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Security: JellyChain1/privacystoragelibrary


Security Policy for Privacy Storage Library


The security policy applies to the Privacy Storage Library, including its functions, data storage, and access control mechanisms.

Vulnerability Reporting

Reporting Process

If a vulnerability or security issue is identified in the Privacy Storage Library, follow these steps to report it:

  1. Reporting Channels: Submit a detailed report via:

  2. Report Contents: Include the following details in your report:

    • Description of the vulnerability or issue
    • Steps to reproduce
    • Potential impact
    • Any proposed fix or mitigation

Issue Handling

Upon receiving a vulnerability report:

  1. Initial Assessment: The security team will conduct an initial assessment of the reported issue.
  2. Issue Confirmation: If the issue is confirmed, it will be assigned a severity level based on its impact and likelihood.
  3. Fix Submission: To maintain transparency, submitters are encouraged to provide a fix or mitigation for the reported issue.
  4. Communication: Regular updates will be provided regarding the status and resolution of the issue.
  5. Resolution: Once fixed, a detailed disclosure and resolution report will be published.

Issue Submission Policy

Submission Guidelines

  • Required Fix: Issues submitted without a proposed fix or mitigation will not be considered.
  • Detailed Description: Reports must include a detailed description of the issue, including steps to reproduce and potential impact.
  • Proposed Fix: Include a proposed fix or mitigation for the reported vulnerability or issue.

Issue Validation

  • Validation Process: Reported issues will undergo thorough validation and testing to confirm their validity and severity.
  • Severity Assessment: Severity levels will be assigned based on impact and exploitability.

Issue Handling

  • Fix Implementation: Issues with provided fixes or mitigations will be prioritized for implementation.
  • Disclosure: Once an issue is resolved, a detailed disclosure report will be published, outlining the issue and its resolution.

Security Best Practices

Code Review and Testing

  • Thorough Review: Regularly conduct code reviews to identify vulnerabilities and ensure adherence to best practices.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Rigorous testing of the library functions, especially under various edge cases, to identify potential weaknesses.

Gas Optimization and Resource Management

  • Gas Efficiency: Optimize gas costs associated with data storage and retrieval to prevent unnecessary expenses for users.
  • Resource Management: Implement gas-efficient solutions to manage the increasing volume of stored data and hashes.

Access Control and Authorization

  • Access Controls: Regularly audit access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to stored data.
  • Authorization Checks: Ensure that only authorized users can access their respective data.


The Security Policy for the Privacy Storage Library aims to create a secure and resilient environment for data storage and access. By adhering to best practices and fostering a collaborative approach to issue reporting and resolution, we aim to continuously improve the security posture of the library.

There aren’t any published security advisories