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This repository is a GPU-accelerated version FLVIS. If you want to achieve best performance on your machine, we recommend you to use it without hesitation.

1. Prerequisite

The dependency is almost the same as original FLVIS. Besides, you need a cuda version OpenCV. We only test it under OpenCV 4.5.1

2. How to Compile

Set the correct path of your OpenCV in CMakeLists.txt:

find_package(OpenCV 4 REQUIRED PATHS your_path)

3. How to Use

Turn on use_gpu in /launch/d435i/sn943222072828_depth.yaml to enable fast detector and optical flow tracking.

4. Result

Jetson Tx2 Feature detect LK optical flow tracking
CPU version 15ms 15ms
GPU support 8ms 11ms


Feedback Loop Based Visual Inertial SLAM



EuRoC DataSet MH_05 Handheld Test in Lab FlVIS on UAV Platform

2-Relevent Publication:

Under Review, a pre-print version can be found here

3-Support Hardware/Dataset:

Intel RealSense D435i Camera
EuRoC MAV Dataset

4-Build The Project

We have tested in the following environment:
Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS melodic
Clone the repository to the catkin work space eg. /catkin_ws/src

git clone

Install 3rd Part library

cd catkin_ws/src/FLVIS/3rdPartLib/


cd ~/catkin_ws


Support Platform D435i(Depth/Stereo Mode), EuRoC Dataset, KITTI Dataset

5.1 D435i Camera Depth Mode

5.1.1 Use our recorded rosbag

Download the dataset Link-melab_sn943222072828.bag to /bag folder
Decompress the rosbag:

rosbag decompress melab_sn943222072828.bag

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz_bag.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_bag.launch
5.1.2 Use your own camera:

Install the realsense driver and its ros wrapper
Boot the d435i camera and echo the camera infomation

roslaunch flvis d435i_depth.launch
rostopic echo /camera/infra1/camera_info

You will get the camera infomation like: As shown, where the resolution is 640x480 and fx=384.16455078125; fy=384.16455078125; cx=320.2144470214844;cy=238.94403076171875.
Edit these information in the config yaml file (say: /launch/d435i/sn943222072828_depth.yaml):

image_width: 640
image_height: 480
cam0_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam0_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2

In the launch file "flvis_d435i.launch", make sure "/yamlconfigfile" is point to the edited config file

<param name="/yamlconfigfile" type="string" value="$(find flvis)/launch/d435i/sn943222072828_depth.yaml"/>

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz_bag.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_d435i_depth.launch

5.2 D435i Camera Stero Mode

Like what we did in 5.1.2, we need to config the /launch/d435i/sn943222072828_stereo.yaml
Note that, by default the two camera share the same intrinsic parameters, and the baseline length is 0.05m:

cam0_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam0_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2
cam1_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam1_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2
[ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.05,
  0.0,  1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
  0.0,  0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
  0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0]

5.3 EuRoC MAV Dataset

Download the dataset(say MH_05_difficult) into the bag folder:

roscd flvis/bag/

Edit the corresponding bag name in flvis_euroc_mav.launch file:

<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="$(find flvis)/bag/MH_05_difficult.bag"/>

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz_euroc.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_euroc_mav.launch

5.4 KITTI Dataset

Download the dataset into the bag folder:

Edit the corresponding bag name in flvis_kitti.launch file:

<param name="/publish_gt"             type="bool"    value="true" />
<param name="/dataset_folder_path"    type="string"  value="$(find flvis)/bag/KITTI/dataset/sequences/00/" />
<param name="/dataset_gt_file"        type="string"  value="$(find flvis)/bag/KITTI/dataset/poses/00.txt" />

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz_kitti.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_kitti.launch


Shengyang Chen(Dept.ME,PolyU):
Yajing Zou(Dept.LSGI,PolyU)


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