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207 lines (184 loc) · 8.38 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (184 loc) · 8.38 KB


  • Revert BasicObject proxies for now... they are causing problems
  • String inspect that reveals bare object leaks
  • Fix bug reporting proper task statuses
  • Initial thread dumper support
  • Remove Celluloid#alive? as it cannot be called in any manner that will ever return anything but true, rendering it useless


  • Alternative async syntax: actor.async.method in lieu of actor.method! Original syntax still available but will be removed in Celluloid 1.0
  • Alternative future syntax: actor.future.method in lieu of future(:method)
  • All methods in the Celluloid module are now available on its singleton
  • The #join and #kill methods are no longer available on the actor proxy. Please use Celluloid::Actor.join(actor) and .kill(actor) instead.
  • Celluloid::Future#ready? can be used to query for future readiness
  • Celluloid::Group constant removed. Please use Celluloid::SupervisionGroup
  • #monitor, #unmonitor, and #monitoring? provide unidirectional linking
  • Linking is now performed via a SystemEvent
  • SystemEvents are no longer exceptions. Boo exceptions as flow control!
  • Celluloid::Mailbox#system_event eliminated and replaced with Mailbox#<< SystemEvents are now automatically high priority
  • The task_class class method can be used to override the class used for tasks, allowing different task implementations to be configured on an actor-by-actor-basis
  • Celluloid::TaskThread provides tasks backed by Threads instead of Fibers
  • ActorProxy is now a BasicObject
  • A bug prevented Celluloid subclasses from retaining custom mailboxes defined by use_mailbox. This is now fixed.
  • exclusive class method without arguments makes the whole actor exclusive


  • 'exclusive' class method marks methods as always exclusive and runs them outside of a Fiber (useful if you need more stack than Fibers provide)
  • Celluloid::PoolManager returns its own class when #class is called, instead of proxying to a cell/actor in the pool.
  • #receive now handles SystemEvents internally
  • Celluloid::Timers extracted into the timers gem, which Celluloid now uses for its own timers


  • Celluloid::Application constant permanently removed
  • Celluloid::Pool removed in favor of Celluloid.pool
  • Celluloid::Group renamed to Celluloid::SupervisionGroup, old name is still available and has not been deprecated
  • Celluloid::ThreadPool renamed to Celluloid::InternalPool to emphasize its internalness
  • Support for asynchronously calling private methods inside actors
  • Future is now an instance method on all actors
  • Async call exception logs now contain the failed method
  • MyActor#async makes async calls for those who dislike the predicate syntax
  • abort can now accept a string instead of an exception object and will raise RuntimeError in the caller's context


  • Celluloid::Actor.current is now the de facto way to obtain the current actor
  • #terminate now uses system messages, making termination take priority over other pending methods
  • #terminate! provides asynchronous termination


  • Recurring timers with Celluloid#every(n) { ... }
  • Obtain UUIDs with Celluloid.uuid
  • Obtain the number of CPU cores available with Celluloid.cores
  • Celluloid::Pool defaults to one actor per CPU core max by default


  • Celluloid::Pool supervises pools of actors
  • Graceful shutdown which calls #terminate on all actors
  • Celluloid::Actor.all returns all running actors
  • Celluloid#exclusive runs a high priority block which prevents other methods from executing
  • Celluloid.exception_handler { |ex| ... } defines a callback for notifying exceptions (for use with Airbrake, exception_notifier, etc.)


  • Celluloid::Application is now Celluloid::Group
  • Futures no longer use a thread unless created with a block
  • No more future thread-leaks! Future threads auto-terminate now
  • Rename Celluloid#async to Celluloid#defer
  • Celluloid#tasks now returns an array of tasks with a #status attribute
  • Reduce coupling between Celluloid and DCell. Breaks compatibility with earlier versions of DCell.
  • Celluloid::FSMs are no longer actors themselves
  • Benchmarks using benchmark_suite


  • Workaround fiber problems on JRuby in addition to 1.6.5
  • Fix class displayed when inspecting dead actors


  • More examples!
  • Cancel all pending tasks when actors crash
  • Log all errors that occur during signaling failures
  • Work around thread-local issues on rbx (see 52325ecd)


  • Celluloid::Task abstraction replaces Celluloid::Fiber
  • Celluloid#tasks API to introspect on running tasks
  • Move Celluloid::IO into its own gem, celluloid-io
  • Finite state machines with Celluloid::FSM
  • Fix bugs in supervisors handling actors that crash during initialize
  • Old syntax Celluloid::Future() { ... } deprecated. Please use the #future method or { ... } to create futures
  • New timer subsystem! Bullet point-by-bullet point details below
  • Celluloid#after registers a callback to fire after a given time interval
  • Celluloid.sleep and Celluloid#sleep let an actor continue processing messages
  • Celluloid.receive and Celluloid#receive now accept an optional timeout
  • Celluloid::Mailbox#receive now accepts an optional timeout


  • List all registered actors with Celluloid::Actor.registered
  • All logging now handled through Celluloid::Logger
  • Rescue DeadActorError in Celluloid::ActorProxy#inspect


  • Celluloid#links obtains Celluloid::Links for a given actor
  • The #class method is now proxied to actors
  • Celluloid::Fiber replaces the Celluloid.fiber and Celluloid.resume_fiber API
  • Use Thread.mailbox instead of Thread.current.mailbox to obtain the mailbox for the current thread


  • Celluloid::Application classes for describing the structure of applications built with Celluloid
  • Methods of actors can now participate in the actor protocol directly via Celluloid#receive
  • Configure custom mailbox types using Celluloid.use_mailbox
  • Define a custom finalizer for an actor by defining MyActor#finalize
  • and Actor.async API for making direct calls to mailboxes
  • Fix bugs in Celluloid::Supervisors which would crash on startup if the actor they're supervising also crashes on startup
  • Add Celluloid.fiber and Celluloid.resume_fiber to allow extension APIs to participate in the Celluloid fiber protocol


  • "include Celluloid::Actor" no longer supported. Use "include Celluloid"
  • New Celluloid::IO module for actors that multiplex IO operations
  • Major overhaul of Celluloid::Actor internals (see 25e22cc1)
  • Actor threads are pooled in Celluloid::Actor::Pool, improving the speed of creating short-lived actors by over 2X
  • Classes that include Celluloid now have a #current_actor instance method
  • Celluloid#async allows actors to make indefinitely blocking calls while still responding to messages
  • Fix a potential thread safety bug in Thread#mailbox
  • Experimental Celluloid::TCPServer for people wanting to write servers in Celluloid. This may wind up in another gem, so use at your own risk!
  • Magically skip ahead a few version numbers to impart the magnitude of this release. It's my versioning scheme and I can do what I wanna.


  • AbortErrors now reraise in caller scope and get a caller-focused backtrace
  • Log failed async calls instead of just letting them fail silently
  • Properly handle arity of synchronous calls
  • Actors can now make async calls to themselves
  • Resolve crashes that occur when sending responses to exited/dead callers


  • Hack around a bug of an indeterminate cause (2baba3d2)
  • COLON!#@!


  • Support for future method calls with MyActor#future
  • Initial signaling support via MyActor#signal and MyActor#wait
  • Just "include Celluloid" works in lieu of "include Celluloid::Actor"
  • Futures terminate implicitly when their values are obtained
  • Add an underscore prefix to all of Celluloid's instance variables so they don't clash with user-defined ones.


  • Fiber-based reentrant actors. Requires Ruby 1.9
  • (where MyActor includes Celluloid::Actor) is now identical to .spawn
  • Terminate actors with MyActor#terminate
  • Obtain current actor with Celluloid.current_actor
  • Configurable logger with Celluloid.logger
  • Synchronization now based on ConditionVariables instead of Celluloid::Waker
  • Determine if you're in actor scope with


  • Remove self-referential dependency in gemspec


  • Initial release