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What is YourHome?

YourHome is a home automation software package that is built to control everything. YourHome enables you to design your own home automation system. You can do this by designing screens with YourHome designer. Use YourHome to integrate your devices and make them work together, save energy and have control.

YourHome Server

The core system which runs the home automation software. A windows, linux machine or raspberry pi will do.

Building the code

Execute the following steps to build the code from scratch:

gradlew --version
--> Make sure that JKD 1.8 is used
git clone
gradlew build

This will create two files which both contain YourHome Server and YourHome Designer:

/distributons/yourHome-<version number>.zip

To get started with this file, read

Adding your own integrations

Each integration with an external system (zwave, thermostat, hue, ip cameras, http, ...) is represented in YourHome by a controller. The controller is responsible for the system specific interactions.

If you want to add your own controller, you can do so by extending the AbstractController class. Have a look at these classes to get an idea of the work needed:


YourHome Designer

The configuration center where you can design screen layouts easily with drag and drop to build your layout as you like. You can also configure the system and build rules and scenes to automate your home.


YourHome App

A mobile app that connects to the home server and allows to control your home.

More information