson 3 Integration Tests

1. Integration Tests
2. WebApplicationFactory
3. CustomWebApplicationFactory
4. InMemoryDatabase vs RealDatabase
5. Real Database issues.
6. Db with Docker

Lesson 4 WireMock, Autofixture

1. External Apis,
2. Adapter Pattern
3. WireMock.
4. Autofixture.

Lesson 5 Bdd Specflow

1. Bdd
2. Specflow
3. TDD

Week 5 Devops

Lesson 1 CI/CD

1. CI/CD
2. Github Actions
3. Yml files.
4. Build, run tests in pipelines
5. SonarQube.

Lesson 2 Docker

1. Virtual machines
2. Install Docker
3. Docker run Postgre
4. Docker Images/Containers

Lesson 3 Docker-compose

1. Building images.
2. Pushing registry
3. Creating Container
4. Docker-compose

Lesson 4 Kubernetes

1. Kubernetes


1. Revision

Week 6 Microservices

Lesson 1 Microservices

1. Monolith
2. Microservices

Lesson 2 RabbitMq

1. Event Driven programming
2. API calls vs messages
3. Messaging technologies.
4. RabbiqMq
5. RabbitMq with Docker.

Lesson 3 RabbitMq continued

1. Publishing Event
2. Subscribing Events
3. Retries.

Lesson 4 Api Gateway and Logging

1. Ocelot
2. Importance of Logging in Microservices

Lesson 5 Background running tasks

1. BackgroundService
2. Hangfire

Week 6 Databases DeepDive

Lesson 1 SQL Recap

1. Recap of SQL.
2. Joins
4. Procedures
5. Triggers
6. Functions

lesson 2 SQL Migrations

1. DbSchema as Code with Liquibase or Flyway.
2. Integration tests with real DB in Docker.

lesson 3 ORM and EFCore

1. ORM
2. EFCore Code first.
3. EfCore Migrations
4. EF weaknesses.

lesson 4 Document Databases

1. Document vs Relation
2. MongoDb 
3. MongoDb on Docker
4. MongoDB C#/.NET Driver

Lesson 5 Performace, Scaling

1. Query performance issues
2. Query optimization.
3. Vertical vs Horizontal scaling.
4. Partitioning/Sharding

Week 7 Authentication And useful nugets

Lesson 1

1. Authentication vs Authorization
2. Register
3. Login
4. Hashing Passwords
5. Session Token
6. JWT

Lesson 2 Authentication with HttpClient

1. Securing API
2. Credentials
3. x-api-key
4. Bearer token

Lesson 3 OAUTH2

1. OAuth 2.0
2. Identity Server 4

Lesson 4 REFIT Client


Lesson 5 Productivity extensions

1. Visual Studio Extensions
2. Add new file
3. Power tools
4. Useful shortcuts, snippets.

Week 8 Design patterns

Day 1 Solid

1. Solid

Day 2 Design Patterns

1. Strategy pattern
2. Factory
3. Adapter
4. Singleton

Day 3 Mediator

1. MediaTr 

Day 4 Domain Driven Design

1. DDD (Domain Driven Design)
2. Clean Architecture.

Day 5 Func Action Predicates

1. Functions Action Predicates
2. Working with Enums

Week 9 .NET framework and other Microsoft technologies

Day 1 .NET framework

1. NET core vs .NEt Framework
2. What does it mean to work on legacy code.
3. .NET framework project structure.

Day 2 .NET Framework WCF/Soap

1. Missing dependency injection
2. Razor Pages application ( mvc)
3. cshtml


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