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Spark job to fetch real time data and save it to Databases (Cassandra)

The project uses a distributed REST API call framework based on scala to allow handling multiple news topics. See for more details about the framework.

The project uses Cassandra for metadata source and news data storage.

(Install SBT and then) To generate the Spark jar file, run -

sbt package 

The project requires external Spark-cassandra connector jar. This jar is passed as a command-line argument to spark-submit. Git clone this project in spark installation location and run the following command:

sudo bin/spark-submit \
--jars location_to_cassandra_jar/spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar \
--class com.uptick.newfetch.newsfetch \
--deploy-mode ENTER_DEPLOY_MODE \
--conf \

Ensure that the dependencies versions are correct. The project currently uses Scala 2.11 with Spark 2.3

Once the news link is fetched from, the project uses various methods to extract the main article content from html pages.

The project uses Cassandra keyspace called 'keyspace'. The news topics are loaded from table 'apiParameters'. The table 'apiParameters' contains columns corresponding API paramteres.

The output of the application is stored in table 'output'