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Frontend Mentor - Interactive rating component solution

This is a solution to the Interactive rating component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

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Now this one was fun.

I created this component that uses custom styled radio buttons to get a rating from the user.

Once the user clicks on a rating, the "SUBMIT" button is "unlocked" letting the user submit their rating which is shown in a "Thank you" component.

It is built using React and Vite, styled using TailwindCSS and deployed on the internet using Netlify

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Select and submit a number rating
  • See the "Thank you" card state after submitting a rating




My process

I tried Vite for the first time today, compared to CRA i didn't have any issues installing it using npm.

Plus it's fast

I built the core functionality first, then styling last. This workflow is saving me a lot of headache

The component consists of 5 custom radio buttons and manages a state called rating which is set once the user clicks on any radio button.

That rating state determines how the UI look in various ways

  • Set to nothing, React renders the submit button as disabled
  • Set to a rating, React passes the rating down to the radio buttons and the selected rating gets styled as "active"

When the user submits a rating, a function sets another state called showing which determines which card to show, the function sets the state to a different component thanking the user for their submission

Including the rating the user chose

After that, i installed TailwindCSS to style the project easily

I deployed it on Netlify so i can get a feel for enterprise platforms

Built with

  • Vite - Frontend Toolchain
  • React - JS library
  • TailwindCSS - Utility-based CSS library
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

I learnt how to use a state to determine what classes to apply to a component

Continued development

I think i need to work on a structure for my projects, for instance my jsx is bloated with Tailwind classes and they don't look readable or organized

Might be time i started learning styled-components

Useful resources

  • - Best documetation tool, Devdocs helps by organizing code docs of various packages, languages and frameworks into one clean searchable interface. And it works offline too



A rating component that can be used to collect in app feedback from your users and improve the app






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