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Project3 - Multi-Agent Collaboration & Competition (Udacity DRLND)

This is a project that trains two agents that can play tennis. (details)


  1. Download the environment from one of the links below. You need only select the environment that matches your operating system:

    (For Windows users) Check out this link if you need help with determining if your computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.

    (For AWS) If you'd like to train the agent on AWS (and have not enabled a virtual screen), then please use this link to obtain the "headless" version of the environment. You will not be able to watch the agent without enabling a virtual screen, but you will be able to train the agent. (To watch the agent, you should follow the instructions to enable a virtual screen, and then download the environment for the Linux operating system above.)

  2. Place the file in the DRLND GitHub repository, in the p3_collab-compet/ folder, and unzip (or decompress) the file.

  3. Packages

    • torch==1.4.0
    • unityagents==0.4.0
    • numpy==1.18.1

Getting Started


1. Folder Tree

Report.ipynb - Describing the algorithm of Multi-Agent DDPG(MADDPG) for solving the "Tennis" task.

main.ipynb - Containing the training code of the MADDPG algorithm and showing the return of each episode along the training step. - Containing the network architechture

MADDPG.ckpt - The trained model weights.

MADDPG_max_scores.csv - results.

2. Approach

Due to the fact that it is often unstable to train multiple agent in a environment. I implement the MADDPG algorithm that partly solve this problem. MADDPG is extended from the DDPG algorithm, and constructed by Actor-Critic architecture. The diffrence between them is use the so called "decentralized actor" with the "centralized critic", which better fit the multi agent problem, see figure below.


Next, I will discussed my implementation of this algorithm.

2.1 Actor-Critic

First, I create two decentralized actor and a centralized critic along with their target networks for two agent. The code can be found in "Agent" class of

        self.actor_local_0 = Actor(state_size, action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.actor_target_0 = Actor(state_size, action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.actor_optimizer_0 = optim.Adam(self.actor_local_0.parameters(), lr=lr)

        self.actor_local_1 = Actor(state_size, action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.actor_target_1 = Actor(state_size, action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.actor_optimizer_1 = optim.Adam(self.actor_local_1.parameters(), lr=lr)

        self.critic_local = Critic(2 * state_size, 2 * action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.critic_target = Critic(2 * state_size, 2 * action_size, embed_dim, seed).to(
        self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=lr)

2.2 Time-Correlated Replay Buffer

In the last two project, we often save one step experience like (S, A, R, S') to the replay buffer, and then randomly sample a batch from the replay buffer to train the agent. This implementation may suit for one-step TD update algorithm. However, whatif we want to implement n-step TD($\gamma$) algorithm to better trade off the bias and variance of the estamation of the Q value. So in my case, I implement a time-correlated replay buffer, which imply that the agent save a continuous episode at a time in the replay buffer, and then sample the whole experiences at the training time to train the model. Note, in my implementation, I find it is good enough to train the model using one-step TD learning, so n-step TD learning can be the future work, which may perform better.

2.3 Hyperparameters

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

I addressed the exploration and exploitation dilemma using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, which add a certain noise to the action at each timestep. The characteristic of the OU process is that its noise is dependent on the previous timestep, which is infected by three parameters:

  1. $\mu$: the long-running mean. Default: 0

  2. $\theta$: the speed of mean reversion. Default: 0.15

  3. $\sigma$: the volatility parameter. Default: 0.2

Furthermore, we linearly decay the noise for more exploitation and less exploration throungh the training process.

EPS_START = 5.0   # initial value for epsilon in noise decay process in Agent.act()
EPS_EP_END = 500  # episode to end the noise decay process
EPS_FINAL = 0     # final value for epsilon after decay

Other Hyperparameters

BATCH_SIZE = 16         # Batch size of training samples.
EMBED_DIM = 256         # Embed size of the agent.
NUM_EPISODES = 2500     # Maximum training episodes.
LOG_INTERVAL = 128      # The interval to print the average scores
LEARN_NUM = 16          # Learning times at each episode.
BUFFER_SIZE = int(1e6)  # The buffer size of the replay buffer.

Experimental Results


From the figure, we can see that our agent accomplished an average score of 1.60. And it first hit an average score of +0.5 at around 2000 episodes. To this end, we solve this task!


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