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Jeglet edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

osu! features are only usable if the member has linked an osu profile.

The bot updates user data roughly every 30 seconds if discord says you're playing osu!, otherwise it updates user data roughly every 10 minutes.

In order for the bot to post automatic score/map updates, someone with manage server permissions has to use !osu config scores [channels] and !osu config maps [channels] to set which channels to update in.

To link an account, use !osu link <username>, and to unlink it again use !osu unlink.

By default, your mode will be set to your default mode on the website. To change this, you can use !osu gamemode <mode>.

osu! command:

Usage: !osu [member] [mode]

Posts a generated signature of the osu! profile of yourself or the specified member. Mode can be specified to generate signature for a different mode than the user's default.

osu! signature example

osu! info command:

Usage: !osu info [member]

If you have issues with the bot, such as automatic scores not posting, you can use the info command to get some useful information and when the bot last updated your osu data.

osu! info example

osu! score command:

Usage: !score [member] <url> +<mods>

Display your own or the member's score on a beatmap. Add mods to simulate the beatmap score with those mods. If URL is not provided it searches the last 10 messages for a URL.

Due to limitations with the new osu!api, only the score with the highest total score can be displayed.

osu!standard score:

osu!std score command example

osu!catch score:

osu!catch score command example

osu!mania score:

osu!mania score command example

osu!taiko score:

osu!taiko score command example

Automatic best score notifications:

If score update channels are set, the bot can post new PP scores users set. The current PP gain threshold for a score to be posted is 0.5pp.

By default the bot mentions users in their primary server when the score is posted. This can be disabled by setting !osu notify nomention.

Other notify modes are full, minimal, pp, off.

best notification example

Automatic top 50 map leaderboard notifications:

If score update channels are set, the bot can post top50 leaderboard scores for members. The feature is currently opt-in, and can be enabled (or disabled) by using !osu leaderboard_notifications on/off.

leaderboard notification example

Automatic map update notifications:

If map update channels are set, the bot will post map updates.

The formatting for posts are the same as the mapinfo command.

osu! recent command:

Usage: !osu recent [member]

Display your or another member's most recent score.

recent command example

osu! top command:

Usage: !osu top [member] <sort_by>

By default displays your or the selected member's 5 highest rated plays sorted by PP. You can also add "nochoke" as an option to display a list of unchoked top scores instead. Alternative sorting methods are "oldest", "newest", "combo", "score" and "acc"

May take a long time to process on first run if beatmaps aren't cached, but subsequent runs should be fast.

top command example

osu! render command:

Usage: !osu render <replay>

Render a replay using o!rdr. The command accepts either a URL or an uploaded file. You can only render a replay every 5 minutes.

osu! mapinfo command:

Usage: !osu mapinfo <beatmap_url>

Display beatmap information.

Single difficulty:

single difficulty map example

Multiple difficulties:

multiple difficulty map example

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