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Corner Grocery Project 3 - CS210

  • Summarize the project and what problem it was solving.

    The idea behind the application is to help with the store inventory. It allows the user to take what was being tracked from a paper system or simple .txt file and can update, track, and search it in real-time.

  • What did you do particularly well?

    I felt the functionality and organization of my code was some of the best I've had during this term. I felt I had a better understanding of the utilization of a header file in comparison to my last project.

  • Where could you enhance your code? How would these improvements make your code more efficient, secure, and so on? Which pieces of code did you find most challenging to write, and how did you overcome this? What tools or resources are you adding to your support network?

    At my current skill level, I'm not sure where I can make these improvements. I know where I struggled. I over thought the loop through the item list and determined the frequency of the items purchased. Once I had tackled that - everything else seemed to just be built around that. I've always found that if I break down what I am trying to do into baby steps it really helps me work through problems.

  • What skills from this project will be particularly transferable to other projects or course work?

    Just about everything. This was one of my first projects using C++ entirely. I can see utilizing reading and writing to documents proving particularly useful when importing data from something like a legacy system or old records being modernized.

  • How did you make this program maintainable, readable, and adaptable?

    I've had issues commenting on my code. I think I did well on this project in that regard. And therefore, it is easier to modify and quickly reference certain areas of my code.


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