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Important Notice

POSGGym-Agents has been merged into POSGGym, all future developments will happen there.

POSGGym Agents

POSGGym-Agents is a collection of agent policies and policy training code for POSGGym environments. The goal of the library is to provide a diverse set of policies and a simple API that makes it easy to import and use policies in your own research.


This project depends on the PyTorch and Ray RLlib libraries. Specifically pytorch version >= 1.11 and rllib version >=2.3. We recommend install torch before installing the POSGGym-Agents package to ensure you get the version of torch that works with your CPU/GPU.

You can install this version of POSGGym-Agents by cloning the repo and then installing with pip:

git clone
cd posggym-agents
pip install -e .

API usage

POSGGym-Agents models each agent as a python policy class, which at it's simplest accepts an observation and returns the next action. Here's an example using one of the K-Level Reasoning policies in the PursuitEvasion-v0 environment:

import posggym
import posggym_agents as pga
env = posggym.make("PursuitEvasion-v0", grid="16x16")

policies = {
    '0': pga.make("PursuitEvasion-v0/grid=16x16/klr_k1_seed0_i0-v0", env.model, '0'),
    '1': pga.make("PursuitEvasion-v0/grid=16x16/klr_k1_seed0_i1-v0", env.model, '1')

obs, info = env.reset(seed=42)
for i, policy in policies.items():

for t in range(100):
    actions = {i: policies[i].step(obs[i]) for i in env.agents}
    obs, rewards, termination, truncated, all_done, info = env.step(actions)

    if all_done:
        obs, info = env.reset()
        for i, policy in agents.items():

for policy in policies.values():

In the above code we initialize two of the implemented policies for the PursuitEvasion-v0 environment by calling the posggym_agents.make function and passing in the full policy ID of each policy, the posggym.Env environmnent model and the agent ID of the agent the policy will be used for in the environment (this ensures it uses the correct environment properties such as action and observation space).

The policy ID is made up of four parts:

  1. env_id - the ID of the environment the policy is for: PursuitEvasion-v0
  2. env_args_id - a string representation of the environment arguments used in the version of the environment the policy is for: grid=16x16
  3. policy_name - the name of the policy: klr_k1_seed0_i0 and klr_k1_seed0_i1
  4. version - the version of the policy: v0

The env_id and env_args_id may be omitted depending on the policy. If the policy is environment agnostic (e.g. the Random-v0 policy works for any environment) then both the env_id and env_args_id can be omitted. While if the policy is environment specific, but works for all variations of the environment or the environment has only a single variation (it doesn't have any parameters) then the env_args_id can be omitted (e.g. PursuitEvasion-v0/shortestpath-v0).

List of Policies

The project currently has policies implemented for the following POSGGym environments:

  • Driving
  • Level Based Foraging
  • Predator Prey
  • Pursuit Evasion

The full list of policies can be obtained using the following code:

import posggym_agents as pga
# will display all policies organized by `env_id/env_args_id/`


Jonathon Schwartz -


MIT © 2022, Jonathon Schwartz