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In this work, we developed Vislocas, which identifies potential protein mis-localization events from IHC images, to mark different cancer subtypes. Vislocas combines CNN and vision transformer to capture IHC image features at both global and local levels. Vislocas can be trained from scratch to create an end-to-end system that can identify protein subcellular localizations directly from IHC images.

1. Platform and Dependency

1.1 Platform

  • Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1
  • RTX 2080 Ti(11GB) * 6

1.2 Dependency

Requirements Release
CUDA 11.3
Python 3.8.15
pytorch 1.11.0
torchvision 0.12.0
torchaudio 0.11.0
cudatoolkit 11.3
pandas 1.2.4
fvcore 0.1.5
timm 0.6.12
scipy 1.9.3
einops 0.6.0
matplotlib 3.5.1
scikit-learn 1.1.2
tensorboard 2.11.0
adabelief-pytorch 0.2.0

2. Project Catalog Structure

2.1 datasets

This folder stores the code files for data loading.


    This file includes ihc data loading code.


    This file includes building dataset code.


    This file includes constructing loader code.

2.2 prepareData

This folder stores the code files for data preparing.

  • IF

    This folder stores the code files used to analyse and process the IF labels.

  • IHC

    This folder stores the code files used to analyse, process and download the IHC data.

  • pathology

    This folder stores the code files used to analyse, process and download the pathology data.

2.3 data

Download and save the data annotation information to this folder.
All benchmark data has been deposited at Zenodo ( DOI

The following files should be placed directly in the data directory.

File Descriptrion
data1.csv The whole benchmark dataset
data_train.csv The full training set
data_test.csv The independent set
data_train_spliti_foldj.csv The training set for the jth-fold cross-validation of the i-th division
data_val_spliti_foldj.csv The validation set for the jth-fold cross-validation of the i-th division
data_IHC_analysis.csv Data statistics for the benchmark data set
annotations.csv Location annotation information for IF images
tissueUrl.csv All normal IHC images and their URLs in the HPA database.
pathologyUrl.csv All pathology IHC images and their URLs in the HPA database.
normalWithAnnotation.csv IHC data information with matching IF labels
normalLabeled.csv IHC data with labels

The following files should be placed directly in the data/cancer directory.

File Descriptrion
normalGlioma.csv The normal data for glioma
patholotyGlioma.csv The patholoty data for glioma
normalMelanoma.csv The normal data for melanoma
patholotyMelanoma.csv The patholoty data for melanoma
normalSkinCancer.csv The normal data for skin cancer
patholotySkinCancer.csv The patholoty data for skin cancer
screenedNormalData.csv Normal data filtered to the same image quality as the benchmark dataset
screenedPathologyData.csv Pathology tissue data filtered to the same image quality as the benchmark dataset

2.4 models

This folder stores model-related code files, including Visloacas model code, loss function code, and model training-related code.

  • cvr_utils

    This folder stores convolutional tokenizer and transformer encoder module code.


    This file includes Visloacas model code.


    This file includes load model code.


    This file includes model training-related code.


    This file includes loss function code.


    This file includes criterion-related code.

2.5 tools

This folder stores code files for model training, prediction, biomarker prediction, etc.


    This file includes model training code.


    This file includes model testing code.


    This file includes the code that aggregates the image-level results into protein-level results.


    This file includes the codes for screening biomarkers of cancer subtypes.


    This file includes the code that calculates the performance metrics.

2.6 utils

This folder stores the optimiser, scheduler, checkpoint and other utilities code files.


    This file includes checkpoint code.


    This file includes the parameter configuration code.


    This file includes the code for distributed training.


    This file includes the utilities code for calculating the performance metrics.


    This file includes the optimizer code.


    This file includes the scheduler code.

2.7 logs

This folder is used to store the output log messages.

2.8 results

This folder is used to store the output models and prediction results.

2.9 dataset

This folder is used to store the downloaded images.

3. How to run

1. Download the data files to the data folder.

All benchmark data has been deposited at Zenodo ( DOI

2. Download the images from HPA.

The download address of the images can be obtained from file tissueUrl.csv and pathologyUrl.csv.

3. Install the environment.

The program is written in Python 3.8.15 and to run the code we provide, so you need to install the environment.yml through inputting the following command in command line mode:
conda env create -f environment.yml

4. Follow the steps below to generate the results of our paper.

  1. Train the Vislocas model, and save trained model to ./results/IHC.
  2. Predict subcellular location results for each image, and save the results to ./results/IHC.
  3. Aggregates the image-level results into protein-level results and calculate the performance metrics of the model.

    In the result files obtained, statistic_crossValidation_Vislocas_mlce_lr-000005_bn_drop-01_attn-drop-01_drop-path-01_batch12_seed6293_wd-005_aug_no-normalized_metrics.csv and statistic_proteinLevel_crossValidation_Vislocas_mlce_lr-000005_bn_drop-01_attn-drop-01_drop-path-01_batch12_seed6293_wd-005_aug_no-normalized_metrics.csv are the image level results and protein level results, respectively.

  4. Predict mis-localization-related cancer subtype biomarker, and save the results to ./results/cancer.


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