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This repository describes how to train a spaCy NER model that is optimized for lowercase data.

The data used for training is the CoNLL 2003 English dataset. As per the method described in, there are many different casing scenario for the training/validation/testing data:

  • Cased: The data is unmodified from the original CoNLL dataset.
  • Uncased: The data is lowercased.
  • CU (cased + uncased): The .txt files of the cased and uncased data are concatenated.
  • Halfmixed: Half of the sentences are randomly selected to be lowercased.
  • Truecased: The data is lowercased, and then is passed through a Truecaser model from

Since we want to optimize the model for the data in which no casing information is presented, only the uncased and truecased versions of the validation/testing set is used. From my experiments, the model performs best when its input data (training/validation/testing set) is all uncased, and second-best when the data is all truecased.

I have experimented with three spaCy model architectures: en_core_web_sm, en_core_web_md, and en_core_web_lg. Not surprisingly, the largest model (en_core_web_lg) achieves the highest F1-score (which is, F1=84.29 when trained with uncased data, and F1=83.61 when trained with truecased data), but it also takes the longest to train.

Two of the small models (with folder size of 13 MB) are in the folder trained_models of this repository

  • model-best-uncased-sm: trained, validated, and tested on uncased data on the en_core_web_sm pretrained model. F1=80.70
  • model-best-truecased-all-sm: trained, validated, and tested on truecased data on the en_core_web_sm pretrained model. F1=80.09


This project requires spaCy (>=3.0). It is recommended that you install spaCy by following instructions from . The specific model(s) that would be trained also needs to be downloaded and installed, e.g., via python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

For the Truecaser model, the requirements are python (3.6), allennlp (0.8.2), and spaCy (<2.1,>=2.0). This requirement of the older version of spaCy conflicts with the requirement for this project. It is not recommended for you to download the Truecaser model to truecase the data, since the truecased data is already provided in the folder conll

Training the model

To train the best-performing model (en-core-web-lg trained on uncased data), first make sure that all the subdirectories in the folder spacy_files are empty (in case they are not empty, the contents could just be deleted since they would be auto-generated when running the code that trains the model), then, run python in your terminal.

The file could be edited to change the paths to the data and the model’s config file (which would select the model architecture, e.g. base_config_sm.cfg would select the model en_core_web_sm).

After finish training the model, there will be two new directories,model-best and model-last, which store the recently trained models, in the current directory. Their names could be changed (for example, changed from model-best to model-best-uncased-lg) and stored elsewhere.


To create dataset with different casing scenarios from the original cased CoNLL data, the codes and are used. You do not have to run these codes since all versions of the data (e.g. cased, uncased, truecased) are provided in the folder conll

Predicting the output

Calculate F1 score

You could run the following command in your terminal. it will show precision, recall, and F1 score, both for each individual label (PER, ORG, LOC, MISC) and for all labels combined.

$ python -m spacy evaluate <path-to-best-model> <path-to-testing-file> 

Create an auto-annotated text file

Alternatively, you could run $ python to create an auto-annotated data. What this means is that the code would read the input data (currently set to conll/test/conll_test_uncased.txt), predict an NER label for each word with the trained model (currently set to trained_models/model-best-uncased-sm), and then create a .txt file with the same format and data as the input file, except that the predicted label would be appended to every line in the file. For example, if a line in the output file (currently set to conll/test/conll_test_uncased_with_prediction.txt) looks like this


The first token ("china") is a word that appears in the input file. The 4th token ("B-PER") is the correct/gold-standard label in the input file (in the context of this example, "china" refers to a Chinese Soccer team). The 5th token ("B-LOC") is the label predicted by the model.

Also, when python is run, it would create model_confusion.txt in the current directory, which shows the counts of all possible pairs of (correct_label, predicted_label), like a confusion matrix.


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