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flutter Examples

These are examples very basic examples using flutter. Note, I'm in the process of updating them the new versions. some may not even compile.

bottomnavigationdemo sets the basics to get the bottom navigation working.

dialog_Demo is an example of several dialog boxes.

draw_Demo show customPaint, gestureDectector, bottomnavigationbar, with dialogs and colorpicker dialog.

fab_demo is simple statefulwidget example of using a floating action button and changing text. some attempt at changing the theme as well.

flutter_mapdemo brings up google maps in flutter and show how to place a couple of markers.

flutterfirebasedemo is a basic, but working firebase authentication and firestore example.

form_example is an attempt to redo the formexample in formexample in basic

httpdemo is the basic example that flutter demos network with.

listview_demo is an example of using a listview, dialogbox and addig to the list.

mlkit_demo show how to use the mlkit face with a still frame picture either camera or gallery.

more_widgets_demo Show how to use some more input widget and "small" static listview with a snackbar as well.

multiscreendemo shows how to switch between two screens.

navigation_drawer_demo uses a drawer to change to 3 different screens.

pageview_demo uses a pageview that allows the users to swipe between 5 pages. note, swipe is broken on web/chrome.

sensor_plugin_demo uses the sensor_plugin and the battery_plus plugin to shows the battery level, accelerometer, gyroscope, user accelerometer (does have basic gravity included), and magnetometer values.

speech_demo uses two plugins, flutter_tts for text to speech, and speech_to_text for speech to text recognization. this is a very basic demo, but shows how both work.

sqlitedb_demo uses sqflite (sqlite) to rework the database example sqliteDBDemo in saveData Repo (note fails on web, can't store db in a browser I guess).

tabs_demo uses Tabview controller that allows the users to switch between 5 pages,, either by clicking the tab or swipe. note, swipe is broken on web/chrome.

take_pic_demo show how to get picture from the gallery or camera and display it.

tcp_demo Shows how to use a socket and serversocket. setups a simple connection, and then allows the user to send and receiver messages. If run on two different phones/emulators the app can talk to each other. Uses a bottomnavigationbar to setup 2 separate "widgets" one for the server, the other for a client.

These are example code for University of Wyoming, Cosc 4730 Mobile Programming course and cosc 4735 Advance Mobile Programing course. All examples are for Android, but are written in flutter could be used on an Ios device, the web, or desktops as well.


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