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Adam edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 6 revisions

A collection of frequently asked questions. Please check here first before opening an issue!

What does this plugin actually do?

Regionerator runs in the background, periodically trying to delete area that is considered disused from configured worlds. This results in reduced world size and refreshed area for exploration and mining.

My server is lagging! What can I do?

Is this Regionerator's first run? If it is, try to stick it out - the initial run usually has a lot more area to delete, so it won't run as smoothly. If not, try reducing expensive-checks-between-recovery.

Why is it taking so long to start deleting area?

When installed, Regionerator doesn't know what has and hasn't been visited. It needs to gather data for as long as it takes chunks to become unvisited before it can tell what's safe to delete. Regionerator does fall through to Minecraft's internal last modification timestamp, but this requires the chunk to have actually been modified (entity movement, block changes, etc.), not just visited. Chunks along roads, in shops, and other frequently visited areas may not be regularly modified even if players are present.

Why does regeneration take so long?

If cycles are taking too long for your taste, try decreasing recovery-time or increasing expensive-checks-between-recovery. If it's still taking a long time, you're probably using a hook that is not capable of operating off the main server thread safely. Please see the Hooks page for information about current hook capabilities.

Do you support custom world generators?

Regionerator doesn't generate area, it deletes it. Whatever world generator you're using will then provide the chunk when it generates again. Unless you have changed world generators, the chunks should match roughly what they originally were. Tree and other decoration generation may cause visible lines on chunk boundaries.

Do you support this plugin?

Please see the Hooks page for information about current/potential new plugin support.

How can I test a protection hook?

Please see the Testing page for more detailed testing methods.

How can I force deletion to run early?

Please see the Testing page for more detailed testing methods.

Why isn't my world getting smaller?

Regionerator only directly affects world size when deleting entire regions. When Regionerator "deletes" a chunk, it actually rewrites the part of the region file that Minecraft uses to locate the chunk's data. Minecraft only optimizes the size of regions on write, so you won't see any change in file size until the region is loaded again.

If you believe that there is an error (i.e. you have logs stating regions are deleted but world size does not decrease) please enable HIGH debug logging and open an issue with the logs.