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three pics

!!! Not stable has issues on Windows machines

Tiny HTTP webserver

  • HTTP and WS server
  • GET, POST methods
  • caching
  • single thread
  • build-in libraries

Template Engine

hypertext preprocessor built on top of Wolfram Kernel

Imagine PHP, but with Wolfram Language. Easy to use, feels like plain HTML

<?wsp Now//TextString ?>
Thu 22 Jun 2023 23:43:21

It works similar to PHP or Mustache template engine

three pics

<?wsp Table[ ?> 
<?wsp Graphics3D[i[], ImageSize->Small] ?> 
<?wsp, {i, {Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron}}] ?>

If you need to calculate something more complex, use Module, With, Block as usual. All variables can be global.


Say goodbye to bulky SVG. Plot the data and bind it seamlessly to the Kernel using WLJS Interpreter.

For example

<?wsp Plot[x^2, {x,0,1}] // Plant>

or for dynamic plots

<?wsp ListLinePlotly[data // Hold] // Plant>

then when you change data variable it will automatically update graph on the page. Please see more about it on WLJS Interpreter page.

Fullstack framework

Use Wolfram Language on backend & frontend

You can always run code entirely in a browser

<div id="balls"></div>
    (* fully on WLJS Interpreter *)
        balls = RandomReal[{-1,1}, {50,2}];
                Table[{RGBColor[RandomReal[{0,1}, 3]], Point[balls[[i]]]}, {i, Length[balls]}],
            }, ImageSize->{800,400}, "TransitionType"->"Linear"]

            balls = Table[
                With[{orig = balls[[i]]},
                    orig + 0.03 Normalize[{orig[[2]], -orig[[1]]}]
            , {i, Length[balls]}];  

    ) // Grow

three pics

Dynamics & IO blocks

Add sliders, textboxes and bind it to expressions executed WL Kernel. No Javasript coding required.

For example let's create a widget that generates random words on a server

    <?wsp TextView[randomWord// Hold] // Plant  ?>
<p>Press a button to generate</p>

<div style="text-align:center; display: inline-block">
    <?wsp ButtonView["Event"->"GenerateWord"] // Plant ?>

and on a server's side one need onyl to attach to an event

randomWord = "word"

EventBind["GenerateWord", Function[d,
    randomWord = RandomWord[];


Please see Examples/static folder

wolframscript -f examples/static/start.wls