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v2018.3 for Rider 2018.3

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@citizenmatt citizenmatt released this 18 Jan 20:49
· 0 commits to 183 since this release

Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.3.


  • Add parsing of method and class usage from scene, prefab and asset files (#263, RIDER-7460, #870, #873, #903, #921, RIDER-21907, RIDER-21897, #943, #949)
  • Add "Unity event handler" gutter icon to method and property setters registered to a Unity event via the Unity editor
  • Correctly mark event handlers as in use
  • Unity files appear in Find Usages for event handlers and classes deriving from MonoBehaviour, grouped by type, component and object
  • Disable rename for event handler methods to prevent breaking the registration in scene files
  • Add Code Vision highlighting for implicitly used classes, methods, properties and fields
  • Add option to hide gutter icons (automatically disabled when Code Vision enabled)
  • Add performance indicators for performance critical code contexts (#816, #878)
  • Add performance indicator for null comparison against Unity object (RIDER-19297)
  • Add performance indicator for AddComponent as an expensive method invocation (RIDER-19299)
  • Add performance indicator for Find methods (RIDER-19287)
  • Add performance indicator for GetComponent methods (RIDER-19288)
  • Add performance indicator for indirect invocation of expensive methods (#816)
  • Add inspection to avoid string based method invocation (RIDER-19295, #798)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid repeat access of properties that make native calls (RIDER-19289, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid instantiating an object and setting parent transform immediately after (RIDER-19298, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use static int field to access graphics properties instead of string access (RIDER-19296, #783))
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use non-allocating physics functions (RIDER-19290, #784)
  • Add Context Action to move expensive expression to Start, Awake or outside of loop (RIDER-19297, RIDER-19291, RIDER-19287, #878)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid string based versions of GetComponent, AddComponent and ScriptableObject.CreateInstance (RIDER-19293, #763)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix for correct method signature for DrawGizmo attribute (#36, #772)
  • Add inspection for calling base.OnGUI in PropertyDrawer derived class (#886, thanks @vinhui!)
  • Add suspicious comparison warning if comparing two Unity objects which don't have a common subtype (RIDER-18671, #7864))
  • Add "Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?" for most new inspections
  • Add code completion, rename and find usages to string literal component and scriptable object type names (#835)
  • Add file template for [InitializeOnLoad] class (#795)
  • Rider: Syntax highlighting for YAML files
  • Rider: Add entity component data to debugger (#720)
  • Rider: Add components and children of GameObject to debugger (#838)
  • Rider: Add child game objects of Scene to debugger (#838)
  • Rider: Add double click to start debugger in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#814)
  • Rider: Add setting to disable sending Unity Console to Rider (#829)
  • Rider: Add prefix, suffix and "disable inspections" options to custom serialised fields naming rule (#930, #928, RIDER-22026, RIDER-21193)
  • Rider: Ensure code is compiled before running tests via Unity (#916, #931)
  • Unity editor: Show version of editor plugin on Rider plugin page (#818, #822)
  • Unity editor: Generate projects once per Unity startup (#874, #884, RIDER-21237, RIDER-21035)
  • Unity editor: Add editor window to show results of Find Usages (#918)
  • Unity editor: Add action to start Unity from Rider (#942, #946)


  • Update API to Unity 2018.3.0b9 (#819, #897)
  • Mark event handler methods and property setters as in use if they're declared on a base type (#922)
  • Remove duplicate event functions from code completion (#685, #823)
  • Improve redundant event function warnings (RIDER-19894, #794)
  • Stop Generate Code dialog selecting all event functions by default when called from the gutter icon or Code Vision marker (RIDER-22211, #939)
  • Prevent Respeller running on .asmdef files (RIDER-17701, #748)
  • Rider: Updated icons in Unity Explorer (#836, RIDER-18475)
  • Rider: Set font similar to Console for Unity Log View (#842)
  • Rider: Explicit background refresh assets action will force AppDomain reload (#846)
  • Rider: Detect non-default Unity installed (#854, #850)
  • Rider: Refine auto-save notification advice (#707, #877)
  • Rider: Preserve custom editor location (#872)
  • Unity editor: Generated projects for Unity 2018.1+ no longer require .NET or Mono installed (#756)
  • Unity editor: Add HintPaths to system libraries in generated projects (RIDER-20161, #832)
  • Unity editor: Speed up writing JSON file during plugin startup (#753)
  • Unity editor: Stop capturing log events unless connected to a Unity project (#946, RIDER-22361)


  • Fix C# language level override incorrectly handling latest (#871)
  • Fix to stop generating readonly modifier when converting auto property to property with serialised backing field (#892, #893)
  • Fix bug in ShaderLab parsing Blend operations (#723, #785)
  • Fix exception after renaming type (#820, RIDER-18699)
  • Rider: Fix filter in Unity log view to be case insensitive (#761)
  • Rider: Fix running unit tests via Unity on Mac (RIDER-20514, #530)
  • Rider: Fix Unity Explorer not showing on Linux (#792, #793)
  • Rider: Fix Unity Explorer and packages with fully qualified paths (#952)
  • Rider: Fix list of debuggable Unity apps to include apps started from symlinks (#713)
  • Rider: Fix prompt for npm install in package.json in Unity packages (#703, #789)
  • Rider: Fix for ignored tests displaying wrong result status (#657, #718)
  • Unity editor: Fix mcs.rsp/csc.rsp processing for references in quotes
  • Unity editor: Fix adding reference to UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll for Unity installed from Hub (#843)

See also the Rider 2018.3 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.2.1 for Rider 2018.2.1.