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Swedish Farm Yard Server

The back end of a full stack learning app for Swedish words for animals. Uses a spaced repetition algorithm to order questions with progressively longer gaps between apperances so long as the user gets them correct.

Deployed Front-End Repository


Create a User

Users can be created with a POST to /api/users/. Each User has a structure shown below. The order array and position key contain information about the questions the user will be asked, the order in which they will be presented, and the user's history with that question.

 displayName: 'Mr. Bar',
  username: 'foobar',
  order:[{qId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, nextIndex: Number, weight: Number, timesAnswered: Number, timesCorrect: Number}, ...],
  position: 0


A user can log in with a POST to /api/auth/login. A JSON web token will be returned. The token must be in the header of any requests to protected endpoints.


Getting Next

To get the questions at the front of the user's queue of questions make a GET to /api/q/next. This will return information about the question and information about the requesting user's history with that question.

Sending Answer

To respond with if the user was correct or incorrect make a POST to /api/q/answer/. This will reorder the queue based on if the user was right or wrong, record the user's accuracy to track progress, and increment the question returned with the /api/q/next endpoint.



POST api/user

Create a user, unprotected. Request body example, all fields are required:



POST api/auth/login

Log a user in, unprotected. Request body example, all fields are required:


Successful response body example:


Unsuccessful request returns a 401 (Unauthorized) status code.


GET api/q/next

Get the question to be displayed to the user, JWT protected. Successful response body example:

    "_id": "5c478a54fc6fc260bcfa1817",
    "imgSrc": "",
    "svWord": "spindel",
    "enWord": "spider",
    "timesAnswered": 2,
    "timesCorrect": 4,
    "weight": 2

Unsuccessful request returns a 401 (Unauthorized) status code.

POST api/q/answer

Tell the server if the user answered correctly and prepare to send the next question, JWT protected. Request body example, all fields requried:

    "correct": true,

Successful response body example:

    "correct": true,

Unsuccessful request returns a 401 (Unauthorized) status code.

Setting Up Another Instance

To deploy you'll need a JWT_SECRET and a MONGODB_URI in your enviorment variables. We stored ours in a .env file.

Presentation by Dominick Mckoy


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Contributors 4
