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With this tutorials we will start exploring the possibilities to join vaadin and the fnproject into one app..

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FnProject - How we could start with it?

installation of the FnProject

The installation is short and easy. Assuming that Docker is already installed and running we need only the FnProject Utils for convenience.

curl -LSs | sh

This should run on any Linux/Unix based Operating System.

After the binaries are downloaded from the Internet, and the path is set the local version of the FnProject environment could be started with the command line command fn start

Now it is time for the first Java code.

first Java Function

To start with a java project the project boilerplate generator should be used. Switch into the folder that is planned to be the root of your function-code. On command line execute the following command.

fn init --runtime=java --name your_dockerhub_account/hello

This will create the boilerplate code that can be used as a starting point. The generation process will create a Hello-World Function and a corresponding jUnit test, based on jUnit4.

The Function itself

The Hello World Function is a plain old Java-Method. Nothing special, no inheritance, no added framework.

package org.rapidpm.fnproject.helloworld;

public class HelloFunction {

    public String handleRequest(String input) {
        String name = (input == null || input.isEmpty()) ? "world"  : input;
        return "Hello, " + name + "!";


Here we are writing all the meta - information's down, for the runtime environment. The only thing that needs a short explanation is the cmd part. The value is the method reference to the initial method that will be executed. As you can see, it is the full qualified classname with the methodname. That's it... Only one more thing.. The default is a JDK9.

name: vaadin-fnproject-001
version: 0.0.2
runtime: java
cmd: org.rapidpm.fnproject.helloworld.HelloFunction::handleRequest
build_image: fnproject/fn-java-fdk-build:jdk9-1.0.59
run_image: fnproject/fn-java-fdk:jdk9-1.0.59
format: http

With every deployment, the version number will be increased automatically from the system.

first run

Now we have all things together to run the function on a locale Docker instance. First of all you should set the environment variable FN_REGISTRY to your docker-hub username you want to use for this. export FN_REGISTRY=fndemouser

To run the function, the command line script fn could be used. To build the image, use fn build. First invocation will need some time, because the runtime images are downloaded from the network.

A following fn run will start and invoke the function once. This function can handle a missing input, to provide some input data the pipe can be used. echo -n "Ohhh no" | fn run

deploy and run

Time to deploy the function, so that it could be consumed regularly. The target will be started locally with the command fn start. The command will download the server image and start it.

Target for now, is the local Docker Host. this will lead to an additionally command param. --local The command itself contains three parts.

  • deploy
  • --local , to use the local Docker Host
  • --app , to define a logical application name

Here the example will be deployed local and under the name vaadin-fnproject-001
fn deploy --local --app vaadin-fnproject-001

After the deployment, the version number will be automatically increased, even if the deployment fails.

test via command line

A deployed function can be tested with a http request. The command curl will be your friend. The URL to request is build by the static part http://localhost:8080/r/ , if you are running on a local Docker Host, and the app-name plus function-name In this case the URL will be curl http://localhost:8080/r/vaadin-fnproject-001/vaadin-fnproject-001

What will be clear after this first step, the naming scheme is imported, right from the beginning.

Happy Coding.

if you have any questions: ping me on Twitter or via mail.


With this tutorials we will start exploring the possibilities to join vaadin and the fnproject into one app..







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