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JimmiHsieh edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 4 revisions


  1. Install Google Cloud SDK. (include kubectl)
  2. Docker
  3. Setup GCP project.

Create Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL)

  1. Create PostgreSQL through GCP console.
  2. Enable "Private IP".
  3. Go to user -> change user password.

Enable Cloud SQL Admin API (Use for Cloud SQL Proxy)

  1. Goto GCP console -> click [APIs & Services] and select [Library]
    -> Type "Cloud SQL" in search bar.
    -> enable "Cloud SQL Admin API" & "Cloud SQL".
  2. Goto GCP console -> click [IAM & admin] -> Service accounts
    -> Click [Create Service Account]
    -> type service account name with:keycloak-master-> create.
  3. select a role with : Cloud SQL Admin-> continue.
  4. create key with json type -> save to file.(as key.json)

Push Keycloak Docker image to Cloud Registry

(currently we use keycloak ver.7.0.0, don't know why not work with v.6.0.1)
export PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project -q)"
$ sudo docker pull jboss/keycloak:7.0.0
$ sudo docker tag jboss/keycloak${PROJECT_ID}/keycloak
$ sudo docker push${PROJECT_ID}/keycloak

Create GKE Cluster.

$ gcloud container clusters create auth-cluster --num-nodes=3
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials auth-cluster

Load secret from json file.

$ kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials

Deploy Cloud SQL Proxy

  1. Replace DB instance name in proxy/proxy-deployment.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f proxy/

Using Google Manages SSL Certificate(Optional)

*** Here we have our domain host and need GCP to renew ssl certificate automatically.***
*** skip this step if you don't require SSL.***

  1. Reserve a global static IP address.
    $ gcloud compute addresses create example-auth-ip --global
    $ gcloud compute addresses describe example-auth-ip --global

  2. GCP managed certificate
    $ kubectl apply -f certificate/auth-certificate.yaml
    $ kubectl describe managedcertificate

Deploy statefulset Keycloak

  1. Create Keycloak instances
    $ kubectl apply -f keycloak-statefulset.yaml

  2. Create headless service.
    $ kubectl apply -f keycloak-headless.yaml

  3. Create load balancer
    $ kubectl apply -f keycloak-service.yaml

  4. Expose service via Ingress. (require more than 10 mins)
    ***delete annotations from ingress.yaml if you don't need ssl. ***
    $ kubectl apply -f keycloak-ingress.yaml

  5. Configure the DNS records for your domain to point to the IP address of the load balancer.(optional)

  6. Cluster discovery successful.
    10:39:01,203 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (thread-101,ejb,keycloak-0) ISPN100000: Node keycloak-2 joined the cluster
    10:39:01,205 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (thread-101,ejb,keycloak-0) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel ejb: [keycloak-0|14] (4) [keycloak-0, keycloak-1, keycloak-3, keycloak-2]