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An ultra-light 2500 parameters' model to detect pneumonia from Xray images, with PyTorch.


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Challenge: Pneumonia detector

Given a lungs x-ray dataset, we created a model that can classify the lung as "Normal" or "Pneumonia", avec un score de 90%+. Moreover, we tried to make the lightest possible model: 2500 parameters, without any convolution.

1. Data analysis

We started from the chest x-ray image from kaggle.

Problem: Unequal data distribution

The dataset is rather badly balanced: 1300 images of "Normal" lungs and 3875 of "Pneumonia" lungs. We decided, during the data transformation, to reduce the size our dataset in order to have a more balanced distribution of the data.

Problem: Multiple sizes images

The radiographs in this dataset are all different sizes. During our analysis, we determined that the 75%-percentile size of the images was 1000x1300. We resized all the images to this size.

2. Data transformation

Here is the transformation process applied to all the images in our dataset. Its goal is to allow the model to focus on the essential (the lungs) while keeping a maximum of information to improve the prediction.

Step1: Resize and crop

The images are first resized to 1000x1300. Then we cut out an edge that is approximately 10% of the image as top, bottom, left and right padding. This is to remove unnecessary areas such as the black background, arms, and letters/notes usually positioned at the top left of the image.

Step2: Normalize and resize again

The RGB layers are merged and normalized into a single layer. This is what gives this green color to the graph. Then the image is resized by MaxPooling to 10x14.

Step3: Vectorization and exportation

There is no convolution in our model, so there is no reason to keep a multi-dimensional image. It is therefore transformed into a vector of (140,). Finally, the images are saved via h5py.

The different datasets we have generated are available here.

3. Model


def create_model():
  model = keras.Sequential([     

    # Classification
    layers.Dense(16, kernel_initializer='he_uniform'),

    layers.Dense(10, activation='tanh'),

    layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

  # Compile model 
      loss=tf.keras.losses.Hinge(reduction="auto", name="hinge"),

          name="binary_accuracy", dtype=None, threshold=0.5

  return model

Total params: 2,541

Hinge learn better than Binary Crossentropy:

By lowering the image shape, and thus decreasing the amount of input value, the model started to get worst: it couldn't learn. Hinge loss function, in this case, does a better job than Binary Crossentropy. It allowed to decrease even more the input given to the model, while keeping the same performance.

Score with Hinge: 75%

Leaky ReLu and Tanh allow this model to exists:

With 140 inputs and 2 denses layers, this model has very few parameters. Relu has the disadvantage to eliminate any negative value. This is a loss of information. LRelu and Tanh helps to keep this information and allow the model to perfom on very few input.

Score Hinge + LRelu & Tanh: 85%

BatchNormalization is the new Dropout:

Dropout was tried but it decreased the model perfomance. With so few layers and neurons, Dropout just lower the model performance without lowering the overfitting. BatchNormalization did a way better job and help to improve the model.

Score Hinge + LRelu/Tanh + BatchNorm: 90%+


A quite equlibrated model, with very few parameters:

  • Binary Accuracy: 90.16
  • Precision: 91.33
  • Recall: 88.39
  • Auc: 93.29



An ultra-light 2500 parameters' model to detect pneumonia from Xray images, with PyTorch.





