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👋 JioMeet Core Web SDK

Introducing JioMeet Web SDK, a developer-friendly audio and video SDK designed for easy integration. Our platform provides a reliable and secure foundation for building real-time communication solutions. With a comprehensive set of APIs, developers can quickly add high-quality audio and video capabilities to their applications.

Table of Contents

🏗️ Architecture Diagram

🚀 How to Install SDK

You can install the SDK using npm :

To install via NPM:

npm install @jiomeet/core-sdk-web

🏁 Setup

Register on JioMeet Platform:

You need to first register on Jiomeet platform. Click here to sign up

Get your application keys:

Create a new app. Please follow the steps provided in the Documentation guide to create apps before you proceed.

Get your Jiomeet meeting id and pin

Use the create meeting api to get your room id and password

🧑‍💻 Quick Start Code

import { EventManager, JMClient } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";

let isAudioMuted = true;
let isVideoMuted = true;
const jmClient = new JMClient();

// It is good practice to register event before calling join meeting
const unsubscribe = EventManager.onEvent((eventInfo) => {
  const { data } = eventInfo;
  switch (eventInfo.type) {
    case IJMInfoEventTypes.PEER_JOINED:
      const { remotePeers } = data;
      remotePeers.forEach((remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer) => {
        console.log("A new peer has joined the meeting:", remotePeer);
    case IJMInfoEventTypes.PEER_UPDATED:
      const { remotePeer, updateInfo } = data;
      const { action, value } = updateInfo;
      if (action === "AUDIO_MUTE" && value === false) {
        // Subscribe to the remote peer's audio track
        const audioTrack = await jmClient.subscribeMedia(remotePeer, "audio");
        // Play the track on web page;
      } else if (action === "VIDEO_MUTE") {
        if (value === false) {
          // Subscribe to the remote peer's video track
          const videoTrack = await jmClient.subscribeMedia(remotePeer, "video");
          // Play the track on web page
      } else if (action === "SCREEN_SHARE") {
        if (value === true) {
          // Subscribe to the remote peer's screen share track
          const screenShareTrack = await jmClient.subscribeMedia(
          // Play the track on web page
    case IJMInfoEventTypes.PEER_LEFT:
      const { remotePeers } = data;
      remotePeers.forEach((remotePeer) => {
        console.log("A peer has left the meeting:", remotePeer);

// Call the joinMeeting method to start the meeting
async function joinMeeting() {
  try {
    const userId = jmClient.joinMeeting({
      meetingId: "12345678",
      meetingPin: "abcd2",
      userDisplayName: "John",
      config: {
        userRole: "speaker",
    console.log("Joined the meeting with user ID:", userId);
  } catch (error: any) {
    console.error("Failed to join the meeting:", error);

// Mute/unMute Local Audio
async function toggleMuteAudio() {
  try {
    isAudioMuted = !isAudioMuted;
    await JMClient.muteLocalAudio(isAudioMuted);
    console.log(`Local audio ${isAudioMuted ? "muted" : "unmuted"}`);
  } catch (error) {

// Mute/unMute Local Video
async function toggleMuteVideo() {
  try {
    isVideoMuted = !isVideoMuted;
    await JMClient.muteLocalVideo(isVideoMuted);
    console.log(`Local video ${isVideoMuted ? "muted" : "unmuted"}`);
  } catch (error) {

// Starting screen share
async function startScreenShare() {
  try {
    const screenShareTrack = await jmClient.startScreenShare();
    // Do something with the screenShareTrack object
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Failed to start screen share", error);

// Stopping screen share
async function stopScreenShare() {
  try {
    await jmClient.stopScreenShare();
    // Screen share stopped successfully
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Failed to stop screen share", error);

⭐️ Fundamental components

  • JMClient Class - This is entry level of the SDk, it provide all the method to managing call.
  • Event Manager - It gives you events on any changes that occur in the SDK.
  • Preview Manager - once you create preview you can use preview manager to create preview screen where users may check their audio and video settings prior to joining a call
  • Device Manager - With the help of device manager you can fetch device list and ask for device permission
  • Error Handling - Error handling is the process of managing errors that occur in the SDK. Its purpose is to handle errors in a suitable way and provide feedback to the user.
  • Logger - The Logger object provides methods to set the log level and log callback, allowing users to control the amount and format of logs generated by the SDK

🏠 JMClient class

The "JMClient" class is a core class of the SDK that enables communication between users in a audio/video call. It offers various methods and properties that allow developers to create a robust and reliable audio/video conferencing application. It can be thought of as the backbone of our SDK.

interface IJMClient {
  remotePeers: IJMRemotePeer[];
  localPeer: IJMLocalPeer | undefined;
  roomMediaSetting: IJMMediaSetting;
  localPeer: IJMLocalPeer | undefined;
  joinMeeting(meetingData: IJMJoinMeetingParams): Promise<string>;
  createPreview(id: string): IJMPreviewManager;
  getPreview(id: string): IJMPreviewManager;
  setLogLevel(level: number): void;
  publish(config: IJMMediaSetting): Promise<IJMLocalPeer>;
  muteLocalAudio(isMute: boolean): Promise<IJMLocalAudioTrack | void>;
  muteLocalVideo(isMute: boolean): Promise<IJMLocalVideoTrack | void>;
  startScreenShare(): Promise<IJMLocalScreenShareTrack>;
  stopScreenShare(): Promise<void>;
  audioAutoPlayUnblock(): Promise<void>;
    remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer,
    mediaType: "audio" | "video" | "screenShare"
  ): Promise<
    IJMRemoteAudioTrack | IJMRemoteVideoTrack | IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack
    remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer,
    mediaType: "audio" | "video" | "screenShare"
  ): Promise<void>;
  setAudioInputDevice(deviceId: string): Promise<void>;
  setAudioOutputDevice(deviceId: string): Promise<void>;
  setVideoDevice(videoSettings: IJMVideoSettings): Promise<void>;
  setBackgroundImage(path: string): Promise<void>;
  setBackgroundBlurring(value: string): Promise<void>;
  removeVirtualBackground(): Promise<void>;
  hardMuteUnmutePeersAudio(isMute: boolean): Promise<void>;
  toggleMeetingLock(): Promise<void>;
  softMutePeersAudio(): Promise<void>;
  raiseHand(isRaised: boolean): Promise<void>;
  lowerAllUsersHands(): Promise<void>;
  startRecording(): Promise<void>;
  stopRecording(): Promise<void>;
    requestedPeerId: string,
    requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType
  ): Promise<void>;
    requestingPeerId: string,
    requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType,
    requestedMuteState: boolean
  ): Promise<void>;
    requestingPeerId: string,
    requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType,
    requestedMuteState: boolean
  ): Promise<void>;
  lowerRemotePeerHand(peerId: string): Promise<void>;
  loadChat(payload: IJMLoadChat): Promise<void>;
  sendChatMessage(sendChatMessageProps: IJMMessageComp): Promise<void>;
  acceptWaitingRoomPeer(peerId: string): Promise<void>;
  rejectWaitingRoomPeer(peerId: string): Promise<void>;
  acceptAllWaitingRoomPeer(): Promise<void>;
  rejectAllWaitingRoomPeer(): Promise<void>;
  leaveWaitingRoom(): Promise<void>;
  leaveMeeting(): Promise<void>;

How to use

Begin by importing the JMClient class into your project. After that, you can create an instance of the class to access its methods and functionality.

import { JMClient } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";
///create instance of the class
const jmClient = new JMClient();

🤝 Join a Room

joinMeeting(meetingData: IJMJoinMeetingParams): Promise<string>

Before calling any method or property of the Room class, it is necessary to join a room first. This can be achieved by calling the JoinMeeting method on an instance of the JMClient class with a parameter of type IJMJoinMeetingParams

  • meetingId : string
    Meeting ID of the meeting user is going to
  • meetingPin : string
    Meeting PIN of the meeting user is going to
  • userDisplayName : string
    Display Name with which user is going to join the meeting.
  • config :
    • userRole : "host" | "audience" | "speaker"
      Role of the user in the meeting. Possible values are .host, .speaker, .audience. If you are assigning .host value, please pass the token in its argument
    • token? Optional : string
      Token is optional property only required when you pass userRole as a host
  • UID : sting

Successfully call joinMeeting method return UID of the user

/// Example of meeting parameter of type IJMJoinMeetingParams
const meetingData = {
  meetingId: "1234",
  meetingPin: "abc",
  userDisplayName: "Rohan",
  config: {
    userRole: "host" | "audience" | "speaker",
    token?: string,

const meetingUrl = await jmClient.joinMeeting(meetingData);

💡 JMClient Properties

The JMClient class also provides a number of properties that give you information about the room you have joined. These properties include details about the local peer and a list of remote peers currently in the room.

👥 RemotePeer

You can access the list of remote peers by accessing the remotePeers property of type IJMRemotePeer[]

const remotePeers = jmClient.remotePeers;

👤 LocalPeer

You can access the local peer by accessing the localPeer property of type IJMLocalPeer | undefined

const localPeer = jmClient.localPeer;

⚙️ RoomMediaSetting

You can access the room media setting by accessing the roomMediaSetting property of type IJMMediaSetting

const roomMediaSetting = jmClient.roomMediaSetting;

🔧 JMClient Methods

The JMClient class provides a number of methods to interact with the joined room. These methods allow you to manage your audio and video streams, subscribe to media streams from remote peers, and leave the room.

👀 Create Preview

createPreview(previewId:string): Promise<IJMPreviewManager>

The createPreview method creates and give the object ,this object offers developers a set of methods that can be used to design a preview screen for users to check their audio and video settings before joining a call,

check Preview Manger section for more details.

  • previewId : string
const previewManager = await jmClient.createPreview("1");

👀 Get Preview

getPreview(previewId:string): Promise<IJMPreviewManager>

The getPreview method return the preview manager instance which you created using previewId

  • previewId : string
const previewManager = await jmClient.getPreview("1");

🏁 Start Publish Media

publish(config: IJMMediaSetting): Promise<IJMLocalPeer>

The publish method enables you to generate a video and audio track by passing in multiple properties, and also publish the track in the room you can call these method after joinMeeting method and pass the setting user is config on Preview

It Is completely optional ,because you can still these method muteLocalAudio and muteLocalVideo to enable audio and video

  • config : IJMMediaSetting
    • trackSettings
      • audioMuted : boolean
        Is Microphone muted
      • videoMuted : boolean
        Is Camera muted
      • audioInputDeviceId : optional boolean
        Audio Input (Microphone) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
      • audioOutputDeviceId? Optional : boolean
        Audio output (Speaker) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
      • videoDeviceId? Optional : boolean
        Video (Camera) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
    • virtualBackgroundSettings
      • isVirtualBackground : boolean
        Weather virtual background is on or not
      • sourceType : blur' | 'image' | 'none
        Type of virtual background
      • sourceValue : string
        Value of virtual background , for image url of the image , and for blur value between 0 - 10


// Example of data format for creating preview
const previewConfig = {
  trackSettings: {
    audioMuted: false,
    videoMuted: false,
    audioInputDeviceId: "abc",
    videoDeviceId: "xyz",
  virtualBackgroundSettings: {
    isVirtualBackground: false,
    sourceType: "none",
    sourceValue: "",

await jmClient.publish(previewConfig);

🙊 Mute/Unmute Local Audio

muteLocalAudio(isMute:boolean): Promise<IJMLocalAudioTrack | void>

This method allows you to mute or unmute the local user's audio. If unmuting is successful, the method returns a promise that resolves to the audio track. If muting is successful, the method returns void. Additionally, this method also publishes the track to remote users if it is unmuted and unpublishes it if it is muted.

  • isMute : boolean
await jmClient.muteLocalAudio(true);

🙈 Mute/Unmute Local Video

muteLocalVideo(isMute:boolean): Promise<IJMLocalVideoTrack | void>

This method allows you to mute or unmute the local user's video. If unmuting is successful, the method returns a promise that resolves to the video track. If muting is successful, the method returns void. Additionally, this method also publishes the track to remote users if it is unmuted and unPublishes it if it is muted.

  • isMute : boolean
await jmClient.muteLocalVideo(true);

🙆 Subscribe Media

subscribeMedia(remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer, mediaType: "video"): Promise<IJMRemoteVideoTrack>

subscribeMedia(remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer, mediaType: "audio"): Promise<IJMRemoteAudioTrack>

subscribeMedia(remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer, mediaType: "screenShare"): Promise<IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack>

Subscribes to the audio, video and screenShare tracks of a remote peer.

  • remotePeer : IJMRemotePeer The remote peer

  • mediaType : "audio" | "video" | "screenShare"


Successfully call subscribeMedia return track based on mediaType IJMRemoteVideoTrack | IJMRemoteAudioTrack |IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack and you can also refer to remotePeer.videoTrack , remotePeer.audioTrack and remotePeer.screenShareTrack for the track

const remotePeer = jmClient.remotePeers[0];
const remoteAudioTrack = await jmClient.subscribeMedia(remotePeer, "audio");

🙅 Unsubscribe Media

unsubscribeMedia(remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer, mediaType: "audio" | "video" | "screenShare"): Promise<void>

Unsubscribes to the audio, video and screenShare tracks of a remote peer.

  • remotePeer : IJMRemotePeer
    The remote peer

  • mediaType : "audio" | "video" | "screenShare"

Returns: Promise<void>
const remotePeer = jmClient.remotePeers[0];
await jmClient.unsubscribeMedia(remotePeer, "audio");

⬜️ Start Whiteboard

startWhiteBoard(): Promise<void>

It will start the whiteboard ,after successfully start use renderWhiteBoard method to render the whiteboard in UI

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.startWhiteBoard();

⬜️ Render Whiteboard

renderWhiteBoard(element:string|HTMLElement): Promise<void>

It will render the whiteboard inside the given div

  • element : string | HTMLElement
    Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a iframe element under the specified DOM element to render the whiteboard. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways:
    string : Specify the ID of the DOM element.
    HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.renderWhiteBoard();

⬜️ Stop Whiteboard

stopWhiteBoard(): Promise<void>

It will stop the whiteboard and notify the user

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.stopWhiteBoard();

🙋‍♂️ Raise Hand

raiseHand(isRaised:boolean): Promise<void>

This function take isRaised as a parameter , pass True to raise your hand and False for lower your hand other user will be notify through PEER_UPDATED event

  • isRaised : boolean
    Pass True for raise hand Pass False for lower hand
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.raiseHand(true);

🌅 Set Background Image

setBackgroundImage(path:string): Promise<void>

You can use these methods to set a custom image as the virtual background on your local video track. When your video is unmuted, it will automatically send the video with the virtual background to the remote peer

  • path : string Url of the image
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.setBackgroundImage("https://image.jpg");

🌫 Set Background Blur

setBackgroundBlurring(value:string): Promise<void>

You can use these methods to blur the background of your local video track. When your video is unmuted, it will automatically send the video with the blur background to the remote peer

  • value : string
    value of blur from 1 - 10
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.setBackgroundBlurring("5");

👨‍💼 Remove Virtual Background

removeVirtualBackground(): Promise<void>

These methods can be used to remove the virtual background from your local video track. If applied, the original video will automatically be sent to the remote peer.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.removeVirtualBackground();

🎥 Set Video Device

setVideoDevice(videoSettings: IJMVideoSettings): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set camera device

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.setVideoDevice({
  deviceId: "abc",
  facingMode: IFacingMode.LEFT,

🎤 Set Audio Input Device

setAudioInputDevice(deviceId:string): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set microphone device

  • deviceId : string
    deviceId of the microphone
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.setAudioInputDevice("abc");

🔊 Set Audio Output Device

setAudioOutputDevice(deviceId:string): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set audio output device (speaker)

  • deviceId : string
    deviceId of the speaker
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.setAudioOutputDevice("abc");

✉️ Load Chat

loadChat(payload: IJMLoadChat ): Promise<void>

This method is used to load latest chat messages.

Returns: Promise<void>
const payload_GroupChat = {
  isGroupChat: true,
const payload_PrivateChat = {
  isGroupChat: false,
  peerId: "gu-66df9145-dd97-492e-99a4-85ede620a46a",

await jmClient.loadChat(payload_GroupChat);
await jmClient.loadChat(payload_PrivateChat);

📤 Send Chat Message

sendChatMessage( sendChatMessageProps: IJMMessageComp ): Promise<void>

This method is used to send chat message in a private or group chat.

Returns: Promise<void>
const groupMessage = {
  text: "hello",
  isGroupChat: true,

const privateMessage = {
  text: "hello",
  isGroupChat: false,
  peerId: "gu-66df9145-dd97-492e-99a4-85ede620a46a",

await jmClient.sendChatMessage(groupMessage);
await jmClient.sendChatMessage(privateMessage);

👋 Leave The Meeting

leaveMeeting(): Promise<void>

This method is used to leave the current meeting. Once this method is called, the user will leave the meeting and stop receiving and sending audio, video or screen share tracks.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.leaveMeeting();

👑 Host Control

Only the meeting host can access certain features of the room, using following methods can be used to control the meeting

⏺ Start Recording

startRecording(): Promise<void>

It will start the call recording and notify the user

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.startRecording();

⏺ Stop Recording

stopRecording(): Promise<void>

It will stop the call recording and notify the user

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.stopRecording();

🔇 Hard mute peers audio

hardMuteUnmutePeersAudio(isMute: boolean): Promise<void>

This function accepts a parameter called isMute. Providing a value of True will forcefully mute all participants, preventing them from unmuting themselves. Subsequent calls with False will lift this restriction, allowing participants to unmute as needed.

  • isMute : boolean
    Pass True for hard muting all Pass False for remove hard mute
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.hardMuteUnmutePeersAudio(true);

🤐 Soft mute peers audio

softMutePeersAudio(): Promise<void>

This function is used for a soft mute, meaning it temporarily mutes all participants at that specific moment. Unlike a hard mute, where the host must remove the restriction for participants to unmute themselves, here participants can unmute on their own after the initial mute.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.softMutePeersAudio();

🙋‍♂️ Lower all peers hand

lowerAllUsersHands(): Promise<void>

This function lowers the hands of all raised peers.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.lowerAllUsersHands();

🙋‍♂️ Lower remote peer hand

lowerRemotePeerHand(peerId: string): Promise<void>

This function accepts a parameter called peerId. It will lowers the hand of the specified peer if it is raised.

  • peerId : string
    peerId of remote peer whose hand you want to lower
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.lowerRemotePeerHand("123141");

🗳 Request media toggle

requestMediaToggle(requestedPeerId: string,requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType): Promise<void>

This function is used to request the audio/video toggle (mute/unmute) of the specific user, it accepts a two parameters requestedPeerId peerId of the targeted remote peer and requestedMediaType desired media type, either audio or video

After sending the request, the remote peer responds using either acceptMediaToggleRequest or rejectMediaToggleRequest

  • requestedPeerId : string
    peerId of the targeted remote peer
  • requestedMediaType : IJMRequestMediaType desired media type, either audio or video
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.requestMediaToggle("123141", "audio");

✅ Accept media toggle

acceptMediaToggleRequest(requestingPeerId: string, requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType, requestedMuteState: boolean): Promise<void>

This function handles the acceptance of media state changes initiated by another peer. Provides the mechanism for the local peer to acknowledge the requested changes and update the media state (mute or unmute).

Once you accept with this function your media state is change

  • requestingPeerId : string
    Represents the peerId of the requester who initiated the toggle request.-
  • requestedMediaType : IJMRequestMediaType
    Represents the desired media type to be toggled, which could be audio or video.
  • requestedMuteState : boolean
    Indicates the requested mute state, specifying whether it's a request to mute or unmute.
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.acceptMediaToggleRequest("123431", "audio", true);

❌ Reject media toggle

rejectMediaToggleRequest(requestingPeerId: string, requestedMediaType: IJMRequestMediaType, requestedMuteState: boolean): Promise<void>

This function Handles the rejection of a toggle request initiated by another peer. Denies the requested media type toggle based on the specified parameters.

  • requestingPeerId : string
    Represents the peerId of the requester who initiated the toggle request.-
  • requestedMediaType : IJMRequestMediaType
    Represents the desired media type to be toggled, which could be audio or video.
  • requestedMuteState : boolean
    Indicates the requested mute state, specifying whether it's a request to mute or unmute.
Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.rejectMediaToggleRequest("123431", "audio", true);

✅ Accept Waitingroom Peer

acceptWaitingRoomPeer(peerId: string): Promise<void>

This method is used to accept the peer in the waiting room.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.acceptWaitingRoomPeer("123");

❌ Reject Waitingroom Peer

rejectWaitingRoomPeer(peerId: string): Promise<void>

This method is used to reject the peer in the waiting room.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.rejectWaitingRoomPeer("123");

✅ Accept All Waitingroom Peer

acceptAllWaitingRoomPeer(): Promise<void>

This method is used to accept all the peers in the waiting room.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.acceptAllWaitingRoomPeer();

❌ Reject All Waitingroom Peer

rejectAllWaitingRoomPeer(): Promise<void>

This method is used to reject all the peers in the waiting room.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.rejectAllWaitingRoomPeer();

👋 Leave Waiting Room

leaveWaitingRoom(): Promise<void>

This method is used to leave the waiting room.

Returns: Promise<void>
await jmClient.leaveWaitingRoom();

📢 Event Manager

Our SDK provides events to the client about any change or update happen in the sdk after user register for the events. These events can include things like peers joining or leaving the call, audio or video status being updated, and other similar events.

To receive events from the SDK, you can use the onEvent() method of the EventsManager object. This method takes a callback function as a parameter, which will be called by the SDK when ever state change.

Here's an example of how to register for events:

🤔 How to register
import { EventManager, IJMInfoEventTypes } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";

const unsubscribe = EventManager.onEvent((eventInfo) => {
  switch (eventInfo.type) {
    case IJMInfoEventTypes.PEER_JOINED:
      // Handle peer joined event

//Or you can also subscribe specific Event like these

const unsubscribe = EventManager.onEvent(
  (eventInfo) => {
    // This will only trigger on "PEER_JOINED" event

📦 Types Of Events

you can import IJMInfoEventTypes enum to refer the events send by the SDK,The format and value of the eventInfo is the same for all events, with only the data field varying depending on the type of event.


    These Events come when new peer join the call and also give the list of already join peer when you join the call first time, it has event info of type IJMPeerJoinEvent

    Interface : IJMPeerJoinEvent
    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "PEER_JOINED" in these case.
    • data

    These Events come when there is some update in peer Info suppose they mute and unmute etc , it has event info of type IJMPeerUpdateEvent.

    Interface : IJMPeerUpdateEvent
    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "PEER_UPDATED" in these case.
    • data
      • remotePeer : IJMRemotePeer
        remote Peer obj
      • updateInfo
        • action : IJMPeerUpdateActions
          Action specify the change in remote Peer like "AUDIO_MUTE";
        • value : boolean
          Value specify the state

    DISCONNECTED as action come when user is leave the call without calling leaveMeeting method , may be due to bad internet and when user come online again you will get same DISCONNECTED event with false as a value


    These Events come when there is some update in room level, Like hard mute and lower all hand etc , it has event info of type IJMRoomUpdateEvent.

    Interface : IJMRoomUpdateEvent
    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "ROOM_UPDATED" in these case.
    • data
      • remotePeer : IJMRemotePeer
        remote Peer obj
      • updateInfo
        • action : IJMRoomUpdateActions
          Action specify the change in remote Peer like "AUDIO_MUTE";
        • value : boolean
          Value specify the state

    These Events come when new user speak and update based on volume level IJMDominantSpeakerEvent.

    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "DOMINANT_SPEAKER", in these case.
    • data

    These Events give network and it trigger when ever their is an change in either downlinkNetworkQuality or downlinkNetworkQuality IJMNetworkQualityEvent.

    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.

    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "NETWORK_QUALITY", in these case.

    • data

      • downlinkNetworkQuality : number The calculation relies on factors such as the uplink transmission bitrate, uplink packet loss rate, round-trip time (RTT), and jitter.
      • uplinkNetworkQuality : number The calculation relies on factors such as the uplink transmission bitrate, uplink packet loss rate, round-trip time (RTT), and jitter..

    Both the value have 0 to 5 number show different condition

    • 0: The quality is undetermined.
    • 1: The quality is outstanding.
    • 2: The quality is satisfactory, although the bitrate is suboptimal.
    • 3: Users experience minor disruptions in communication.
    • 4: Users can communicate with each other, but with some difficulty.
    • 5: The quality is extremely low, making communication nearly impossible.

    These Events come when the state of the connection between the SDK and the server changes. and default connection state is DISCONNECTED ,it has event info of type IJMConnectionStateEvent.

    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "CONNECTION_STATE" , in these case.
    • data

    These Events come when the remote Peer left the call ,it has event info of type IJMPeerLeftEvent.

    Interface : IJMPeerLeftEvent
    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "PEER_LEFT", in these case.
    • data

    These Events come when any media device added or removed ,it has event info of type IJMDeviceUpdateEvent.

    Important:Make sure you have device permission

    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "DEVICE_UPDATED", in these case.
    • data
      • deviceType : "audioInput"|"audioOutput"|"camera"
        Type of device updated
      • updateAt : number:
        The latest time when the state of the media input device was updated.
      • initAt : number:
        The time when the SDK first detects the media input device.
      • state : "ACTIVE" | "INACTIVE":
        Whether device added or removed
      • device : MediaDeviceInfo:
        Device information of the media input device

    These Events come when any meeting participant sends a message in chat ,it has event info of type IJMChatMessageEvent.

    • id : number.
      Id is unique id of every event.
    • type : IJMInfoEventTypes
      Type refer to type of event ex. "CHAT_MESSAGE", in these case.
    • data

    These Events come when a peer joins ,leaves ,gets accepted or rejected inside waiting room IJMWaitingRoomEvent.

🛤 Tracks Concept

In the SDK, a track is a representation of audio, video, or screen sharing media. It is a custom class instance that allows you to handle the media track in your application. Like, we provide you with the IJMRemoteAudioTrack class instance that represents a remote audio track. You can use this instance to interact with the audio track, such as playing it. Overall, the track concept simplifies the media handling in the SDK and provides you with a convenient way to manage the media streams.

you can find track instance in IJMRemotePeer and IJMLocalPeer respectively

Remote Track

IJMRemoteTrack is th base class of all remote track class which defined below


  • trackId
    This is unique Id of the track

Following are the Types of Remote Track

  • Remote Audio Track

    IJMRemoteAudioTrack is the basic interface for the remote audio track. You can get by remote audio track by the remotePeer.audioTrack object after calling subscribe.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(): void Plays a remote audio track on the web page.

      When playing the audio track, you do not need to pass any DOM element.

      Returns: void

  • Remote Video Track

    IJMRemoteVideoTrack is the basic interface for the remote video track. You can get by remote video track by the remotePeer.videoTrack object after calling subscribe.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(element:string|HTMLElement, config?:IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void

      Plays a remote video track on the web page.


      • element : string | HTMLElement
        Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a video element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways: string : Specify the ID of the DOM element. HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
      • config Optional: IJMVideoPlayerConfig
        Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

      Returns: void

  • Remote Screen Share Track

    IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack is the basic interface for the remote screen share track. You can get by remote screen share track by the remotePeer.screenShareTrack object after calling subscribe.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(element:string|HTMLElement, config?:IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void

      Plays a remote screen share track on the web page.


      • element : string | HTMLElement
        Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a video element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways: string : Specify the ID of the DOM element. HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
      • config Optional: IJMVideoPlayerConfig
        Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

      Returns: void

      Important: If remote user share screen with audio it automatically play the audio as well

Local Track

IJMLocalTrack is th base class of all local track class which defined below


you can listen events on track object , and pass callback in it


  • track-ended This Event trigger when track is closed because of some issue and also usefully to handle browser stop-share button
  • trackId
    This is unique Id of the track

  • mediaType
    IJMMediaType it is type of media

  • Local Audio Track

    IJMLocalAudioTrack is the basic interface for the local audio track. You can get by local audio track by the local.audioTrack object after you unmute your localAudio.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(): void

      Plays a local audio track on the web page.

      When playing the audio track, you do not need to pass any DOM element.

    Returns: void

  • Local Video Track

    IJMLocalVideoTrack is the basic interface for the local video track. You can get by local video track by the localPeer.videoTrack object after you unmute your localVideo.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(element:string|HTMLElement, config?:IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void

      Plays a local video track on the web page.


      • element : string | HTMLElement
        Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a video element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways: string : Specify the ID of the DOM element. HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
      • config optional : IJMVideoPlayerConfig
        Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

      Returns: void

  • Local Screen Share Track

    IJMLocalScreenShareTrack is the basic interface for the local screen share track. You can get by local screen share track by the localPeer.screenShareTrack object after calling subscribe.


    • ▶️ Play

      play(element:string|HTMLElement, config?:IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void

      Plays a local screen share track on the web page.


      • element : string | HTMLElement
        Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a video element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways: string : Specify the ID of the DOM element. HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
      • config optional : IJMVideoPlayerConfig
        Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

      Returns: void

      Important: If local user share screen with audio it automatically play the audio as well

👀 Preview Manager

Once you call createPreview method you receive previewManager object The preview manager offers developers a set of methods that can be used to design a preview screen for users to check their audio and video settings before joining a call, and that setting you can pass to publish API. This preview class allow user to make any necessary adjustments to their settings before the call begins.

interface IJMPreviewManager {
  previewMediaSetting: IJMMediaSetting;
  createPreview(config: IJMMediaSetting): Promise<void>;
  muteLocalAudio(isMute: boolean): Promise<void>;
  muteLocalVideo(isMute: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setBackgroundImage(path: string): Promise<void>;
  setBackgroundBlurring(value: string): Promise<void>;
  removeVirtualBackground(): Promise<void>;
  setAudioInputDevice(deviceId: string): Promise<void>;
  setAudioOutputDevice(deviceId: string): Promise<void>;
  setVideoDevice(videoSettings: IJMVideoSettings): Promise<void>;
  play(element: string | HTMLElement, config?: IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void;
  stopPreview(): Promise<void>;

🔧 Preview Manager Properties

The JMPreview class provides a previewMediaSetting

👥 PreviewMediaSetting

You can access get the preview current setting which will update by calling preview class methods, of type IJMMediaSetting

const previewMediaSetting = jmClient.previewMediaSetting;

💡 Preview Manager Methods

The JMPreview class provides a multiple method which you can use to change the

🎨 setPreviewConfig

setPreviewConfig(config: IJMMediaSetting): Promise<void>

The setPreviewConfig method set the configuration you provide, and it creates the tracks if you pass that config. Once the tracks have been generated, you can play the video track on the web using the play method.

  • config : IJMMediaSetting
    • trackSettings
      • audioMuted : boolean
        Is Microphone muted
      • videoMuted : boolean
        Is Camera muted
      • audioInputDeviceId? Optional : boolean
        Audio Input (Microphone) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
      • audioOutputDeviceId? Optional : boolean
        Audio output (Speaker) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
      • videoDeviceId? Optional : boolean
        Video (Camera) device Id it is optional, other wise it take default value
    • virtualBackgroundSettings
      • isVirtualBackground : boolean
        Weather virtual background is on or not
      • sourceType : blur' | 'image' | 'none
        Type of virtual background
      • sourceValue : string
        Value of virtual background , for image url of the image , and for blur value between 0 - 10
Returns: Promise<void>
// Example of data format for creating preview
const previewConfig ={
    trackSettings: {
    audioMuted: false,
    videoMuted: false,
    audioInputDeviceId: "abc",
    videoDeviceId: "xyz",
    virtualBackgroundSettings: {
    isVirtualBackground: false,
    sourceType:  'none',
    sourceValue: '',

  await previewManager.createPreview(config:previewConfig)

🙊 Mute/Unmute Preview Audio

muteLocalAudio(isMute:boolean): Promise<void>

This method allows you to mute or unmute the preview audio. and update the previewMediaSetting of type IJMMediaSetting

  • isMute : boolean
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.muteLocalAudio(true);

🙈 Mute/Unmute Preview Video

muteLocalVideo(isMute:boolean): Promise<void>

This method allows you to mute or unmute the preview video, and update the previewMediaSetting of type IJMMediaSetting

  • isMute : boolean
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.muteLocalVideo(false);

▶️ Play Preview Video

play(element:string|HTMLElement, config?:IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void

This method play the preview video track on web


  • element : string | HTMLElement
    Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a video element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways:
    string : Specify the ID of the DOM element.
    HTMLElement : Pass a DOM object.
  • config? Optional: IJMVideoPlayerConfig
    Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

Returns: void

Example:"divId", { mirror: true, fit: "cover" });

🌅 Set Background Image On Preview

setBackgroundImage(path:string): Promise<void>

You can use these methods to set a custom image as the virtual background on your preview video .

  • path : string Url of the image
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.setBackgroundImage("https://image.jpg");

🌫 Set Background Blur On Preview

setBackgroundBlurring(value:string): Promise<void>

You can use these methods to blur the background of your preview video.

  • value : string
    value of blur from 1 - 10
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.setBackgroundBlurring("5");

👨‍💼 Remove Virtual Background

removeVirtualBackground(): Promise<void>

These methods can be used to remove the virtual background from your preview video.

Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.removeVirtualBackground();

🛑 Stop Preview

stopPreview(): Promise<void>

These methods can be used to stop the preview , it stop all track

Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.stopPreview();

🎥 Set Video Device On Preview

setVideoDevice(videoSettings: IJMVideoSettings): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set camera device for preview

Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.setVideoDevice({
  deviceId: "abc",
  facingMode: IFacingMode.LEFT,

🎤 Set Audio Input Device On Preview

setAudioInputDevice(deviceId:string): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set microphone device for preview

  • deviceId : string
    deviceId of the microphone
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.setAudioInputDevice("abc");

🔊 Set Audio Output Device On Preview

setAudioOutputDevice(deviceId:string): Promise<void>

These methods is used to manually set audio output device (speaker) for preview

  • deviceId : string
    deviceId of the speaker
Returns: Promise<void>
await previewManager.setAudioOutputDevice("abc");

📸 Device Manager

With the help of device manager object you can fetch device list and also ask for microphone and camera permission

interface IJMDeviceManager {
  hasWebcamPermission: boolean;
  hasMicrophonePermission: boolean;
  getMediaPermissions(audio: boolean, video: boolean): Promise<void>;
  getDevices(): Promise<IJMDeviceMap>;

🔧 Device Manager Properties

The JMDeviceManager class provides following property

📷 hasWebcamPermission

hasWebcamPermission tell weather user has camera permission on not

const hasWebcamPermission = JMDeviceManager.hasWebcamPermission;

🎤 hasMicrophonePermission

hasMicrophonePermission tell weather user has microphone permission on not

const hasMicrophonePermission = JMDeviceManager.hasMicrophonePermission;

💡 Device Manager Methods

The JMPreview class provides a couple of method which you can use to handle device


getMediaPermissions(audio: boolean, video: boolean): Promise<void>

This method is used to get the device permission.

  • audio : boolean
  • video : boolean
Returns: Promise<void>
await JMDeviceManager.createPreview(true, true);


getDevices(): Promise<IJMDeviceMap>

This method give you list of all devices in the form IJMDeviceMap

await IJMDeviceMap.getDevices();

❌ Error handling

Our SDK has two types of error handling mechanisms. The first is for API errors that occur when you call a method and an error is thrown. The SDK will throw the error, which you can handle in a catch block.

The second type of error handling is for global errors that are not related to any API calls.

Here's an example of how to register for global error events:

🤔 How to register
import { EventManager, IJMErrorTypes } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";

const unsubscribe = EventManager.onError((errorInfo) => {
  switch (errorInfo.type) {
    case IJMErrorTypes.MEDIA:
      // Handle Media error
    case IJMErrorTypes.NETWORK:
      // Handle Media error

//Or you can also subscribe specific Event like these

const unsubscribe = EventManager.onError(
  (errorInfo) => {
    // This will only trigger on "MEDIA" error come

📦 Types Of Errors

you can import IJMErrorTypes enum to refer the error events send by the SDK

eventInfo is same for all type of event

Interface : IJMErrorEvent

  • id : number.
    Id is unique id of every event.
  • type : IJMErrorTypes
    Type refer to type of event ex. "MEDIA".
  • data
    • errorCode : number;
      Unique Code for every error type
    • message : string;
      Message of the error
    • timestamp : Date;
      Time of the error generated
    • nativeError? Optional: Error ;
      Native error if any

Error Description

Following are the table that shown different error with their error code and message

Code Message Description Actions to be taken
201 NotFoundError The camera or microphone is not currently accessible or usable. Check if device is correctly plug and working
202 NotReadableError Capture device is in use by some other application Display a notification to the user indicating that the capturing device is currently being used by another application.
203 PermissionDenied The user has not given permission for the website or application to use their camera or microphone. Confirm with user if he granted permission for audio, video, and screen capture
204 OverConstrained This error is thrown when the requested constraints cannot be met, Pass setting which you device is supported
205 AudioAutoPlayBlocked When browser restrict the audio to be played The UI can present a popup or notification with a button. Once the user clicks on the button to confirm the interaction, and then audio will start playing
206 OtherMediaError Other media error You can notify to the user to that something went wrong with media
500 ServerError Internal server error Notify to user due to server issue he can not join the call

🔇 AudioAutoPlayBlocked

Many popular web browsers, such as Chrome and Safari, have implemented restrictions on autoplaying audio on web pages. These restrictions dictate that audio can only autoplay if the user has previously interacted with the page

Important: If an autoplay error is encountered with a code of 205, You can display the button. Once the user interacts and confirms their engagement,audio start playing

🐞 Logger

Our SDK provides developers with useful information, warnings, and error logs and level can be configured using the setLogLevel and. The setLogCallback method returns all the logs to the application and can be used to upload logs if needed.

🚦 Set Log Level

setLogLevel(level: number):void

The setLogLevel method in the SDK is used to set the output log level,

Developers can select a log level to view relevant logs and facilitate debugging. The log levels include NONE, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG of enum, with increasing levels of detail.

  • level : number
    the level of the log

    • 0: NONE. Do not output any log.
    • 1: LOG. Output all API logs ie LOG, INFO ,WARNING, ERROR.
    • 2: INFO. Output logs of the INFO, WARNING and ERROR level.
    • 3: WARNING. Output logs of the WARNING and ERROR level.
    • 4: ERROR. Output logs of the ERROR level.
Returns: void
import { Logger } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";

//level = 1 , give all log
await Logger.setLogLevel(1);

📤 Set Log Callback

setLogCallback(callback: (level: number, tag: string, any[]) => void):void

The setLogCallback method sets a callback function that is called when a log message is generated. This can be used to handle logs in a custom way, such as uploading them to a server for analysis or formatting them for display. and it is not depended on log level you set it will return all log

  • callback : callback In callback it give
    • level - level of the log
    • tag - tag is by the SDK from which part is log
    • other - other data like message
Returns: void
import { Logger } from "@jiomeet/core-sdk-web";

Logger.setLogCallback((level, tag, => {
  console.log("LoggerCallback", level, tag, data);

📖 Interfaces


interface IJMRemotePeer {
  peerId: string;
  name: string;
  joinedAt?: string;
  metadata?: string;
  audioMuted: boolean;
  videoMuted: boolean;
  screenShare: boolean;
  isHost: boolean;
  audioTrack?: IJMRemoteAudioTrack;
  videoTrack?: IJMRemoteVideoTrack;
  screenShareTrack?: IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack;


interface IJMRemoteTrack {
  trackId: string;
  mediaType: IJMMediaType;


interface IJMRemoteAudioTrack extends IJMRemoteTrack {
  play(): void;


interface IJMRemoteVideoTrack extends IJMRemoteTrack {
  play(element: string | HTMLElement, config?: IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void;


interface IJMRemoteScreenShareTrack extends IJMRemoteTrack {
  play(element: string | HTMLElement, config?: IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void;


interface IJMMessage {
  id: string;
  senderPeerId?: string;
  senderName: string;
  recipientPeerIds?: string[];
  time: Date;
  read: boolean;
  isGroupChat: boolean;
  recipientPeerId?: string;
  type: "TEXT" | "IMAGE";
  message: IJMMessageComp;


interface IJMNetworkMessageComponent {
  _id: string;
  createdBy: any;
  threadId: string;
  creatorsName: any;
  recipients: any;
  cOn: any;
  messageComponent: IJMMessageComp;


interface IJMMessageInput {
  recipientPeerIds?: string[];
  type: "TEXT" | "IMAGE";
  message: IJMMessageComp;


interface IJMGetPrivateChatThread {
  admins: string[];
  context: string;
  members: string[];


interface IJMMessageComp {
  text: string;
  isGroupChat: boolean;
  attachments: IJMSendChatMessageAttachment[];
  peerId?: string;


interface IJMLoadChat {
  isGroupChat?: boolean;
  peerId?: string;
  limit?: number;
  offset?: number;


interface IJMChatPayloadConfig {
  isGroupChat?: boolean;
  members: string[];
  context: string;
  admins: string[];
  limit?: number;
  offset?: number;


interface IJMSendChatMessageAttachment {
  fileID: string;
  fileSize: string;
  fileName: string;
  documentUrl: string;


interface IJMChatMessageEvent extends IJMBaseEvent {
  type: "CHAT_MESSAGE";
  data: { messages: IJMMessage[] };


interface IJMLocalPeer {
  peerId: string;
  name: string;
  joinedAt?: string;
  metadata?: string;
  audioMuted: boolean;
  videoMuted: boolean;
  screenShare: boolean;
  isHost: boolean;
  audioTrack?: IJMLocalAudioTrack;
  videoTrack?: IJMLocalVideoTrack;
  screenShareTrack?: IJMLocalScreenShareTrack;


interface IJMLocalTrack {
  trackId: string;
  mediaType: IJMMediaType;
  on(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  trackId: string;


interface IJMLocalAudioTrack extends IJMLocalTrack {
  play(): void;


interface IJMLocalVideoTrack extends IJMLocalTrack {
  play(element: string | HTMLElement, config?: IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void;


interface IJMLocalScreenShareTrack extends IJMLocalTrack {
  play(element: string | HTMLElement, config?: IJMVideoPlayerConfig): void;


interface IJMVideoPlayerConfig {
  mirror?: boolean;
  fit?: "cover" | "contain" | "fill";


type IJMMediaType = "audio" | "video" | "screenShare";


type IJMConnectionState =


type IJMPeerUpdateActions =


type IJMInfoEventTypes =
  | "ERROR"


type IJMRoomUpdateActions = "HARD_MUTE" | "SOFT_MUTE" | "LOWER_ALL_HAND";


interface IJMPeerJoinEvent {
  id: number;
  type: "PEER_JOINED";
  data: { remotePeers: IJMRemotePeer[] };


interface IJMPeerLeftEvent {
  id: number;
  type: "PEER_LEFT";
  data: { remotePeers: IJMRemotePeer[] };


interface IJMPeerUpdateEvent {
  id: number;
  type: "PEER_UPDATED";
  data: {
    remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer;
    updateInfo: {
      action: IJMPeerUpdateActions;
      value: boolean;


interface IJMRoomUpdateEvent {
  id: number;
  type: "ROOM_UPDATED";
  data: {
    remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer;
    updateInfo: {
      action: IJMRoomUpdateActions;
      value: boolean;


interface IJMConnectionStateEvent {
  id: number;
  type: "PEER_UPDATED";
  data: {
    currentState: IJMConnectionState;
    previousState: IJMConnectionState;


interface IJMDominantSpeakerEvent {
  id: number;
  data: { remotePeer: IJMRemotePeer };


interface IJMNetworkQualityEvent {
  id: number;
  data: {
    downlinkNetworkQuality: number;
    uplinkNetworkQuality: number;


interface IJMErrorEvent {
  id: number;
  type: IJMErrorTypes;
  data: IJMException;


type IJMErrorTypes = "MEDIA" | "NETWORK" | "SOCKET" | "UNKNOWN";


interface IJMDeviceUpdateEvent {
  id: number;
  data: IJMDeviceUpdated;


interface IJMMediaSetting {
  trackSettings: {
    audioMuted: boolean;
    videoMuted: boolean;
    audioInputDeviceId?: string;
    audioOutputDeviceId?: string;
    videoDeviceId?: string;
  virtualBackgroundSettings: {
    isVirtualBackground: boolean;
    sourceType: "blur" | "image" | "none";
    sourceValue: string;


interface IJMJoinMeetingParams {
  meetingId: string;
  meetingPin: string;
  userDisplayName: string;
  config: {
    userRole: "host" | "audience" | "speaker";
    token?: string;


interface IJMDeviceMap {
  audioInput: MediaDeviceInfo[];
  audioOutput: MediaDeviceInfo[];
  videoInput: MediaDeviceInfo[];


type IJMRequestMediaType = "audio" | "video";


interface IJMVideoSettings {
  deviceId?: string;
  facingMode?: IFacingMode;


enum IFacingMode {
  USER = "user",
  ENVIRONMENT = "environment",
  LEFT = "left",
  RIGHT = "right",


interface IJMWaitingRoomEvent extends IJMBaseEvent {
  type: "WAITING_ROOM";
  data: {
    updateInfo: IWaitingRoomUpdateInfo;


type IWaitingRoomUpdateInfo =
  | UpdateInfoWREnabled
  | UpdateInfoWRPeerJoined
  | UpdateInfoWRPeerLeft
  | UpdateInfoWRPeerHostAction;


interface UpdateInfoWREnabled extends IJMWaitingRoomBaseEvent {
  action: "ENABLED";
  value: boolean;


interface UpdateInfoWRPeerJoined extends IJMWaitingRoomBaseEvent {
  action: "PEER_JOINED";
  value: IJMWaitingRoomPeer;


interface UpdateInfoWRPeerLeft extends IJMWaitingRoomBaseEvent {
  action: "PEER_LEFT";
  value: IJMWaitingRoomPeer;


interface UpdateInfoWRPeerHostAction extends IJMWaitingRoomBaseEvent {
  action: "PEER_HOST_ACTION";
  value: IJMWaitingRoomPeerAction;


interface IJMWaitingRoomPeer {
  name: string;
  userId: string;
  waitingRoomId: string;


interface IJMWaitingRoomPeerAction {
  jiomeetId: string;
  waitingRoomId: string;
  acceptedBy: string;
  accepted: boolean;