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Repo for my learnings of the MOOC "Improving your statistical inferences" (

Main contribution:

1. Utilize the Cornell notes structure and converted learnings into a Q & A format.

2. Convert the R-code used for simulations and analyses into Python code.

3. Gather supplemental information from other credible sources

For example, below shows the week 3 (Error Control) file:





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How to prevent type 1 errors (in multiple testing)?

  • Bonferroni correction (Dunn correction)
    • Simple: new alpha = original alpha/# of test
    • Conservative
  • Holm correction:
    • Order P value, inverse rank, multiply the new rank with p-value to get the corrected p-value
    • A little less conservative

What is optional stopping?

  • Collecting data until p<0.05.
    • This may sound valid. But it will inflates the type 1 error
    • This could always lead to a significant results
    • However, with controlled error rate, this can be a very effective way to collect data
    • Work-around: Sequential analysis to control error rate (Pocok correction).
      • efficient: US army actually stopped this publication during the war so that enemies don’t know this

      • Very similar to Bonferroni, but if you look twice, you will have a slightly higher threshold than, let’s say 0.025, if alpha is 0.05.

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      • 5 looks with out correction

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      • Pocock corrected sequential analyses

        • Still kind of weird, but much better controlled
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What is false discovery rate control?

Let’s say you had a significant result, if you repeat it, what is the chance that you will observe a significant result again?

  • May be tempting to say 95%, but that is completely wrong. The probability will be the power. So you will need to do a power analysis
    • Power is a function of sample size and effect size -image

How to increase power besides increasing sample size?

  • Decreasing measurement error: reducing the variability
    • Eg, IQ test, you don’t just ask 1 question, instead, you ask a lot
  • Using within designs (Also named dependent groups or repeated measures design)
    • all participants take part in every condition. It’s the opposite of a between-subjects design, where each participant experiences only one condition.
    • More powerful bc Individual variation is removed
    • All longitudinal studies use within-subjects designs
    • Cons: time-related effects, as it is hard to control the effects of time on the outcomes of the study, eg, a lockdown
  • Increasing variability in the response options
    • Eg, using 1-10 scale is easier to find differences than a 1-3 scale
  • Use one-sided tests (When you have a directional prediction)
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What is p-hacking?

  • The practice of manipulating data to achieve statistical significance. It is when researchers make choices after seeing their data to help them get a significant result. This includes choices or tweaks like dropping outlying data points or changing the way you analyze data.
    • Selecting only the data that supports the hypothesis and ignoring the rest
    • Running multiple tests on the same data until a significant result is found.
    • Removing outliers from the data.
    • Changing the analysis method until a significant result is found.

What is pre-registration?

  • Pre-registering a study protocol with a detailed analysis plan helps to reduce the risk of data dredging, p-hacking, or other practices that may inflate Type 1 errors.
    • Distinguish confirmatory research from exploratory analyses
    • Coming up with hypothesis after seeing data reverses the empirical cycle.
      • During exploration, you can perform hypothesis test, but you cannot test a hypothesis.
  • To pre-register
    • justify sample size (stopping rule)
    • specify IV (independent variable) and DV (dependent) for test : what are you going to measure?
    • Describe the analysis plan (alpha, how to clean data, eg, what is outlier?)

When does a significant p-value indicate a true effect?



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