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Heavily based on expression-eval and jsep, with thanks to their awesome work.

Forked from expression-eval v5.0.0. Many thanks to @donmccurdy for the initial package

JavaScript expression parsing and evaluation.

IMPORTANT: As mentioned under Security below, this library does not attempt to provide a secure sandbox for evaluation. Evaluation involving user inputs (expressions or values) may lead to unsafe behavior. If your project requires a secure sandbox, consider alternatives such as vm2.


Evaluates an estree expression from jsep (as well as @babel/parser, esprima, acorn, or any other library that parses and returns a valid estree expression).



npm install --save jse-eval


// ES6
import { parse, evaluate, compile, jsep } from 'jse-eval';

// CommonJS
const { parse, evaluate, compile, jsep } = require('jse-eval');

// UMD / standalone script
const { parse, evaluate, compile, jsep } = window.expressionEval;



import { parse } from 'jse-eval';
const ast = parse('1 + foo');

The result of the parse is an AST (abstract syntax tree), like:

  "type": "BinaryExpression",
  "operator": "+",
  "left": {
    "type": "Literal",
    "value": 1,
    "raw": "1"
  "right": {
    "type": "Identifier",
    "name": "foo"


import { parse, evaluate } from 'jse-eval';
const ast = parse('a + b / c'); // abstract syntax tree (AST)
const value = eval(ast, {a: 2, b: 2, c: 5}); // 2.4

// alternatively:
const value = await evalAsync(ast, {a: 2, b: 2, c: 5}); // 2.4


import { compile } from 'jse-eval';
const fn = compile(' + 10');
fn({foo: {bar: 'baz'}}); // 'baz10'

// alternatively:
import { compileAsync } from 'jse-eval';
const fn = compileAsync(' + 10');
fn({foo: {bar: 'baz'}}); // 'baz10'

One-Line Parse + Evaluation

import { evalExpr } from 'jse-eval';
evalExpr(' + 10', {foo: {bar: 'baz'}}); // baz10

// alternatively:
import { evalExprAsync } from 'jse-eval';
evalExprAsync(' + 10', {foo: {bar: 'baz'}}); // baz10

JSEP Plugins

import { registerPlugin } from 'jse-eval';

// or alternatively:
const { jsep } = require('jse-eval');

Extending evaluation

To modify the evaluation, use any of the modification methods:

  • addUnaryOp(operator, evaluator). Will add the operator to jsep, and the function to evaluate the operator
  • addBinaryOp(operator, precedence | evaluator, evaluator). Will add the operator to jsep at the given precedence (if provided), and the function to evaluate the operator
  • addEvaluator(nodeType, evaluator). Will add the evaluator function to the map of functions for each node type. This evaluator will be called with the ExpressionEval instance bound to it. The evaluator is responsible for handling both sync and async, as needed, but can use the this.isAsync or this.evalSyncAsync() to help.
    • If the node type is unknown, jse-eval will check for a default node type handler before throwing an error for an unknown node type. If any other behavior is desired, this can be overridden by providing a new default evaluator.

Extensions may also be added as plugins using the registerPlugin(myPlugin1, myPlugin2...) method. The plugins are extensions of the JSEP format. If the init method is defined in the plugin, then the plugin will be added to JSEP, and/or if the initEval method is defined in the plugin, then the initEval method will be called with the JseEval class as both this and as an argument so the plugin code may extend as necessary.

Example Extensions:

import * as expr from 'jse-eval';

expr.addBinaryOp('**', 11, true, (a, b) => a ** b);
console.log(expr.evalExpr('2 ** 3 ** 2')); // 512

expr.addBinaryOp('^', 11, (a, b) => Math.pow(a, b)); // Replace XOR with Exponent
console.log(expr.evalExpr('3^2')); // 9

expr.addEvaluator('TestNodeType', function(node) {
  return node.test + this.context.string
console.log(expr.eval({ type: 'TestNodeType', test: 'testing ' }, { string: 'jse-eval' })); // 'testing jse-eval'

const myPlugin = {
  name: 'Exponentiation',
  init(jsep) {
    jsep.addBinaryOp('**', 11, true);
  initEval(JseEval) {
    JseEval.binops['**'] = (a, b) => a ** b;
console.log(expr.evalExpr('2 ** 3 ** 2')); // 512

Node Types Supported:

This project will try to stay current with all JSEP's node types::

  • ArrayExpression
  • LogicalExpression/BinaryExpression
  • CallExpression
  • ConditionalExpression
  • Compound Compound support will evaluate each expression and return the result of the final one
  • Identifier
  • Literal
  • MemberExpression
  • ThisExpression
  • UnaryExpression

As well as the optional plugin node types:

  • ArrowFunctionExpression
  • AssignmentExpression/UpdateExpression
  • AwaitExpression
  • NewExpression
  • ObjectExpression
  • SpreadElement
  • TaggedTemplateExpression/TemplateLiteral

Related Packages

Depending on your specific use-case, there are other related packages available, including:


Although this package does avoid the use of eval(), it cannot guarantee that user-provided expressions, or user-provided inputs to evaluation, will not modify the state or behavior of your application. This library does not attempt to provide a secure sandbox for evaluation. Evaluation of arbitrary user inputs (expressions or values) may lead to unsafe behavior. If your project requires a secure sandbox, consider alternatives such as vm2.


Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on the guidelines for contributing and then feel free to submit a PR with your contribution.

Code of Conduct

Help us keep this project open and inclusive. Please read and follow the Code of Conduct.


MIT License.


Javascript Expression Evaluator



Code of conduct





No packages published


  • TypeScript 63.4%
  • JavaScript 36.6%