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Eijōhō (映情報)

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Eijōhō (映情報) is a web application designed to provide users with comprehensive information about movies and series. The name "Eijōhō" combines the Japanese characters:

  • "映" (ei): which refers to "film" or "movie."
  • "情報" (jōhō): which means "information" or "news." Together, "Eijōhō" can be interpreted as "movie information" or "film news," succinctly describing the focus of the website.


  • Search Functionality: Users can search for movies by title and get detailed information, including plot, director, and release date.
  • Recent Movies: The homepage showcases recent movies, which are fetched and displayed dynamically.
  • Responsive Design: The layout adjusts for different screen sizes, with a carousel for recent movies on small screens.
  • Animations: Smooth GSAP animations enhance the user experience for various UI elements. -Persistent State: The application uses local storage to save the state, ensuring that search results, movie details, and recent movies are maintained across page reloads.

Technology Stack

  • HTML5 & CSS3: For structuring and styling the web pages.
  • JavaScript: For client-side scripting.
  • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): For animations.
  • OMDb API: For fetching movie data.

How to Use

  1. Search for Movies:
  • Enter a movie title in the search bar and press enter or click the search icon.
  • Select a suggestion from the autocomplete dropdown to view detailed information.
  1. View Recent Movies:
  • Recent movies are displayed on the homepage.
  • Click on a movie card to see more details.

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
  git cloneōhō.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd eijōhō
  1. Open index.html in your web browser to view the application.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • OMDb API: For providing the movie data.
  • GSAP: For the animation library.
  • FontAwesome: For nice and neat fonts.