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Simple Fitbit Weather



The goal of this project is to simplify access to weather data inside Fitbit OS applications.

The code to get weather from API provider is based on fitbit-weather.

The main differences are :

  • This module was made to reduce work on Fitbit devices (client app script size and memory usage).
  • Periodic update is made by the companion app.
  • The companion app refresh weather data when the user opens the mobile application.
  • It is built with TypeScript.
  • It includes types definitions and comments to show documentation in Visual Studio Code.
  • Weather providers are declared in specific files (you could pull request to add new providers with less impact on the existing code).

Providers and Data format

Weather providers available at this time :

Provider list could be extended, the list is not closed. Open an issue if you have ideas of providers that could be added (or pull request if you know TypeScript).

How does it work?

The companion application is responsible for :

  • Fetching data from weather API.
  • Periodicity refreshes data.
  • Refresh data when the Fitbit mobile app is open.
  • Send new data to the Fitbit Device.

The Fitbit app only has to read local data. I receive notification when the UI has to be updated with new data.

Via the companion application, you could set :

  • Refresh intervals (for background tasks).
  • Data age (to avoid too many call to the API. If the mobile app has fresh data, it will not call the provider).


1. Install the module

You could use any package manager to install this module. It was tested with npm, pnpm and yarn.

npm install simple-fitbit-weather --save-dev

2. Request user's permissions

Your application should have access to :

  • access_internet : requested to download weather data.
  • access_location : requested to know the location of the user to download weather data.
  • run_background : requested to allow task to run in the background on the mobile.

Your package.json should be like this (you could request more permissions, it is not a problem) : Exemple :

    "requestedPermissions": [

If permissions are not well set, you will not have exceptions :

  • The user will not have weather data.
  • Condition will be Unknown.
  • Others data will stay empty or 0 for numéric values.

3. Initialize the companion app

Inside the companion folder the index.ts file have to :

  • Import the module.
  • Initialize the module.

Exemple :

import * as weather from "simple-fitbit-weather/companion";
// Init weather
    provider: weather.Providers.openweathermap, // Use Open Weather
    apiKey: "Add your API key here",
    maximumAge: 50, // If data has less than 50 minutes age, it will not download new data
    refreshInterval: 60 // Refresh each 60 minutes, when data is too old

4. Initialize the device app

Import the module and call the initialize method.

Exemple :

import * as simpleWeather from "simple-fitbit-weather/app";
function applyWeather(weather: simpleWeather.Weather): void {
  // Return if no data
  if (weather === undefined) return;
  // User weather object to refresh your UI
  // ...

When the Fitbit device boot, the applyWeather method will be called if data were previously downloaded.

The TypeScript interface of Weather:

 * Weather data
export interface Weather {
    temperatureC: number;
    temperatureF: number;
    location: string;
    description: string;
    isDay: boolean;
    conditionCode: number;
    realConditionCode: string;
    sunrise: number;
    sunset: number;
    timestamp: number;

5. Manual access to the last data

If you have to do periodic calculations, you could request access to last weather out of the applyWeather callback.

To make it easier, this module exposes a property last of type Weather.

It is undefined if none data are available.

Compatibility with weather-bit

Conditions, providers, and weather data an prodiver list are similar to fitbit-weather to simplify acces for Javascript developers.

Data format


 * Weather samples from fitbit-weather
    "temperatureC": 15,
    "temperatureF": 59,
    "location": "Castelnau-D'Estretefonds",
    "description": "Mostly Clear",
    "isDay": false,
    "conditionCode": 0,
    "realConditionCode": "this is the real conditioncode returned by the provider",
    "sunrise": 1507442496594,
    "sunset": 1507483356594,
    "timestamp": 1507496916594


Unknown was defined at 9, to reduce messages size.

 * Conditions
export const Conditions = {
    ClearSky: 0,
    FewClouds: 1,
    ScatteredClouds: 2,
    BrokenClouds: 3,
    ShowerRain: 4,
    Rain: 5,
    Thunderstorm: 6,
    Snow: 7,
    Mist: 8,
    Unknown: 9,


This module was built with TypeScript. It uses Typescript to generate JavaScript files that are imported by the Fitbit SDK. It includes the following npm scripts to:

  • build (generate JavaScript files and copy all requested files to the ./distribution directory)
  • clean (remove generated files from the ./distribution directory). Those jobs are made by Github Actions to publish the module to NPMJS.