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288 lines (262 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

288 lines (262 loc) · 13.5 KB

Detailed Version History

Released on v0.8.3

What's New?

  • Setting to skip entries not on Media Locations in setting.
  • [View File] button: Browse to file on Movie Edit form.


  • Timeout value not saving properly on settings.
  • Some alerts doesn't fit the message.

UI Changes

  • Changed controls from TextBox to ListBox for:
    • 'Casts', 'Producer', 'Director', and 'Studio'.
  • Renamed 'Actor' to 'Casts'.
  • Removed 'Animated Movie' and 'Cartoon series' from 'Category'.
  • Major UI Change on 'About' form.
  • Moved [Check for Updates] button to 'About' form.
  • Add 'Root folder' on Movie Edit form.
  • Add hint to Media Extension settings form.
  • Supress some messages when 'Confirm Actions' setting is toggled off.
  • Use custom Message Box for various Input prompts.

Other Changes

  • Closes all other forms upon exit, freeing memory.
  • Focus on Main form after clicking Cancel on Movie Edit form.
  • Limit search results on TMDB if 'Search Limit' is larger than 0.
  • Add current Date to log filenames.
  • Moved 'No TMDB Key' prompt to before update checking.
  • Center alert on screen, if no parent form.
  • Don't replace settings on app close.
  • Improvement on Internet connectivity checker.
  • Properly delete ListView item, if Movie is deleted.

Various code changes and refactors

  • NuGet: Updated SQLite packages.
  • Changed Mutex UID.
  • Moved loading of settings to Program class.
  • Parametized some query on SQLHelper class.
  • Set Static Icon resource to forms.
  • Properly Dispose media Entity after single-time use.
  • Refactor file-checking upon first load.
  • Refactor to 'Hide Animation' flag.
  • Refactor code on category.
    • Refactor search query for category.
  • Refactor on 'SearchTmdb' method of TmdbAPI class.
  • Refactor TMDB Movie Info search query.
  • Minor change on generating new UID.
  • Moved all Data Files paths to its own class, DataFile.
  • Moved basic alert prompts and input prompts to its own class, Msg.
  • Moved some functions to GlobalVars class.
  • Add script to auto generate commit messages from last tag release to current.
  • Removed 'SEARCH_QUERY' property of frmMain.
  • Removed string replace for single quote on 'DbUpdate' method of SQLHelper class.
  • Removed unused resources.
  • Added new debugger flag with initialization.
  • WIP: Code setup for portable mode
  • Various code cleanups.

Released on v0.8.2

What's New?

  • Keep track of progress on 'adding new entries' and 'searching/loading collection'.
  • Add Episode count to Tooltip text.
  • Add ToolStrip Menu, replacing most button controls.
  • New Setting, 'Confirm Actions'. Setting it to 'No' supresses some alert prompts.
  • New Setting to set timeout for various online functionalities.
  • Added various icons to alert prompts.


  • Anilist API not fetching English titles.
  • Unsearchable media when results contains null json property.
  • 'Sort by Year' error.
  • Trailer not showing properly.


  • Confirm replacing cover image only if it has an existing one.
  • Confirm replacing info only if year is empty.
  • Set default source on Movie edit form, depending on loaded category.
  • If only 1 year is entered on search, use only that year.
  • When trying to open a series, load its folder instead of highlighting folder on Windows Explorer.
  • Improved handling of rate-limiting.
  • Improved error-handling and its alert prompts.
  • Updated UI of Movie Info edit form.
  • Settings form minor change.

Dev changes

  • Delete unreferenced method: 'SQLHelper.InitializeDT'.
  • Change how Movie Info is updated
    • Use MediaInfo class as Entity.
    • MOVIE_ID changed from 'String' to 'long' data type.
    • Removed obsolete methods.
  • Convert sources strings to static class for convenience
  • Move some methods to GlobalVar.
  • Refactor ChildForm property of frmMovie.
  • Removed MOVIE_NAME as param for frmMovie and frmMovieInfo.
  • Changed properties of Settings, removing duplicate private properties.
  • Add new entries to HCIcons enum.
  • New property on frmLoading to set Progress text.
  • Change Icon upon bgwork done, and prompt alert.
  • Change scope of an object in Movie form.
  • Moved loggers to its own static class.
  • Dispose image from frmMovie properly.
  • Removed unused codes
  • Various code refactor, and cleanups.

Released on v0.8


  • FIX: Covers not updating when fetching from TMDB, causing duplicate cover images.
  • FIX: Sometimes, covers are not replaced by new cover.
  • FIX: Cannot connect to TMDB API.
  • FIX: Some Inaccuracy on query search.
  • FIX: Use English title on search results (from fetching info online), if it exists.
  • FIX: Duplicate TMDB request on finding movie IMDB Id.
  • FIX: Entry sub-items not resetting when updating its item.

Changes and Additions

  • REV: Prevent Loading of unsupported database (for release older than v0.8).
  • REV: Changed MediaLocation setting. Now, setting for Movie and TV Location paths are combined.
  • REV: Changed how Media Locations are loaded/saved. Breaks old media location settings.
  • NEW: Media Location form for selection of folder.
  • NEW: Add Anilist support to fetch Anime-related media.
  • NEW: Setting to change Image cover size.
  • NEW: Search panel and its filters are now collapsible / expandable.
  • NEW: Load API keys from config.json file, if file exists.
  • NEW: Add prompt on replacing current info with info fetched online, on Movie Info edit form.
  • NEW: Fetch Episode and Season counts.
  • MINOR: Center Setting form on Main Form upon Load.
  • GUI: Cleaner UI on some areas, and additional improvements to overall UI.
  • GUI: Changed some buttons colors.


  • REV: Added RestSharp NuGet package for RESTful queries.
  • REV: MakarovDev.ExpandCollapsePanel NuGet package for Panel UI.
  • REV: Refactored new entry detection.
    • Use dictionary to include additional info.
    • Separate logic according to sources, for fetching media info.
  • REV: Refactor adding media mechanism.
    • Only fetch info automatically, if it finds exactly 1 match.
    • Use List for Medias and MediaLocation structures.
    • Add each item with corresponding mediatype and source
    • Moved MediaLocation loading to GetMediaFiles() method
  • REV: Use 'series' string to match any series type of media.
  • REV: Refactor SQLHelper InsertMovie() method.
    • Set LastID only if first query is successful.
    • Reset LastID to 0 when an success code is not larger than 0.
  • REV: Refactored TMDB Search form.
    • Allow multi search (movie and tv) on TMDB Search form.
    • Also, can be used to search on Anilist.
    • Added default values and checker for null objects.
    • Replace 'spaces' with '%20' on API search link endpoint.
    • Always depend on current source for fetching info.
  • REV: TMDB and Anilist API wrappers has their own classes separated.
  • REV: Handle Rate-Limiting on Anilist.
  • REV: Refactor Settings saving and loading.
  • REV: Removed serieslocation file.
  • REV: Moved query-related GlobalVar method to SQLHelper.
  • REV: Better Robocopy script on Post-Build event.
  • REV: Add UId column to use as cross-reference between tables.
  • MINOR: Properly encode query into url searchable string.
  • MINOR: Removed all unused functions and variables.
  • MINOR: Cleanup queries.
  • Various code cleanups.

Released on v0.7.2

What's New?

  • FIX: Double apostrophe on entry title. Closes Issue #11.
  • MINOR: When year is empty, default to "0".
  • GUI: Adjusted 'About' form.
  • GUI: Reposition 'Original Title' on Movie Info editing form.

Dev changes:

  • REV: Renamed some column on database.
  • REV: Added method to automatically upgrade database to match required by app.
  • REV: Added new table: 'config' that saves information about app.
  • REV: Refactored most SQL Helper methods.
  • REV: Refactored enums namespace.
  • REV: Added method to show messagebox without parent form.
  • REV: Moved database loading to Main form load event.
  • MINOR: Moved some event call to designer class.
  • MINOR: Updated NuGet packages: SQLite, Newtonsoft.JSON, and Microsoft UWP.
  • Various code cleanup.

Released on v0.6

What's New?

  • REV: Used customizable alert prompts. (Background and Foreground color can be set in Settings form). [ca194ce], [4e2c4a7], [73549ca], [8cfe1f0]
  • REV: UI Controls are now scalable! It resizes and reposition based on the form size. [9a1f5ec], [e748c59], [fb849dc]
  • REV: Added minimum form size to limit window resizing. [5487bde]
  • REV: NEW Setting: Auto Clean. Default 'ON'. [f893ff1], [605c09a]
    • If 'ON', cleans logs and temporary files on Startup.
  • MINOR: Prompt user when IMDB link cannot be opened in browser. [45a581e]
  • GUI: Updated the Icon. [8caeb60]
  • GUI: Changed Loading Icon. [c17d4fd]
  • GUI: Reposition controls on General tab on Settings form. [79d23da]
  • GUI: Alphabetically sort entries on Listbox for 'Country' and 'Genre'. [8fa6a49]
  • GUI: Apply UI customization on prompt when adding entry to 'Country' and 'Genre' listbox. [0c8f37c]

Dev changes

  • REV: Automatically refresh Country and Genre whenever Edit Information is clicked. [0de00d4]
  • REV: Refactored codes. [420c42d], [9393b92], [405c857], [66612b9], [4969640], [9b4181b], [d36df56], [918f4bf]
  • REV: Prompt when there's no TMDB Key, also disable features that uses TMDB. [84360b2], [e14ed97], [4b6e861]
  • MINOR: Removed overload for method 'GlobalVars.ShowWarning()'. [a38108b]
  • MINOR: Don't show error message on method 'GlobalVars.ReadStringFromFile()'. [9f5e362]
  • MINOR: Moved all pre-load setup to 'Program.cs'. [7965d4b]
  • MINOR: Use 'MessageBox.Show()' method if Main Form is not loaded. [b207f68]

Released on v0.4.1

See PR # 5 to see all commit ids.

What's New?

  • REV: Add method to delete Covers not in Database, GlobalVars.CleanCoversNotInDb. [3b4cbca], [a93bf4b]
  • FIX: Changing metadata should not work on 'series'. [10f2b8f]
  • FIX: Removed producer to stop looping on saving metadata. [417b62a]
  • GUI: Changed Font for Movie Summary. [971d9b6]
  • GUI: Changed Font for frmSetting. [374a76b]
  • DOC: Update
  • DOC: Update
  • DOC: Update

Dev changes

  • REV: Show loading form when checking for update. [d1bf2e6]
  • MINOR: Include additional message for loading form. [6b824c9]


  • REV: Refactor Image deletion from ImageList with thread-safety, delegated. [cd2d0e6], [61a12f6]
  • REV: Refactor, directly save image instead of saving to variable.
  • REV: Refactor media deletion, trigger frmMovie form refresh after frmMovieInfo closes. [0e7bc4c]
  • MINOR: Convert If statement to ternary statement. [4c11264]
  • MINOR: Removed unused code, removed GlobalVars.UnParseJSON. [7cb1b69]
  • MINOR: Removed unused GlobalVars functions, LogLine, ShowInfo, BuildStringArrayFromCB. [cd7ed09]
  • MINOR: Renamed GlobalVars.DirSearch to GlobalVars.SearchFilesSingleDir, GlobalVars.SearchFilesMultipleDir. [d4a2d04]
  • MINOR: Removed linebreaks. [6486e7c]
  • MINOR: Refactor logging. [c8c0d3a]

Released on v0.4

See PR # 3 to see all commit ids.

What's New?

  • REV: Add loading form to [Clean] button.
  • REV: Search for Trailers in all media. See PR # 4
  • FIX: 'Series Directories' not showing up on ListView. See PR # 4
  • FIX: Cannot perform [Clean] when cover is changed recently. See PR # 4
  • GUI: Changed Font of Items.

'Under the Hood' changes

  • REV: Refactor query for Searching.
  • REV: Refactor ListView Item details.
  • REV: Refactor frmMovie Initialization.
  • REV: Increase TimeOut for CheckConnection().
  • REV: Cast all API queries of TMDB to JSON files. See PR # 4
  • Code refactors and cleanup.

Released on v0.3

What's New?

  • REV: Remove entries that doesn't exist on the disk, during startup. [fca3696]
  • REV: New Loading form. PR # 2
  • REV: Show Loading form on Fetching data from TMDB. [251fbcd], [d9ca20d]
  • REV: Show Loading form on Saving Metadata. [7fdcd7f]
  • FIX: Playing media file for invalid movie ID. [1e58380]
  • FIX: Cannot view Movie Info for Invalid ID. [81a3526]

'Under the Hood' changes

  • REV: Separate string array builder for directories. [5c0f5b5]
  • REV: Delegate background tasks to loading form. [6272ab6], [3e5678c], [bddf5af]
  • MINOR: Added pre-build event to delete 'lib' subfolder. [930da0c]
  • MINOR: Append new entries to 'MovieResult_DoneInsert.Log'. [6bad2e8]
  • MINOR: Organized source files. [39cf7cc], [4d3acdb], [b88d9b2]

Code Refactors and Improvements

  • MINOR: Repositioned variable declarations. [6e0b928]
  • MINOR: Removed bgwMovie_ProgressChanged. [6082db0]
  • MINOR: Include Regions. [4733ad6]
  • MINOR: Add regions and cleanups. [2b685c6]
  • MINOR: Re-positioned bgw_SearchFileinFolder. [04ab71a]
  • MINOR: Code refactor to Run background worker. [682f55c]
  • MINOR: Removed SEARCH_COLS from some codes. [7e4e12c]
  • MINOR: Refactor. Log if ResultSet is empty. [aa6efdd]
  • MINOR: Refactor setting saving. [d319d5f]
  • MINOR: Change IF statement to one line. [f86298a]
  • MINOR: IF statement to one line. [e702638]
  • MINOR: Removed un-used variable. [a413e3f], [c6a0464]
  • MINOR: Removed un-used resource. [b0da3a6]