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TypeScript Fundamentals

What is TypeScript

Typescript is a super set of Javascript that provides static typing. With static typing we include a number of benefits including:

  • Tighter integration with IDE
  • Better Refactoring with Errors at Compile Time
  • And Self Documented Code that's Easier to Understand by other people or even yourself in 6-months time.

Finally, TypeScript compiles into JavaScript, so you can run your TypeScript anywhere you'd run your JavaScript code.

See the TypeScript playground to learn and test.

Usage of JavaScript that cause problems

In JavaScript, you can do things that can cause real trouble and silently pull your hairs out.

For example:

  • a variable can change type
let price = 24;
console.log(typeof price); //outputs 'number'
price = "24";
console.log(typeof price); //outputs 'string'
  • an object can be assigned any number of properties on the fly:
const lion = {
  legs: 4,
  teeth: 50,

lion.runs = true;

delete lion.teeth;

While this has been used to achieve functionnality, it makes the code more opaque.

In TypeScript, you can be sure that:

  • variable types don't change
  • objects retains properties.

Implicit and Explicit Types in TypeScript

What is Implicit Typing

Let's the previous example:

let price = 24;
price = "24"; //TypeScript doesn't allow this and would not allow the code to compile...

Basically, TypeScript knows how the primitivily-typed variable was initialize, so it knows its type.

Otherwise, use the Explicit way.

What is Explicit Typing

Basically, you tell in the code the type of the variable:

let price: number = 2;

Trying to initialize the variable to a string, TypeScript would show an issue.

It leaves no room to mistypes, even if it is more verbose.

What about Array of Types in TypeScript

In plain JavaScript, defining an array gives this:

const veggies = ["Salad", "Carrot", "Tomatoes"];
console.log(typeof veggies); //object

In TypeScript, const veggies = ['Salad', 'Carrot', 'Tomatoes']; would be implicitly typed as string[].

If you were to push a number to the array above, TypeScript would not allow it because the array can only contains strings.

Functions: Type Parameters and Returns In TypeScript

That is very handy to understand the types of inputs and output.

What does this print to the console?

function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

console.log(sum(1, "2"));

Yes, the string 12.

TypeScript cannot know the type, which is any in the above example.

Using TypeScript, you can change it to this:

function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

console.log(sum(1, "2")); // doesn't work
console.log(sum(1, 2)); //logs 3

100% of the time, sum takes only numbers and return a number.

What about Functions: Parameter Destructuring, Void, and Optional Params in TypeScript

It is still possible, but the syntax needs to be learned:

function sum({ a, b }: { a: number; b: number }) {
  return a + b;

console.log(sum({ a: 1, b: "2" })); // doesn't work
console.log(sum({ a: 1, b: 2 })); //logs 3

What about function that don't return anything?

Similar to C#, the return type is void but placed the TypeScript way.

What about Optional parameters?

Similar to the null coalescing operator in C#, you can type a parameter as optional:

function sayHello(name?: string) {
  return name ? `Hello ${name}` : "Hello stranger";


About Union Types in TypeScript

Union types means "I am a variable that can any of multiple types".

let aBoolOrString: string | boolean = "I am string...";
aBoolOrString = true;

Why would you want that?

If a variable can either a string or a number, a function could receive the mixed types and handle the logic for each type.

For example, the following would not be valid:

function logId(id: string | number) {

To fix it, it should be:

function logId(id: string | number) {
  if (typeof id === "string") {
  } else {

This is called narrowing. TypeScript forces you to specificly treat all scenarios independently.

Literal Types In TypeScript

What do you say when you see this?

let pi: 3.14 = 3.14;

Yead, like me, you'd say: "What is that?"

Well, basically, in TypeScript, you assign to a variable a Literal type: string, number, bool.

function setProductSize(size: "small" | "medium" | "large") {}

setProductSize("huge"); // doesn't work
setProductSize("small"); // works

Type Aliases in TypeScript

Type aliases are simply named types for Union types.

If you take the example from the previous paragraph, you can end up with the following:

type Sizes = "small" | "medium" | "large";
function setProductSize(size: Sizes) {}

setProductSize("huge"); // doesn't work
setProductSize("small"); // works

It can particularly be interesting for objects:

type Car = {
    brand: string,
    price: number

const Renault: Car = {
    brand: 1 // fails TypeScript checking
    price: 10000

const Renault: Car = {
    brand: 'Renault' // TypeScript is happy
    price: 10000

While it is possible to do this, it is better to use Interfaces or Object Literals.

PS: JavaScript Object Literal is a data type used to define objects in JavaScript. It is a syntax for creating an object in JavaScript that is composed of key-value pairs. It is a lightweight and efficient way to create and store data. It is a great way to store related data in an organized manner.

For example: { brand: "Renault", price: 10000}.

Defining Interfaces in TypeScript

If you take the previous Car type alias, the interface is the following:

interface Car {
  brand: string;
  price: number;

What is the differences between Type aliases and Interfaces?

  1. You add new propertys to the interface at any time while with Type Aliases, this is not possible.
interface Car {
  brand: string;
  price: number;
  // adding a new property as
  horsePower?: number;
  1. You can extend an interface
interface ElectricCar extends Car {
  powerOutputKwh: number;

interface CarSalesService extends Car {
  soldOn?: Date;
  availableForSale: Date;
interface Car {
  brand: string;
  price: number;
const renaultZoe: ElectricCar = {
  brand: "Renault",
  price: 10000,
  powerOutputKwh: 65, // omitting this property would not be valid to TypeScript

const renaultScenic: CarSalesService = {
  brand: "Renault",
  price: 10000,
  availableForSale: new Date(,

You can use interfaces in functions very easily. Taking the above interface definition, you can define the following function:

function purchaseCar(car: Car): Car {
  return car;

purchasedCar = purchaseCar({ brand: "Ferrari", price: 1000000 });
// outputs: { "brand": "Ferrari", "price": 1000000 }

purchasedCar = purchaseCar({ brand: "Ferrari", pice: 1000000 });
// throw an error since 'pice' doesn't exist...

Defining Enums

This is an exciting features!

If we take the Sizes type alias from above, we could have the following enum:

enum Sizes {
  small, // 0
  medium, // 1
  large, // 2

The above is a numeric enum where the numeric value zero-indexed.

What is it useful for? The enum usage allows better autocomplete in an IDE.

Also, if you need string enums instead of the implicit numeric enmus, you can do so:

enum Sizes {
  small, // 0
  medium, // 1
  large, // 2

enum SizesStr {
  small = "small",
  medium = "medium",
  large = "large",

console.log(Sizes.small); // log 0
console.log(SizesStr.small); // log 'small'

You can mix numeric and string values but I don't see the usecase...

Let's move on to Classes in TypeScript

The syntax ressembles very much to ES6 syntax:

enum EngineType {
  diesel = "diesel",
  petrol = "petrol",
  electric = "electric",

class Car {
  // you must have a constructor, otherwise TypeScript will complain...
  constructor(brand: string, price: number) {
    this.brandName = brand;
    this.priceTag = price;

  brandName: string;
  priceTag: number;
  //the following two propertys are not mandatory in the constructor because:
  // - one has a default value
  // - the last is optional
  numberOfWheels: number = 4;
  engineType?: EngineType;

const renaultCar = new Car("Renault", 10000);
renaultCar.engineType = EngineType.diesel;; // prints: "This Renault costs €10000"

Similar to interfaces, you extend classes. However, the parent must be declared first, whereas it doesn't matter for interfaces.

enum EngineType {
  diesel = "diesel",
  petrol = "petrol",
  electric = "electric",

class Car {
  brandName: string;
  priceTag: number;
  numberOfWheels: number = 4;
  engineType?: EngineType;

  constructor(brandName: string, priceTag: number) {
    this.brandName = brandName;
    this.priceTag = priceTag;

class CarSalesService extends Car {
  soldOn?: Date;
  availableForSale: Date;

  constructor(brandName: string, priceTag: number, availableForSale: Date) {
    super(brandName, priceTag);
    this.availableForSale = availableForSale;

  buy(): void {
      `This ${this.brandName} costs €${
      } was released on ${this.availableForSale.toDateString()}`

const renaultCar = new CarSalesService(
  new Date("2023-01-01")
renaultCar.engineType = EngineType.diesel;; // logs "This Renault costs €10000 was released on Sun Jan 01 2023"

Implementing Interfaces on Classes in TypeScript

Implementing interfaces, classes must follow a contract and it provides a way to inject dependencies:

Here is an example of interface implementation:

enum EngineType {
  diesel = "diesel",
  petrol = "petrol",
  electric = "electric",

interface IAvailableToBuy {
  howMuch(): string;

class Vehicule {
  brandName: string;
  priceTag: number;
  numberOfWheels: number = 4;
  engineType?: EngineType;

  constructor(brandName: string, priceTag: number) {
    this.brandName = brandName;
    this.priceTag = priceTag;

class SalesService extends Vehicule implements IAvailableToBuy {
  availableOn: Date;

  constructor(brandName: string, priceTag: number, availableOn: Date) {
    super(brandName, priceTag);
    this.availableOn = availableOn;

  howMuch(): string {
    return `This ${this.brandName} costs €${this.priceTag}`;

function askPrice(salesService: IAvailableToBuy) {

const buyingRenaultCar = new SalesService(
  new Date("2023-01-01")
const ducatiMotocycle = new Vehicule("Ducati", 5000);
ducatiMotocycle.numberOfWheels = 2;

askPrice(buyingRenaultCar); // logs "This Renault costs €10000"
askPrice(ducatiMotocycle); // TypeScript throws an error because the Vehicule class doesn't implement "howMuch".

Class Access Modifiers in TypeScript

Much like C#, you can add access modifiers on the class propertys.

They are:

  • public: get and set possible from outside the class.
  • protected: get and set impossible. It is used to let child classes to access the parent's propertys.
  • private: the property is only accessible in the class where it is declared.
  • readonly: make the property available from outsite but doesn't allow modification outsite the class.

Type Assertions in TypeScript

Sometimes, you know more than TypeScript about a type of variable.

Using type assertions, you can help.

const theCanvas = document.querySelector(".the-textarea");

TypeScript knows theCanvas is a DOM Element but it cannot guess it is more specificly a ``text-area` element.

Using as followed by the more specific type, you can assert the type for TypeScript:

const theCanvas = document.querySelector(
) as HTMLTextAreaElement;

If you use JSX, we could use the alternate syntax :

const theCanvas = <HTMLTextAreaElement>document.querySelector(".the-textarea");

In the playground, you will need to set JSX option to None. We'll learn more about this below.

IMPORTANT: there will be no runtime checking, no exception or null generated if the assertion is wrong. Why? Type assertions are removed at compile time.

What is unknown type

It is used in a usecase like the following:

function getNetPrice(
  price: number,
  discount: number,
  format: boolean
): unknown {
  let netPrice = price * (1 - discount);
  return format ? `$${netPrice}` : netPrice;

const netPrice = getNetPrice(20, 10, true);
netPrice.startsWith("$"); // throw an exception

const netPriceProperly = getNetPrice(20, 10, true) as string;
netPriceProperly.startsWith("$"); // works fine

It seems to me that setting the type properly is better than using type assertions.

About Generics in TypeScript

It is very similar to the C# generics. You can see now, if you worked with .NET and C#, the influence of the creators at Microsoft...

Though the syntax is slightly different, it will look familiar:

// T can be named anything else. It doesn't matter.
const clone = <T>(value: T): T => {
  const json = JSON.stringify(value);
  return JSON.parse(json);

const books: string[] = ["Harry Potter", "Jurrasic Park", "Goodnight Moon"];
const bookCopies = clone<string[]>(books);
bookCopies.push("Project Hail Mary");

Read the docs for more information.

Advanced Narrowing in TypeScript

We saw narrowing above for primitive types.

We can also use it with Reference types:

  • with classes:
class Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

class Company {
  name: string;

  constructor(name: string) { = name;

function greetFromClass(entity: Person | Company) {
  //we check the instance type
  if (entity instanceof Person) {
    console.log(`Hello ${entity.firstName} ${entity.lastName}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Hello ${}`);

greetFromClass(new Person("Daniel", "Kelly"));
greetFromClass(new Company("Vue School"));
  • with interfaces:
greetFromClass(new Person("Daniel", "Kelly"));
greetFromClass(new Company("Vue School"));

interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

interface Company {
  name: string;

function greetFromInterface(entity: Person | Company) {
  //we use the `in` operator to check a property exists
  if ("firstName" in entity) {
    console.log(`Hello ${entity.firstName} ${entity.lastName}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Hello ${}`);

greetFromInterface({ firstName: "Daniel", lastName: "Kelly" });
greetFromInterface({ name: "Vue School" });

How to make TypeScript available locally

Use npm to install it globally: npm install -g typescript.

Then, simply create the TypeScript file you need and either:

  • compile it to JavaScript: tsc my-file.ts.
  • compile it while watching for changes: tsc my-file.ts --watch.

Adding a tsconfig.json file with the content being {}, running tsc in the directory is sufficient to compile all the files of the directory.

Furthermore, you can configure the TypeScript settings to have more control on the compiler rules.

For example:

  • noImplicitAny: don't allow any as implicit type on functions. It is true by default.
  • target: what version of JavaScript do you want to use
  • module: to specify the module system of the project. For example, CommonJS is usually the way to go with NodeJS applications.
  • output: for example, it could be dist Read more in the docs.

A lot more to learn and put in practice

You should try to start using in VueJS applications.

I know I will.

In case you need to use JavaScript, using the allowJs flag to true in the tsconfig.json file will allow to have a specific file to use JavaScript instead of TypeScript.

Remember though: in a Vue component, the script setup must not use any TypeScript if the attribute lang="ts" isn't set.