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Roman Chernyatchik edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 6 revisions


SnakeCharm is a plugin for PyCharm / IntelliJ Platform IDEs which adds support for Snakemake workflows language



Setup Snakemake support

To enable all code insight features (e.g. code completion for directory, touch etc methods) please configure Python SDK with installed snakemake package.

Otherwise not all smart code insight features will be enabled and you could see errors like Unresolved reference for all snakemake specific methods.

In PyCharm:

  • Open PyCharm | Preferences | Project: <name> | Project Interpreter

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  • Press gear icon and choose 'Add..'

  • Select Python Interpreter, e.g. Conda Environment | Existing environment | Interpreter: some conda env with snakemake package installed. Press OK.

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  • Ensure that project interpreter is set. Press OK.

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  • Wait until indexing and updating python library skeletons has finished

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Example: Snakemake support is configured:

Code completion works for Snakemake specific methods and usages of these methods not highlighted with Unresolved reference error.

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Example: Interpreter with snakemake not configured:

In this case not all smart code insight features are enabled and you could see errors like Unresolved reference for all snakemake specific methods.

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