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Building an REST API with Django using Vagrant and Puppet or standalone on Ubuntu 14.04.

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Building an REST API with Django using Vagrant and Puppet or standalone on Ubuntu 14.04.

Without vagrant

  1. Install mysql server
  2. Install python and pip
  3. Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
  4. Create a virtualenv
  5. Activate the virtualenv with the following command
  • source (virtualenv)/bin/activate
  1. Run the command:
  • pip install -r puppet/provision/modules/language/files/local.txt
  1. Verify all the packages with yolk:
  • yolk -l
  1. Modify like 'Run the application' section

Without vagrant and without mysql - using sqlite

  1. Install python and pip
  2. Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
  3. Create a virtualenv
  4. Activate the virtualenv with the following command
  • source (virtualenv)/bin/activate
  1. Run the command:
  • pip install -r puppet/provision/modules/language/files/local_sqlite3.txt
  1. Using pip freeze instead of yolk:
  • pip freeze
  1. Use just virtualenvwrapper postactivate:
  • export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=agenda.settings.local_sqlite3

Using Vagrant


Modules for puppet:

  • puppetlabs-apache v1.5.0
  • puppetlabs-apt v2.1.1
  • puppetlabs-mysql v3.4.0
  • puppetlabs-reboot v1.1.0

To install puppet modules, execute the following command:

  • puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
  • puppet module install puppetlabs-apt
  • puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql
  • puppet module install puppetlabs-reboot

To install vagrant plugins, execute the following command:

  • vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
  • vagrant plugin install vagrant-puppet-install
  • vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Getting Started

This is a fairly simple project to get up and running. The procedure for starting up is as follows:

  1. Clone the project. (There’s only master branch.)
  2. Modify parameters in config.yaml such as:
  • USER
  • public_ip according your network connection.
  1. Run the command vagrant up from the directory

For standalone configuration: 4. Open your browser to http://localhost:8000 For vagrant configuration: 4. Open your browser to http://localhost:9834

Run the application

  1. Modify the following line at
  • os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "agenda.settings") For local development:
  • os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "agenda.settings.local") For production:
  • os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "agenda.settings.production")

For changing this manual change, we need to use virtualenvwrapper.

  1. For running the application the first time: python migrate

  2. For running django server python runserver

Heroku Deployment Supported

Added the require files to deploy on Heroku:

  • requirements.txt
  • Procfile

On Heroku:

  • heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=agenda.settings.production

Config mysql database:

  • heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite
  • heroku config | grep CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL

Copy the message result:

  • heroku config:set DATABASE_URL='mysql://xxxxxxxx:yyyyyy@zzzzzzzz/heroku_db?reconnect=true'

Create super user:

  • heroku run python createsuperuser

Restart web server

  • heroku ps:scale web=0 && heroku ps:scale web=1


Building an REST API with Django using Vagrant and Puppet or standalone on Ubuntu 14.04.






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