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JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api official JetBrains project

1. Example of using the API in native code.

The library is header-only. Just include all needed headers.

#include "../include/etw_provider_api.hpp" // the API itself
#include "../include/debug_output.hpp"     // Debug Output provider
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// callback which will be called when ETW provider is enabled
void on_provider_enable(bool is_enabled, uint64_t match_any_keyword, uint64_t match_all_keyword, void *) {
    std::cout << "Provider enable callback: enabled: " << std::boolalpha << is_enabled << ", match_any_keyword: " << match_any_keyword << ", match_all_keyword: " << match_all_keyword << "\n";

int main()
    using namespace events;
    using namespace events::etw;

    uint64_t handle = 0;

    try {
        std::cout << "Register provider...\n";
        // register Debug Output provider
        handle = register_provider<on_provider_enable>(JetBrains_Common_DebugOutput::guid);
        std::cout << "Provider is registered\n";
        std::cout << "Write string and then Enter to send it to DebugOutput:\n";

        using dbg_output = JetBrains_Common_DebugOutput::DebugOutput;

        for(std::string str; std::getline(std::cin, str); )
            // write Debug Output event with params (uint32_t ProcessId, const char * DebugString) - see the format in debug_output.hpp
            write_event(handle, { dbg_output::id, dbg_output::version }, dbg_output::data::to_tuple({ 1, str.c_str() }));
    catch(const std::exception & ex) {
        std::cout << "Error occurred: " << ex.what() << "\n\n";

    if(handle != 0)

    return 0;

2. Example of using the API in managed code.

  1. First, build the native API library from profiler-timeline-api\native\CMakeLists.txt project. As the result you'll get profiler_timeline_api.dll.
  2. Build the managed library from profiler-timeline-api\managed\JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api\Src\JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api.csproj project. You'll get JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api.dll.
  3. Make a test C# project and reference the assembly JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api.dll from the previous step.
using System.ComponentModel;

    // IMPORTANT!: provide the path to profiler_timeline_api.dll which was built on the step 1.
    var prof = new JetBrains.Timeline.Profiler.Api.TimelineProfiler(
        (enabled, keyword, allKeyword) => Console.WriteLine($"Provider enabled: {enabled}, {keyword}, {allKeyword}"));

    while (true)
        string str = Console.ReadLine() ?? "Empty string";
        // write Debug Output event with the only string parameter
catch (Win32Exception error)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error occurred: {error.Message}, code: {error.NativeErrorCode}");
catch (Exception error)
    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + error.Message);


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