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example workflow

This repo contains a collection of example BuildingSync files and tools for writing and validating BuildingSync use cases as schematron files.

Command line validation


Install from pypi

pip install testsuite

Install from source

Poetry is required to install testsuite.

# Copy repo
git clone

# install the package
cd TestSuite
poetry install

# Test that it works, you should see a message describing the usage
poetry run testsuite



from testsuite.validate_sch import validate_schematron

# run basic validation
# returns an array of testsuite.validate_sch.Failures
failures = validate_schematron('my_schematron.sch', 'my_xml.xml')

# save the svrl result file
failures = validate_schematron('my_schematron.sch', 'my_xml.xml', result_path='validation_result.svrl')

# run a specific phase in schematron
failures = validate_schematron('my_schematron.sch', 'my_xml.xml', phase='MyPhaseID')

# report unfired rules as errors
failures = validate_schematron('my_schematron.sch', 'my_xml.xml', strict_context=True)


testsuite validate my_schematron.sch my_xml.xml

# see all options
testsuite validate --help


Generate Schematron

First create a CSV file that meets the required structure:

phase title,phase see,pattern title,pattern see,rule title,rule context,assert test,assert description,assert severity,notes

See the CSV files in this repo for examples.

Hierarchy is implied by the lack of text in a column. If no phase data is added to a row, it's considered to be the same phase as the row above. If no pattern data is present, it's assumed to be the same pattern as above. If no rule context is given, it's assumed to be the same as the one above.

The generator expects a "exemplary" xml file which should pass the validation. This is used to make sure all rules are applied (schematron will skip rules if the rule context doesn't match or if it only matches nodes that have already been matched within that pattern). If no exemplary file is provided no rule context checks will be made.

poetry run testsuite generate path_to_csv [path_to_exemplary_xml]

Generate all schematron files by using the following command

poetry run testsuite generate_all



Use Cases, Model View Definitions, and Modeling Level of Detail Definitions

As BuildingSync has grown in its ability to represent information about buildings, it is able to define aspects of buildings at varying levels of abstraction. Additionally, while originally designed to capture energy audit data, data stored in BuildingSync can be used for other purposes as well. Working with data for different purposes and at varying levels of abstraction in a schema is not something new to BuildingSync. This is a similar problem faced by the building information modeling (BIM) community, where different informational requirements are necessary at different project stages and many different stakeholders are involved in projects. BIM uses the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema for transferring data between applications. The BuildingSync team utilizes two concepts introduced by the BIM world for refining data expectations needed by different users of the schema: Level of Development (LOD) and Model View Definitions (MVD).

The LOD spec is a comprehensive guide developed by the AIA and BIMForm to help BIM authors describe the depth of their models based on phases of design reference. MVDs are developed by a variety of users in the BIM community to define a subset of the overall schema necessary for a specific use case or workflow reference. We utilize these concepts in BuildingSync and define them as follows:


A MVD in BuildingSync is intended to provide a narrower focus for which the data stored in a BuildingSync document is intended. It is analogous to the MVD introduced above. The two primary MVDs developed so far are: - Audit – To ensure alignment of data contained in the BuildingSync document with portions of the ASHRAE 211 Standard - OpenStudio Simulation – To ensure alignment of data contained in the BuildingSync document with requirements necessary to utilize the BuildingSync-gem for automatically generating and simulating an energy model using OpenStudio.

MLOD definitions

The MLOD definitions are intended to provide expectations of informational requirements at differing levels of abstraction. For example, in BuildingSync, a Building element can be defined to capture high-level information, but narrower levels of abstraction regarding architectural and mechanical space configurations (Section, ThermalZone, or Space elements) can be defined as child elements of the Building to provide more specific information. This is analogous to the LOD spec introduced above.

Use case

A use case is a combination of an MVD and a MLOD. Together, these provide formalized definitions for BuildingSync data expectations.

The formal definitions for each use case is defined using Schematron files, which are located in spec/use_cases/[schema_version]/[MLOD]_[MVD].sch. Six MLODs have been defined in BuildingSync, the first four being in alignment with ASHRAE Standard 211:

MLOD MVD Alignment to Std 211 Std 211 Section
Level 000 Audit Preliminary Analysis Section 5.2.3
Level 100 Audit Level 1 Section 6.1
Level 200 Audit Level 2 Section 6.2
Level 300 Audit Level 3 Section 6.3
Level 400 Audit Not Applicable Not Applicable
Level 500 Audit Not Applicable Not Applicable

The lib directory provides a library of general purpose Schematron functions used within the individual Schematron documents. These functions are designed to be used by others with use cases outside of the Levels defined above. Narrative overviews for the different levels can be found in docs.


HVAC System Examples

Where the System Type specified below does not exactly match the enumeration in the BSync XML file, check the mapping defined by map_primary_hvac_system_type_to_cbecs_system_type. Additionally, see the examples/HVACSystems directory for a tutorial and example files.

File Specified For System Type Translate Tested Simulate Tested MLOD MVD Validates Against Description
L000_OpenStudio_Simulation_01.xml Building VAV with reheat TRUE TRUE L000 OpenStudio_Simulation L000_OpenStudio_Simulation.sch No system-type actually declared. System inferred from OpenStudio Standards based on Building's OccupancyClassification and Gross floor area.
L000_OpenStudio_Simulation_02.xml Building PSZ-AC with gas reheat TRUE TRUE L000 OpenStudio_Simulation L000_OpenStudio_Simulation.sch No system-type actually declared. System inferred from OpenStudio Standards based on Building's OccupancyClassification and Gross floor area.
L100_OpenStudio_Simulation_01.xml Section-Retail PSZ-AC with gas reheat TRUE TRUE L100 OpenStudio_Simulation L100_OpenStudio_Simulation.sch Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioner is mapped to PSZ-AC with gas reheat.
L100_OpenStudio_Simulation_01.xml Section-Office PVAV with PFP boxes TRUE TRUE L100 OpenStudio_Simulation L100_OpenStudio_Simulation.sch Packaged Rooftop VAV with Electric Reheat is mapped as PVAV with PFP boxes
PSZ-AC-CDM-001.xml Section PSZ-AC N/A N/A L200 Audit None Example of constructing more complex, L200 system.
PSZ-HP-CDM-001.xml Section PSZ-HP N/A N/A L200 Audit None Example of constructing more complex, L200 system.

Lighting System Examples

System Type Level 000 Level 100 Level 200

Premise Examples

System Type Level 000 Level 100 Level 200


See Contributions and Schematron


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