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An chat bot for PowerShell using ZeroMQ, or rather ... a bridge bot with the possibility of adding triggers like Hubot's.

There are currently two protocol adapters (IRC and Slack), both written in PowerShell against .Net assemblies. Technically these can be written in any language where there's a ZeroMQ library!

It's a bit of a mess, but for now I've pushed a lib folder full of stuff that should be NuGet packages: NetMQ, SlackAPI, and SmartIrc4net, plus their dependencies: Newtonsoft.Json, ServiceStack, Log4Net, WebSocket4Net, etc.

Still to come: the a binary project (PowerBot.csproj), plus my fork of @inumedia's SlackAPI, and @meebey's SmartIrc4Net .. and the build scripts and all that jazz. Also, I intend to figure out a way to use Hubot and/or Mmmbot adapters ...

If you want to write automation scripts against it, have a look at the "BrainAdapter.psm1" adapter. You don't have to add triggers to that (although you can) -- you could just implement your own "adapter" that talks back like the BrainAdapter does. 😉

Getting Started

Install the dependency Configuration Module by running Install-Module Configuration

From the source, run Setup.ps1 and Build.ps1, then import the module that was built Import-Module PowerBot (you might need to sepecify the version, like -MinimumVersion 4.0.3).

After importing the PowerBot module, you need to set up it's configuration once. Run $config = Get-BotConfig and then alter your $config as necessary, setting login credentials and channels as needed. Then, store the configuration by running: $config | Set-BotConfig -- this will store a Configuration.psd1 file in your user data folder (i.e.: $Home\AppData\Roaming\WindowsPowerShell\\PowerBot\Configuration.psd1) .

Finally, run Start-PowerBot.

You can verify that everything is still running anytime, by checking the status of the jobs with Get-Job and even view verbose logging messages by calling Receive-Job. If you need to restart an adapter for any reason, you can use Restart-BotAdapter with the name of the adapter (i.e. "Slack" or "IRC")


A multi-protocol bridging chat bot based on ZeroMQ pub-sub





