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Update texts and tasks

Nastya Birillo edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

You can change the exact wordin of texts that appear in your users' plugins, add survey options and problem-solving tasks. Respective configuration files are stored in /configs/task-tracker-sources/.

Note: If you want to add texts in a new interface language, first complete the steps in Set up interface languages.

  1. To change the list of countries available in the user survey, edit countries.js or use the country endpoint.

  2. To change the system messages that appear in the plugins, edit dialog-texts.js.

  3. To change the list of genders available in the user survey, edit genders.js or use the gender endpoint.

Note: The maximum number of genders that can be used in the user survey is six.

  1. To change the texts that appear in UI panels, edit settings.js or use the settings endpoint.

  2. To add, remove, or change the descriptions of the programming tasks available to your users, edit tasks.js or use the task endpoint.

Note: The maximum number of objects with inputs and outputs per task is three.

  1. After editing above config files, re-generate the database for the TaskTracker plugin by sending the POST request to <path_to_your_server>/api/database-generator/task-tracker.

New texts will appear in plugins after the users reopen the IDE.

Note: The default <path_to_your_server> is localhost:3000.