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Migrate extensions to use operatorfunc option
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citizenmatt committed Feb 5, 2024
1 parent 87ba5fe commit e07f5bb
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Expand Up @@ -39,66 +39,59 @@ import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.expressions.SimpleExpression
// todo make it multicaret
private fun doOperatorAction(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext, textRange: TextRange, selectionType: SelectionType): Boolean {
val func = injector.globalOptions().operatorfunc
if (func.isNotEmpty()) {
val scriptContext = CommandLineVimLContext

// The option value is either a function name, which should have a handler, or it might be a lambda expression, or a
// `function` or `funcref` call expression, all of which will return a funcref (with a handler)
var handler = injector.functionService.getFunctionHandlerOrNull(null, func, scriptContext)
if (handler == null) {
val expression = injector.vimscriptParser.parseExpression(func)
if (expression != null) {
try {
val value = expression.evaluate(editor, context, scriptContext)
if (value is VimFuncref) {
handler = value.handler
} catch (ex: ExException) {
// Get the argument for function('...') or funcref('...') for the error message
val functionName = if (expression is FunctionCallExpression && expression.arguments.size > 0) {
expression.arguments[0].evaluate(editor, context, scriptContext).toString()
else {
VimPlugin.showMessage("E117: Unknown function: $functionName")
return false
if (func.isEmpty()) {
return false

val scriptContext = CommandLineVimLContext

// The option value is either a function name, which should have a handler, or it might be a lambda expression, or a
// `function` or `funcref` call expression, all of which will return a funcref (with a handler)
var handler = injector.functionService.getFunctionHandlerOrNull(null, func, scriptContext)
if (handler == null) {
val expression = injector.vimscriptParser.parseExpression(func)
if (expression != null) {
try {
val value = expression.evaluate(editor, context, scriptContext)
if (value is VimFuncref) {
handler = value.handler
} catch (ex: ExException) {
// Get the argument for function('...') or funcref('...') for the error message
val functionName = if (expression is FunctionCallExpression && expression.arguments.size > 0) {
expression.arguments[0].evaluate(editor, context, scriptContext).toString()
else {

if (handler != null) {
val arg = when (selectionType) {
SelectionType.LINE_WISE -> "line"
SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE -> "char"
SelectionType.BLOCK_WISE -> "block"
VimPlugin.showMessage("E117: Unknown function: $functionName")
return false

val saveRepeatHandler = VimRepeater.repeatHandler
injector.markService.setChangeMarks(editor.primaryCaret(), textRange)

val arguments = listOf(SimpleExpression(arg))
handler.executeFunction(arguments, editor, context, scriptContext)

VimRepeater.repeatHandler = saveRepeatHandler
return true

// TODO: Migrate extensions to use operatorfunc
val operatorFunction = injector.keyGroup.operatorFunction
if (operatorFunction == null) {
if (handler == null) {
VimPlugin.showMessage("E117: Unknown function: $func")
return false

val arg = when (selectionType) {
SelectionType.LINE_WISE -> "line"
SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE -> "char"
SelectionType.BLOCK_WISE -> "block"

val saveRepeatHandler = VimRepeater.repeatHandler
injector.markService.setChangeMarks(editor.primaryCaret(), textRange)
val result = operatorFunction.apply(editor, context, selectionType)

val arguments = listOf(SimpleExpression(arg))
handler.executeFunction(arguments, editor, context, scriptContext)

VimRepeater.repeatHandler = saveRepeatHandler
return result
return true

@CommandOrMotion(keys = ["g@"], modes = [Mode.NORMAL])
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,21 +14,34 @@ import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.KeyHandler
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.VimPlugin
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.action.change.Extension
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.ExecutionContext
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.ImmutableVimCaret
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.VimCaret
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.VimEditor
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.injector
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.MappingMode
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.CommandAlias
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.CommandAliasHandler
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.TextRange
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.CommandLineHelper
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.TestInputModel
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.noneOfEnum
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.vimStateMachine
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.key.MappingOwner
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.key.OperatorFunction
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.newapi.vim
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.state.mode.SelectionType
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.ui.ModalEntry
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.Executable
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.ExecutionResult
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.VimLContext
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.datatypes.VimDataType
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.expressions.Expression
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.expressions.Scope
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.statements.FunctionDeclaration
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.vimscript.model.statements.FunctionFlag
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent
import java.util.*
import javax.swing.KeyStroke

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,12 +133,6 @@ public object VimExtensionFacade {
.setAlias(name, CommandAlias.Call(minimumNumberOfArguments, maximumNumberOfArguments, name, handler))

/** Sets the value of 'operatorfunc' to be used as the operator function in 'g@'. */
public fun setOperatorFunction(function: OperatorFunction) {
VimPlugin.getKey().operatorFunction = function

* Runs normal mode commands similar to ':normal! {commands}'.
* Mappings doesn't work with this function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,4 +214,65 @@ public object VimExtensionFacade {
public fun setRegister(register: Char, keys: List<KeyStroke?>?, type: SelectionType) {
VimPlugin.getRegister().setKeys(register, keys?.filterNotNull() ?: emptyList(), type)

public fun exportScriptFunction(
scope: Scope?,
name: String,
args: List<String>,
defaultArgs: List<Pair<String, Expression>>,
hasOptionalArguments: Boolean,
flags: EnumSet<FunctionFlag>,
function: ScriptFunction
) {
var functionDeclaration: FunctionDeclaration? = null
val body = listOf(object : Executable {
// This context is set to the function declaration during initialisation and then set to the function execution
// context during execution
override lateinit var vimContext: VimLContext
override var rangeInScript: TextRange = TextRange(0, 0)

override fun execute(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext): ExecutionResult {
return function.execute(editor, context, functionDeclaration!!.functionVariables)
functionDeclaration = FunctionDeclaration(
replaceExisting = true,
functionDeclaration.rangeInScript = TextRange(0, 0)
body.forEach { it.vimContext = functionDeclaration }

public fun VimExtensionFacade.exportOperatorFunction(name: String, function: OperatorFunction) {
exportScriptFunction(null, name, listOf("type"), emptyList(), false, noneOfEnum()) {
editor, context, args ->

val type = args["type"]?.asString()
val selectionType = when (type) {
"line" -> SelectionType.LINE_WISE
"block" -> SelectionType.BLOCK_WISE
"char" -> SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE
else -> return@exportScriptFunction ExecutionResult.Error

if (function.apply(editor, context, selectionType)) {
else {

public fun interface ScriptFunction {
public fun execute(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext, args: Map<String, VimDataType>): ExecutionResult
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,53 +22,57 @@ import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.ExecutionContext
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.ImmutableVimCaret
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.VimEditor
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.getLineEndOffset
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.globalOptions
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.api.injector
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.Argument
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.Command
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.CommandFlags
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.MappingMode
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.state.mode.Mode
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.OperatorArguments
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.state.mode.SelectionType
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.TextObjectVisualType
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.CommandAliasHandler
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.TextRange
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.ex.ranges.Ranges
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.ExtensionHandler
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtension
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.addCommand
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.executeNormalWithoutMapping
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.putExtensionHandlerMapping
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.putKeyMapping
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.putKeyMappingIfMissing
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.VimExtensionFacade.setOperatorFunction
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.extension.exportOperatorFunction
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.handler.TextObjectActionHandler
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.PsiHelper
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.vimStateMachine
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.key.OperatorFunction
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.newapi.IjVimEditor
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.newapi.ij
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.newapi.vim
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.state.mode.Mode
import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.state.mode.SelectionType
import java.util.*

internal class CommentaryExtension : VimExtension {

companion object {

private const val OPERATOR_FUNC = "CommentaryOperatorFunc"

fun doCommentary(
editor: VimEditor,
context: ExecutionContext,
range: TextRange,
selectionType: SelectionType,
resetCaret: Boolean,
resetCaret: Boolean = true,
): Boolean {
val mode = editor.vimStateMachine.mode
if (mode !is Mode.VISUAL) {
editor.ij.selectionModel.setSelection(range.startOffset, range.endOffset)

return runWriteAction {
// Treat block- and character-wise selections as block comments. Be ready to fall back to if the first action
// isn't available
// Treat block- and character-wise selections as block comments. Fall back if the first action isn't available
val actions = if (selectionType === SelectionType.LINE_WISE) {
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ internal class CommentaryExtension : VimExtension {
// first non-whitespace character, then the caret is in the right place. If it's inserted at the first column,
// then the caret is now in a bit of a weird place. We can't detect this scenario, so we just have to accept
// the difference
// TODO: If we don't move the caret to the start offset, we should maintain the current logical position
if (resetCaret) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +150,16 @@ internal class CommentaryExtension : VimExtension {
putKeyMapping(MappingMode.N, injector.parser.parseKeys("<Plug>(CommentLine)"), owner, plugCommentaryLineKeys, true)

addCommand("Commentary", CommentaryCommandAliasHandler())

VimExtensionFacade.exportOperatorFunction(OPERATOR_FUNC, CommentaryOperatorFunction())

private class CommentaryOperatorFunction : OperatorFunction {
// todo make it multicaret
override fun apply(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext, selectionType: SelectionType?): Boolean {
val range = injector.markService.getChangeMarks(editor.primaryCaret()) ?: return false
return doCommentary(editor, context, range, selectionType ?: SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE, true)

Expand All @@ -153,19 +168,13 @@ internal class CommentaryExtension : VimExtension {
* E.g. handles the `gc` in `gc_`, by setting the operator function, then invoking `g@` to receive the `_` motion to
* invoke the operator. This object is both the mapping handler and the operator function.
private class CommentaryOperatorHandler : OperatorFunction, ExtensionHandler {
private class CommentaryOperatorHandler : ExtensionHandler {
override val isRepeatable = true

override fun execute(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext, operatorArguments: OperatorArguments) {
injector.globalOptions().operatorfunc = OPERATOR_FUNC
executeNormalWithoutMapping(injector.parser.parseKeys("g@"), editor.ij)

// todo make it multicaret
override fun apply(editor: VimEditor, context: ExecutionContext, selectionType: SelectionType?): Boolean {
val range = injector.markService.getChangeMarks(editor.primaryCaret()) ?: return false
return doCommentary(editor, context, range, selectionType ?: SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE, true)

private class CommentaryMappingHandler : ExtensionHandler {
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