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Releases: JoeStaff/devilutionX

DevilutionX for RG35xx/GarlicOS v0.0.5

20 Jun 18:58
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DevilutionX received a large update. I was hoping it would fix the spellbook controls, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Alternatively, you can bring up your available spells in-game with the 'B' button, then hold 'L2' and press a face button to assign it to the spell wheel when pressing 'L2' in-game.

Change Log:
Updated to DevilutionX 1.5.1-dev
Swapped A/B controls to be more accurate to DevilutionX default

DevilutionX for RG35xx/GarlicOS v0.0.4

28 Mar 18:04
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GarlicOS v1.3.6 changed the order of the buttons.

Change Log:
Requires GarlicOS v1.3.6 or higher
Introduced functional Power key for padmapping, not sure you'd want it but there you go.

Known Bugs:
Cannot control volume of videos, it's just not programmed in by the devs of DevilutionX.

DevilutionX for RG35xx/GarlicOS v0.0.3

27 Mar 05:53
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Bit of a significant change here as GarlicOS reaches version 1.3.5 and changes the gamepad from keyboard keys to xinput gamepad buttons.

Change Log:
Updated to version 1.4.1 of DevilutionX.
Requires GarlicOS v1.3.5 or higher
Obviously the controls have changed, follow the readme for the current setup (use Main Menu > Settings > Padmapping to change controls.)
Added pre-made diablo.ini file with slightly altered controls to help keep things consistent.
Removed unnecessary 'lib' folder and file (Be sure you overwrite your '' file if you're updating or you'll get a blank screen!)
Volume controls now work in all menus and saves appropriately.
Added controller button labels so that they read correctly in the menus or when otherwise referred to (i.e. L1, L2, Menu, etc.)

Known Bugs:
Cannot control volume of videos, it's just not programmed in by the devs of DevilutionX.

DevilutionX for RG35xx/GarlicOS v0.0.2 -reupload

27 Mar 04:57
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I've made significant changes that GitHub's website couldn't even begin to understand.

So I have to reupload all my stuff, whoops.

This version of the rg35xx-garlicos build is meant for GarlicOS Versions 1.0.5 through 1.3.4