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Typed NumArray

Fast and efficient numeric array operations in JavaScript.


npm install typed-numarray
# or
yarn add typed-numarray
# or
pnpm install typed-numarray
# or
bun install typed-numarray


const NumArray = require("typed-numarray");


import NumArray from "typed-numarray";


import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Create 32 byte integer array of length 10
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);


  • Use sort() to get over 5x perrformance while sorting array in ascending order.
  • Use reduceMemory() to clean up some space to optimize memory.

NumArray() accepts two parameters.

  1. type {string}
  2. length {number}
// It supports following types:
// Signed integers
1. int8
2. int16
3. int32

// Unsigned integers
1. uint8
2. uint16
3. uint32

// Floats
1. float32
2. float64

// BigInt
1. int64
2. uint64


// Signed integers
const int8 = NumArray("int8", 10); // Int8Array
const int16 = NumArray("int16", 10); // Int16Array
const int32 = NumArray("int32", 10); // Int32Array

// Unsigned integers
const uint8 = NumArray("uint8", 10); // Uint8Array
const uint16 = NumArray("uint16", 10); // Uint16Array
const uint32 = NumArray("uint32", 10); // Uint32Array

// Floats
const float32 = NumArray("float32", 10); // Float32Array
const float64 = NumArray("float64", 10); // Float64Array

// BigInt
const int64 = NumArray("int64", 10); // BigInt64Array
const uint64 = NumArray("uint64", 10); // BigUint64Array


Access Array

import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 3);

// array() gives current typed array
arr.array(); // Uint32Array [0, 0, 0]

// toArray() gives new normal array
arr.toArray(); // [0, 0, 0]

// clone() gives new typed array
arr.clone(); // Uint32Array [0, 0, 0]

// slice(start, end) gives new slice array containing elements from start to end-1
arr.slice(1, 3); // Uint32Array [0, 0]

Access Elements

import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);

// Set 42 at index 5
arr.set(5, 42);

// Get Element at index 5; // 42

Basic Methods

import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);

// Insert 5 at end of array
arr.push(5); // 5

// Pop last element
arr.pop(); // 5

// Insert 8 at beginning of array
arr.unshift(8); // 8

// Remove element from beginning of array
arr.shift(); // 8


import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);

// Sort in ascending order

// Sort with comparison function
arr.sort((a, b) => b - a);
// or
arr.sort(() => (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1));

Reduce memory of current array

import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);

// Reduce memory

Other Methods (Standard Methods)

import NumArray from "typed-numarray";

// Initilise Array
const arr = NumArray("int32", 10);

// Reverse the array

// Fill 5 at index 3 to 8 (Index 8 not included)
arr.fill(5, 3, 8);

// Find index of 5 (Start scanning from index 2)
arr.indexOf(5, 2);

// Find index of 5 (Start scanning backwards from index 8)
arr.lastIndexOf(5, 8);

// Determines whether the array includes 5
arr.includes(5, 0);

// Returns the index of the first element that satisfies the provided testing function
arr.findIndex((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Returns the last element that satisfies the provided testing function
arr.findLast((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Returns the index of the last element that satisfies the provided testing function
arr.findLastIndex((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Tests whether all elements in the array pass the provided function
arr.every((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Tests whether some elements in the array pass the provided function
arr.some((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Returns same array containing elements that satisfy the provided testing function
arr.filter((x) => x % 2 === 1);

// Returns same array aafter calling the provided function on every element in this array => x + 5);

// Executes a provided function once for each array element
arr.forEach((x) => 2 * x);

// Executes a provided function once for each array element
arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

// Applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (right-to-left)
arr.reduceRight((a, b) => a + b, 0);

// Joins all elements of the array into a string


Dynamic Typed Array






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