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sLibs (SkillLibs)

This is a library for SkillTeam Devleopment plugins.


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💾 Downloads / API Initialization

The last release version of the sLibs can be found on GitHub.

Alternatively, you can build sLibs via Maven. Release versions of sLibs are built using Java 8.


For initializing sLibs, you only have to register sLoader class.

package me.example;

import club.skilldevs.utils.listeners.PlayerDamageListener;
import club.skilldevs.utils.listeners.PlayerClickListener;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;

public class LibsTutorial extends JavaPlugin {

    public void onEnable() {
        new sLoader(this);

        // Register damage listener.
        getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerDamageListener(), this);
        // Register clicks listener.
        getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerClickListener(), this);

📣 XSeries (CryptoMorin)

XSeries is a library who you can found on GitHub. It is used for getting materials and much more for make your plugin Multi-Version.

Create an ItemStack with XSeries.

ItemStack item = XMaterial.PURPLE_WOOL.parseItem();
Material material  = XMaterial.PURPLE_WOOL.parseMaterial();

Get a Sound with XSeries.

Sound sound = XSound.ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH.parseSound();
SkullCreator is used for get Skulls with player skins or textures.
ItemStack item = SkullCreator.itemFromUrl(url);

📣 Custom events

PlayerAttackPlayerEvent public PlayerAttackPlayerEvent(Player player, Player enemy, double damage)

This event is called when Player get hitted by an entity. Actually, is detecting Wolf, Player, Snowball and Arrow hits.

public void onPlayerAttack(PlayerAttackPlayerEvent event) {
        if (event.isUsingBow()) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage("You shot " + event.getEnemy());
        } else {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage("You hit " + event.getEnemy());

        event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Damage dealt: " + event.getDamage());

PlayerAuthenticateEvent public PlayerAuthenticateEvent(Player player)

This event is called when plugin using sLoader class call the event before load their custom player datas.

public void onPlayerAuthenticate(PlayerAuthenticateEvent event) {
    event.getPlayer().sendMessage("&aPlayer data loaded.");

PlayerAuthenticateEvent public PlayerAuthenticateEvent(Player player)

This event is called when plugin using sLoader class call the event before load their custom player datas.

public void onPlayerAuthenticate(PlayerAuthenticateEvent event) {
    event.getPlayer().sendMessage("&aPlayer data loaded.");

💽 File configuration

FileConfig api is used to create config files more easily. public FileConfig(JavaPlugin plugin, String fileName)

Get methods automatically translate Strings with chat color format. For other types of data, automatically get default value if it is NOT set.

File configuration basics.

In order to create a new file config, you should create a new instance of FileConfig.

FileConfig config = new FileConfig(this, "settings.yml");

Note: You can use FileConfig to create config files with default values, custom headers, and more.

// Update header every time you save the config.

config.setHeader("This is an example of header on config file.");

// Set a default value for key if it is NOT set.
config.setDefaultIfNotSet("CONFIG-VERSION", "1.0");
config.setDefaultIfNotSet("DEFAULT-COMMAND", "/example");

config.getConfiguration().set("TEST-MSG", "Test message");;

Get a String value from config.

String message = config.getString("TEST-MSG");

📝 Chat utilities

ChatUtils api is used to translate messages with chat color format. Also, you have multiple methods to transform Strings into other formats.

Most useful methods are

  • public static String translate(String message): Translate String with chat color format.
  • public static String[] translate(String[] array): Translate String array with chat color format.
  • public static String format(long milliseconds): Format long milliseconds to String (HH:mm:ss).
  • public static String formatMoney(double money): Format money to String. ("1000000" -> "1M")
  • public static boolean isNumeric(String number): Check if String is numeric.


String message = ChatUtils.translate("&cHello &6World!");

Other methods:

Progress var is used to get a progress bar in String. Blocks and length can be modified. public static String getProgressBar(int max, double secondsLeft)

double cooldown_max = 60; // in seconds
double left = 30;


String bar = ChatUtils.getProgressBar(cooldown_max, left);
// OUT: &a:::::::::::::::&c:::::::::::::::

Get country is used to get country name from Player IP address. public static String getCountry(Player player)

Note: This method is NOT thread-safe. Use it as AsyncTask.

String country = ChatUtils.getCountry(player);

☎️ Discord

For any question or suggestion you can join our Discord Server. Join our server by clicking the following link.

📜 License

The source code for sLibs is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, to view the license click here.


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