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Repository files navigation

Code summarization dataset

Tool for mining data from GitHub for code summarization tasks.


Follow these steps to run the tool:

  • Clone repo from Github
git clone

Tool modules

I. Filtration: filtering input GitHub repositories urls with specified filters (config: config/filter_config.json)

II. Analysis: methods summary extraction from repository or local directory / file (config: config/analysis_config.json)

III. Provider: filtration + analysis = continuous filtration end analysis of repositories

I. Repositories filtering (filtration module)

Input: list of urls to existing GitHub repositories in format .../REPOOWNER/REPONAME (exactly 2 slashes) and filtration config

Output: lists of 'good' and 'bad' repositories after filters applying with explanation about filters results

1. Filtration config

filtration config is .json file with all repo filters and run parameters:

    "token_path" : "config/token.txt",           // path to GitHub token
    "repos_urls_path": "config/repos.json",      // path to repos URLs
    "dump_dir_path" : "config/filter_results",   // dump directory path
    "languages": ["Java", "Python"],             // list of languages
    "stars_count": [">=", 10],                   // relations with integers
    "is_fork": [false],                          // boolean flag
    "is_license": [true],
    "licenses": ["gpl-3.0", "apache-2.0"],       // list of licenses
    "commits_count": [0, 100000],                // integer ranges
    "contributors_count": [">=", 10],
    "anon_contributors": [true],                 
    "watchers_count": [],                        // empty list == no filter
    "forks_count": [10, 100000],
    "open_issues_count": [0, 100000],
    "subscribers_count": [],
    "size_KB": ["<=", 10000000],
    "created_at": [">=","2010-01-01"],           // relations with dates
    "updated_at": ["2010-01-01", "2015-01-01"],  // dates ranges
    "pushed_at": []

GitHub token

  • filtration requires a GitHub API personal access token without any special permissions
  • token is 40 symbols code that must be located in a separate file on the first line without additional data
  • file with path token_path must contain this token
    file: filter_config.json
    "token_path": token.txt
    file: token.txt

Filtration config rules

  • each parameter must be specified in brackets [params, ...]
  • dates in "YYYY-MM-DD" format with quotes
  • all integer filters support relation (>, <, <=, >=, =) in quotes ["<", N]
  • all integer filters support ranges in brackets [min incl., max incl.]
  • all date filters support relation (>, <, <=, >=, =) in quotes [">=", "YYYY-MM-DD"]
  • all date filters support ranges in brackets [min incl., max incl.]
  • all date and integer filters support implicit EQ (=) relation [N] == ["=", N]
  • licenses:
    • "is_license": [] - repository hasn't or has any license, values in "licenses": [...] field are ignored
    • "is_license": [false] - repository hasn't license, values in "licenses": [...] field are ignored
    • "is_license": [true] - repository has license
      • "licenses": [] - repository has any license
      • "licenses": [...] - repository has license from the list
  • licenses not bound in the code
  • licenses filter running by keyword from GitHub licenses list provided by license/key path in GitHub API v3 summary for each repository


  • "languages": ["Kotlin", "C++", "Haskell"] --> repository main language is Kotlin OR C++ OR Haskell
  • "[param]_count": [42] --> repository [param]_count == 42
  • "[param]_count": ["<=", 42] --> repository [param]_count <= 42
  • "[param]_count": [42, 128] --> 42 <= repository [param]_count <= 128
  • "pushed_at": ["2010-01-01"] --> repository push date = 2010.01.01
  • "created_at": [">=","2010-01-01"] --> repository creation date >= 2010.01.01
  • "updated_at": ["2010-01-01", "2015-01-01"] --> 2010.01.01 <= repository update date <= 2015.01.01

2. Run

  • in .json file repos_urls_path add any GitHub repositories in format .../REPOOWNER/REPONAME (exactly 2 slashes)
    file: filter_config.json
    "repos_urls_path": repos.json
    file: repos.json
    [ "/JetBrains/Kotlin", "/JetBrains/intellij-community"] 
    ["", ""] 

2.1 as code in project

  • import FilterConfig and ReposFilter classes
  • provide a path to filter_config.json, initialize config and finder
    val filterConfig = FilterConfig(configPath = filterConfigPath, isDebug = isDebug)
    val reposFinder = ReposFilter(config = filterConfig)

2.2 as separate module

  • write own entry point

    import filtration.utils.FilterParser
    fun main(args: Array<String>) = FilterParser().main(args)
  • run with script and command line arguments

    ./gradlew :run --args="--mode=filter --fd --fc config/filter_config.json"
  • arguments

    -m, --mode                         - work mode: filter, analysis, filter-analysis
    --fc, --filter-config              - path to filtration config .json file
    --fd, --filter-debug, -d --debug   - flag, print all log messages to the console

3. Results

In dump_dir_path appear 4 files and 2 folders:

  • folders good(bad) each with inner folder explain
  • files good(bad)_input_urls.jsonl -- good (bad) input urls
  • files good(bad)_repos.jsonl -- all good (bad) traversed repos

good(bad) folders contain repositories summary for each repository

good(bad)/explain contain explanation about results of applied filters (from config file) to each repository

4. Search data sources

commits_count - 1 GraphQL query:

query {
  repository(owner: "JetBrains-Research", name: "code-summarization-dataset") {
    defaultBranchRef {
      target {
        ... on Commit {
          history (first: 1) {
            { endCursor }

contributors_count - 1 API v3 query with pagination hack (1 contributor per_page + number of pages):

others from repository summary api/repos/owner/name - 1 API v3 query:

II. Repositories analysis (analysis module)

Currently supported languages: Java, Python

  • for Python data retrieving you need pythonparser in your system PATH

Input: repository or directory and analysis config

Output: summary about all functions from repository or directory for supported languages:

  • function name and fullname
  • function documentation or multiline comment
  • function body
  • function AST
  • function AST paths in code2seq format
  • metadata (file path, commit info, extraction statistics)

1. Analysis config

analysis config is .json file with run parameters:

  "HISTORY_MODE": true,                               // main feature of tool (see below) 

  "repos_urls_path": "config/repos.json",             // path to .json list with urls (in format /{OWNER}/{NAME}) to GitHub repos 
  "files_list_path": "config/files.json",             // path to .json list with paths to local directories or files
  "dump_dir_path" : "config/analysis_results",        // path to tool dump directory

  "workers_count": 3,                                 // how many workers in parallel (thread pool size)  
  "log_dump_threshold": 200,                          // log messages dump to file threshold
  "summary_dump_threshold": 200,                      // methods summary dump threshold

  "gzip_files": true,                                 // whether the extracted data should be gziped
  "remove_after_gzip": false                          // whether the all not gziped extracted data should be deleted
  "remove_repo_after_analysis": false,                // whether the repository should be deleted after analysis
  "commits_type": "merges",                           // commits type (merges or first_parents, see explanation below)
  "min_commits_number": 0,                            // minimum number of commits of selected type for analysis start
  "merges_part_in_history": 0.005,                    // part of merge commits in first_parents history (see below)
  "task": "name",                                     // current supported task: name extraction
  "parser": "gumtree"                                 // current supported parser: gumtree
  "granularity": "method",                            // current supported granularity: method
  "languages": ["Java", "Python"],                    // current supported languages: Java, Python
  "method_uniqueness": ["full_name", "name", "file", "return_type", "args_types"] // how to check method uniqueness 
  "hide_methods_names": true,                         // hides methods names in methods bodies and AST's
  "exclude_constructors": true,                       // exclude constructors from summary

  "min_body_lines_length": 0,                         // minimum lines length of method body 
  "exclude_with_exact_name": ["name1", "name2"],      // methods with these names will not be collected
  "exclude_with_name_prefix": ["test"],               // methods with these prefixes of methods name will not be collected

  "JAVA_exclude_with_annotations": ["@Override"],     // Java methods with these annotations will not be collected

  "max_paths": 1000,                                  // upper bound for number of retrived paths (code2seq) 
  "max_path_width": 2,                                // path max width
  "max_path_length": 9,                               // path max length (number of tokens) 
  "exclude_nodes": [],                                // exclude nodes from AST and code2sec paths
  "exclude_doc_node": true,                           // exclude documentation node from AST adn code2sec paths 
  "ast_dot_format": false,                            // AST dump format: dot or our version (dot with identifiers in nodes)
  "code2sec_format_dump": true                        // dump AST in code2sec format 'method|name node,PATH,node'

History processing

If "HISTORY_MODE": false:

  • data from repositories is extracted without git-history
  • data from directories / files is always extracted without git-history

If "HISTORY_MODE": true - data extraction based on git-history, analyzer:

  • loads commit history from default branch of repository
  • moves from the oldest (first) commit to the newest (last)
  • for every consecutive pair of commits gets the diff list of files git diff --name-only SHA1 SHA2
  • filters supported languages files from diff list
  • if list of files for supported languages isn't empty - makes checkout to current commit git checkout SHA
  • extracts new methods summary from files if tuple "method_uniqueness": [...] wasn't added before, parameters of tuple:
    • "name" - method name, e.g. foo, bar
    • "full_name" - method fullname (nesting hierarchy: all parents classes and functions), e.g.,
    • "return_type" - method return type
    • "args_types" - types of methods arguments (if possible to extract)
    • "file" - path to file with method
    • if "method_uniqueness": [] - tool extracts all methods without uniqueness check

Two types of history processing depending on the type of commit:

  • "commits_type": "merges" - history includes merge commits git log --first-parent --merges DEFAULT_BRANCH

  • "commits_type": "first_parents" - history includes first-parents commits git log --first-parent DEFAULT_BRANCH

  • both history types include oldest and youngest commits (merge or not merge)

  • "merges_part_in_history": 0.005 - this is an attempt to distinguish repositories using rebase-based history from merge-based history, e.g. for Kotlin repository:

    git log --first-parent --pretty=oneline | wc -l is 66016 first parents commits

    git log --first-parent --merges --pretty=oneline | wc -l is 512 merge commits

    merges_part_in_history = 512 / 66016 = 0.00776

    => if we set merges_part_in_history = 0.01, then the repository will not be analyzed because the repository value is below the value we set (0.00776 [real value] < 0.01 [value in config])

    *set merges_part_in_history = 0.0 if you do not have enough statistics

2. Run

2.1 as code in project

  • import AnalysisConfig, Analyzer and AnalysisRepository classes

  • provide a path to analysis_config.json, initialize config and analyser

  • submitRepo (or submitRepos) any number of repositories for analysis

  • submitFile (or submitFiles) any number of directories / files for analysis

    // config for analysis
    val analysisConfig = AnalysisConfig(
        configPath = analysisConfigPath,
        isDebugAnalyzer = isAnalyserDebug, // log in console only submission and done workers statuses 
        isDebugWorkers = isWorkersDebug    // log in console all workers messages
    val reposUrls = loadJSONList(analysisConfig.reposUrlsPath).parseRepoUrls()
    val filesPaths = loadPaths(analysisConfig.filesListPaths)
    val reposAnalyzer = Analyzer(config = analysisConfig)
    // submit not loaded repo
    reposAnalyzer.submitRepo(AnalysisRepository(owner = "owner", name = "name"))
    // submit already loaded repo  
    reposAnalyzer.submitRepo(AnalysisRepository(path = "repo/path", owner = "owner", name = "name"))
    // submit repos from list
    reposAnalyzer.submitRepos( { AnalysisRepository(owner = it.first, name = it.second) })
    // submit file
    // submit directory
    // submit any files or directories  
    // blocking waiting until any worker running  

2.2 as separate module

  • provide config paths

    file: analysis_config.json
    "repos_urls_path": repos.json
    "files_list_path": files.json
    • repos_urls_path path to .json GitHub repositories list in format .../REPOOWNER/REPONAME (exactly 2 slashes)

      file: repos.json
      [ "/JetBrains/Kotlin", "/JetBrains/intellij-community"] 
      ["", ""] 
    • files_list_path - path to .json list with local directories or files paths

      file: files.json
      [ "local/directory", "local/" ]
  • write own entry point

    import analysis.utils.AnalyzerParser
    fun main(args: Array<String>) = AnalyzerParser().main(args)
  • run with script and command line arguments

    ./gradlew :run --args="--mode=analysis --ad --ac config/analysis_config.json"
  • arguments

    -m, --mode               - work mode: filter, analysis, filter-analysis
    --ac, --analysis-config  - path to analysis config .json file
    --ad, --analysis-debug   - flag, print all log messages to the console
    --wd, --workers-debug    - flag, print all workers messages to the console
    -d, --debug              - flag, print all log messages to the console

3. Results

In dump_dir_path appear 4 files:

  • info.json -- repository / file / dir analysis summary
  • methods.jsonl -- all methods summary (one method per line)
  • paths.jsonl -- all retrieved paths for every method (one method per line)
  • paths.c2s -- all retrieved paths for every method in code2seq file format
  • commits_log.jsonl -- all consecutive traversed commits pairs (one pair per line)
  • work_log.txt -- log file

III. Repositories filtering and analysis (module provider)

Filtration + analysis modules

Input: list of urls to existing GitHub repositories, filtration and analysis configs


  1. lists of 'good' and 'bad' repositories after filters applying with explanation about filters results
  2. for each 'good' repository all summary information extracted with analysis module

1. Run

  • prepare two .json configs filter_config.json and analysis_config.json
  • prepare list of GitHub repositories repos_urls_path in filter_config.json (see I, 2)
  • files with repositories and directories paths lists from analysis_config.json in repos_urls_path and files_list_path will be ignored
  • tool takes repository from file provided in repos_urls_path from filter_config.json
  • tool applies filters to the repository from filter_config.json
  • if all filters are successful
    • repository url is sent to analysis module
    • analysis module downloads repository and retrieves all necessary data with parameters from analysis_config.json
    • for each repository tool stores all data in repository folder in dump_dir_path from analysis_config.json

1.1 as code in project

  • import FilterConfig, AnalysisConfig and FilterAnalyserProvider classes

  • provide paths to filter_config.json and analysis_config.json, initialize configs and provider

    val filterConfig = FilterConfig(configPath = filtrationConfigPath, isDebug = isSearchDebug)
    val analysisConfig = AnalysisConfig(
        configPath = analysisConfigPath,
        isDebugAnalyzer = isAnalyserDebug,
        isDebugWorkers = isWorkersDebug
    val provider = FilterAnalyserProvider(filterConfig = filterConfig, analysisConfig = analysisConfig)

1.2 as separate module

  • write own entry point

    import provider.utils.ProviderParser
    fun main(args: Array<String>) = ProviderParser().main(args)
  • run with script and command line arguments:

    ./gradlew :run --args="--mode=filter-analysis --fd --ad --fc config/filter_config.json --ac config/analysis_config.json"
  • arguments:

    -m, --mode               - work mode: filter, analysis, filter-analysis
    --fc, --filter-config    - path to filtration config .json file
    --ac, --analysis-config  - path to analysis config .json file
    --fd, --filter-debug     - flag, print all filtration module log messages to the console
    --ad, --analysis-debug   - flag, print all analysis module log messages to the console
    --wd, --workers-debug    - flag, print all workers messages to the console
    -d, --debug              - flag, print all log messages to the console

2. Results

  • output from filtration module
  • for each repository output from analysis module to folder dump_folder/data/REPOOWNER__REPONAME