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Fixed issues associated with Python2
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Also decided to include a copy of PyMieScatt with the package.  This is
because it had problems with Python 2 support and also the default accuracy settings will have to be changed
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JohnKendrick committed Jan 30, 2018
1 parent 10cc3a4 commit 909748a
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,432 additions and 19 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion BuildDocs/
Expand Up @@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ Phonana doesn't need any extra installation above what is needed to run PDielec,

sudo pip install vtk
sudo pip install pyvtk
sudo pip instal vtkinterface
sudo pip install vtkinterface
sudo pip install mayavi

The installation of these modules can be performed as root, if all users on the machine require access to them, or they can be installed in the user's file system using 'pip --user' instead of 'pip'

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions Python/
Expand Up @@ -465,9 +465,10 @@ def mie_scattering(dielectric_medium, dielecv, shape, L, vf, size, size_mu, size
vf is the volume fraction of filler
Mie only works for spherical particles, so shape, and L parameters are ignored
The routine returns the effective dielectric constant"""
import PyMieScatt as ps
# import Python.PyMieScatt as ps
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from Python.PyMieScatt.Mie import MieS1S2
# define i as a complex number
i = complex(0,1)
# We need to taken account of the change in wavelength and the change in size parameter due to the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ def mie_scattering(dielectric_medium, dielecv, shape, L, vf, size, size_mu, size
# The size parameter is 2pi r / lambda
x = 2 * PI * r / lambda_vacuum_mu
# Calculate the S1 and S2 scattering factors, and store in a list
s1,s2 = ps.MieS1S2(refractive_index, x*refractive_index_medium, 1)
s1,s2 = MieS1S2(refractive_index, x*refractive_index_medium, 1)
# Now integrate
s1 = trapz(s1_factors*ndp,dp)
Expand All @@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ def mie_scattering(dielectric_medium, dielecv, shape, L, vf, size, size_mu, size
# Calculate the scattering factors at 0 degrees
#jk print("refractive_index, size, refractive_index_medium", refractive_index, size, refractive_index_medium)
s1,s2 = ps.MieS1S2(refractive_index, size*refractive_index_medium, 1)
s1,s2 = MieS1S2(refractive_index, size*refractive_index_medium, 1)
# qext,qsca,qabs,g,qpr,qback,qratio = ps.AutoMieQ(refractive_index, wavelength_nm, diameter_nm)
#jk print('s1,s2',s1,s2)
#jk print('qext,qsca,qabs',qext,qsca,qabs)
Expand Down
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions Python/PyMieScatt/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import jv, yv
from PyMieScatt.Mie import MieQ, MiePiTau

def MieQCoreShell(mCore,mShell,wavelength,dCore,dShell):
xCore = np.pi*dCore/wavelength
xShell = np.pi*dShell/wavelength
if xCore==xShell:
return MieQ(mCore,wavelength,dShell)
elif xCore==0:
return MieQ(mShell,wavelength,dShell)
elif mCore==mShell:
return MieQ(mCore,wavelength,dShell)
elif xCore>0:
nmax = np.round(2+xShell+4*(xShell**(1/3)))
n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
n1 = 2*n+1
n2 = n*(n+2)/(n+1)
n3 = n1/(n*(n+1))
xShell2 = xShell**2

an, bn = CoreShell_ab(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell)

qext = (2/xShell2)*np.sum(n1*(an.real+bn.real))
qsca = (2/xShell2)*np.sum(n1*(an.real**2+an.imag**2+bn.real**2+bn.imag**2))
qabs = qext-qsca

g1 = [an.real[1:int(nmax)],an.imag[1:int(nmax)],bn.real[1:int(nmax)],bn.imag[1:int(nmax)]]
g1 = [np.append(x, 0.0) for x in g1]
g = (4/(qsca*xShell2))*np.sum((n2*(an.real*g1[0]+an.imag*g1[1]+bn.real*g1[2]+bn.imag*g1[3]))+(n3*(an.real*bn.real+an.imag*bn.imag)))

qpr = qext-qsca*g
qback = (1/xShell2)*(np.abs(np.sum(n1*((-1)**n)*(an-bn)))**2)
qratio = qback/qsca

return qext, qsca, qabs, g, qpr, qback, qratio

def CoreShell_ab(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell):
m = mShell/mCore
u = mCore*xCore
v = mShell*xCore
w = mShell*xShell

mx = max(np.abs(mCore*xShell),np.abs(mShell*xShell))
nmax = np.round(2+xShell+4*(xShell**(1/3)))
nmx = np.round(max(nmax,mx)+16)
n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
nu = n+0.5

sv = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*v)
sw = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*w)
sy = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*xShell)

pv = sv*jv(nu,v)
pw = sw*jv(nu,w)
py = sy*jv(nu,xShell)

chv = -sv*yv(nu,v)
chw = -sw*yv(nu,w)
chy = -sy*yv(nu,xShell)

p1y = np.append([np.sin(xShell)], [py[0:int(nmax)-1]])
ch1y = np.append([np.cos(xShell)], [chy[0:int(nmax)-1]])
gsy = py-(0+1.0j)*chy
gs1y = p1y-(0+1.0j)*ch1y

# B&H Equation 4.89
Dnu = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
Dnv = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
Dnw = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
for i in range(int(nmx)-1,1,-1):
Dnu[i-1] = i/u-1/(Dnu[i]+i/u)
Dnv[i-1] = i/v-1/(Dnv[i]+i/v)
Dnw[i-1] = i/w-1/(Dnw[i]+i/w)

Du = Dnu[1:int(nmax)+1]
Dv = Dnv[1:int(nmax)+1]
Dw = Dnw[1:int(nmax)+1]

uu = m*Du-Dv
vv = Du/m-Dv
fv = pv/chv

dns = ((uu*fv/pw)/(uu*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
gns = ((vv*fv/pw)/(vv*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
a1 = dns/mShell+n/xShell
b1 = mShell*gns+n/xShell

an = (py*a1-p1y)/(gsy*a1-gs1y)
bn = (py*b1-p1y)/(gsy*b1-gs1y)

return an, bn

def CoreShellScatteringFunction(mCore,mShell,wavelength,dCore,dShell,minAngle=0, maxAngle=180, angularResolution=0.5, normed=False):
xCore = np.pi*dCore/wavelength
xShell = np.pi*dShell/wavelength
theta = np.linspace(minAngle,maxAngle,int((maxAngle-minAngle)/angularResolution))*np.pi/180
thetaSteps = len(theta)
SL = np.zeros(thetaSteps)
SR = np.zeros(thetaSteps)
SU = np.zeros(thetaSteps)
for j in range(thetaSteps):
u = np.cos(theta[j])
S1,S2 = CoreShellS1S2(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell,u)
SL[j] = (np.sum((np.conjugate(S1)*S1))).real
SR[j] = (np.sum((np.conjugate(S2)*S2))).real
SU[j] = (SR[j]+SL[j])/2
if normed:
SL /= np.max(SL)
SR /= np.max(SR)
SU /= np.max(SU)
return theta,SL,SR,SU

def CoreShellS1S2(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell,mu):
nmax = np.round(2+xShell+4*(xShell**(1/3)))
an,bn = CoreShell_ab(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell)
pin,taun = MiePiTau(mu,nmax)
n = np.arange(1,int(nmax)+1)
n2 = (2*n+1)/(n*(n+1))
pin *= n2
taun *= n2
return S1,S2

def CoreShellMatrixElements(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell,mu):
S1,S2 = CoreShellS1S2(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell,mu)
S11 = 0.5*(np.abs(S2)**2+np.abs(S1)**2)
S12 = 0.5*(np.abs(S2)**2-np.abs(S1)**2)
S33 = 0.5*(np.conjugate(S2)*S1+S2*np.conjugate(S1))
S34 = 0.5j*(S1*np.conjugate(S2)-S2*np.conjugate(S1))
return S11, S12, S33, S34

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