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A full-stack restaurant app that allow locals to make reviews on their experience!

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About the project

Have you ever had trouble finding good restaurants around you? Well BAHA-GO solves your issues. Join a trustworthy community that post restaurant reviews about their experience. No more second guessing where to eat. Know what places to avoid and what places are a must try!

Built with

  • Express.js
  • Node
  • EJS
  • Mongoose
  • Passport
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Cloudinary

##Getting Started


In order to clone a local copy of this repository, please follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the folder you would like to store the project
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone
  3. Switch into the directory that was just created
    cd baha-go
  4. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  5. Navigate to the config folder
  6. Create a .env file there called .env
  7. Enter your MongoURI string in .env with the key DB_STRING
    DB_STRING="<Replace everything in quotes with MongoDB Connection String>"
  8. Create a session secret for express sessions called SESSION_SECRET
    SESSION_SECRET="<any string value>"
  9. Connect to your cloudinary db with the following 3 environment variables CLOUD_NAME, API_KEY, API_SECRET
    CLOUD_NAME="<cloud name here>"
    API_KEY="<api key here>"
    API_SECRET="<api secret here>"
  10. To run the application, use npm start to run the app in a development environment

Roadmap (still to be added in v3)

  • Implement a Dollar Rating System
  • Modernize feed page
  • Revamp comment section
  • Add Pagination for user posts
  • Favorite Restaurants page

Lessons Learned

coming soon...


Twitter @jayrcodes

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