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335 lines (209 loc) · 13.7 KB

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335 lines (209 loc) · 13.7 KB




  • Add ColonyClient events:
    • ColonyAdminRoleRemoved
    • ColonyAdminRoleSet
    • ColonyFounderRoleSet
    • ColonyFundsClaimed
    • ColonyFundsMovedBetweenFundingPots
    • ColonyInitialised
    • ColonyRewardInverseSet
    • ColonyUpgraded
    • RewardPayoutClaimed
  • Add ColonyNetworkClient events:
    • ColonyNetworkInitialised
    • ColonyVersionAdded
    • MetaColonyCreated
    • MiningCycleResolverSet
    • NetworkFeeInverseSet
    • ReputationMiningCycleComplete
    • ReputationMiningInitialised
    • ReputationRootHashSet
    • TokenLockingAddressSet
  • Add recovery methods to ColonyNetworkClient/ColonyClient:
    • approveExitRecovery
    • enterRecoveryMode
    • exitRecoveryMode
    • getRecoveryRolesCount
    • isInRecoveryMode
    • removeRecoveryRole
    • setRecoveryRole
    • setStorageSlotRecovery


Bug fixes

  • Update contractName for AuthorityClient from Authority to ColonyAuthority (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add MetaColonyClient and move corresponding methods over from ColonyClient (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Fix expected Buffer type when converting the output for param type ipfsHash (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add the event TaskPayoutClaimed to the claimPayout method (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add missing Transfer event to the mintTokens method (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Add colonyName and orbitDBPath parameters to ColonyClient.registerColonyLabel (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Set a default gas limit for ColonyNetworkClient.registerUserLabel (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Make the SendOptions flow type properties all optional (e.g. gasLimit) (@colony/colony-js-client, @colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Do not convert basic string inputs to hex (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Fix the function called by ColonyNetworkClient.lookupRegisteredENSDomain (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Events from the colony token are now not supported if the ColonyClient was instantiated without a TokenClient.


Breaking changes

  • The createToken method now works as a regular Sender, i.e. networkClient.createToken({ name, symbol }) is now networkClient.createToken.send({ name, symbol }, options).

Bug fixes

  • The return value of ColonyClient.getTaskRole has been changed from rated to rateFail, properly reflecting the contract.
  • The parameters of the Transfer event in TokenClient now reflect the contract properly.
  • Added support for Mint and Transfer events in ColonyClient.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure that the SkillAdded event is parsed correctly when logged in transactions from ColonyClient (@colony/colony-js-client / @colony/colony-js-contract-client)


  • Export additional flow types: { ContractClientConstructorArgs, ContractResponse, MultisigOperationConstructorArgs, SendOptions } (@colony/colony-js-client/@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Add support for ColonyNetworkENS-based functionality in ColonyNetworkClient (@colony/colony-js-client)



  • Fixes to Flow types, handling of types (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)


Bug fixes

  • EtherscanLoader now removes anything other than contractAddress passed as a query to .load() (@colony/colony-js-contract-loader-http)
  • Parse the result (ABI) of Etherscan responses as JSON, as the Etherscan API has changed (@colony/colony-js-contract-loader-http)

New features

  • Add getReputation methods to ColonyClient and ColonyNetworkClient (currently only availble for Rinkeby) (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Increase the default gas limit for colony creation.
  • Define ColonyClient.setTaskSkill as a MultisigSender (@colony/colony-js-client)


  • Improve documentation for ColonyClient.setTaskManagerPayout (@colony/colony-js-client)



  • General updates for interacting with ColonyNetwork contracts.


  • All events logged during method calls are now parsed according to their specifications on the ContractClient, without specifying event handlers (@colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers, @colony/colony-js-contract-client, @colony/colony-js-client)
  • Event data in method responses is now provided in a flat format (where property names might collide) and in a format nested under the event name; e.g. { taskId: 1, potId: 2 } becomes { taskId: 1, potId: 2, TaskAdded: { taskId: 1 }, PotAdded: { potId: 2 } }.
  • Event property names are now more specific (e.g. taskId rather than id) (@colony/colony-js-client)


  • The documentation has been updated to include more information about contract events, and the event data available in method calls.


Released Thu, 05 Jul 2018 13:07:42 GMT


  • Adapter.getTransactionReceipt now waits for an in-progress transaction to be mined before attempting to get the receipt (@colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers, @colony/colony-js-client)
  • Adapter.getTransactionReceipt and Adapter.waitForTransaction now accept a timeout argument (default: 5 minutes) (@colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers)

Bug fixes

  • Partial empty hex strings (e.g. 0x0) are now padded to full-length, which resolves an issue with EthersAdapter (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • The isEmptyHexString utility function now evaluates the input type (@colony/colony-js-utils)


  • Add extra validation for ColonyClient.createTask; the given domain ID for the task is now confirmed to exist before proceeding (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Default values for methods are now specified separately from the parameters; this simplfies the parameter conversion (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Add a DomainAdded event, which is emitted when calling ColonyClient.addDomain (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add a PotAdded event, which is emitted when calling ColonyClient.addDomain and ColonyClient.createTask (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add the TaskDeliverableSubmitted and TaskWorkRatingRevealed events, which are available to listen on via (@colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Remove the address property of the Wallet interface, because it is not universal (@colony/colony-js-adapter)
  • Clarify that the getAddress method of the Wallet interface is asynchronous
  • Use the getAddress method to get the current address when signing multisig operations (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Add a hexString type to fix the type conversion of the secret created by generateSecret (@colony/colony-js-contract-client, @colony/colony-js-client)


Released Tue, 21 June 2018 15:36:06 GMT

Bug fixes

  • getTokenInfo won't throw anymore if one of the properties symbol, name or decimals is not implemented on the token contract. Instead it will just report null for the values which are not defined (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Fix a bug where authority.getUserRole would only report null for every role by converting the output values from hex numbers first (@colony/colony-js-client)


  • Clarified the naming of parameters involving token addresses (@colony/colony-js-contract-client, @colony/colony-js-client)


Bug fixes

  • Actually wait for transaction receipt in Token contract deployment. This fixes issues with real-life environments like testnets or mainnet (@colony/colony-js-client)


Released Tue, 19 June 2018 12:01:38 GMT

New features

  • Add getTokenInfo caller to TokenClient to get the token's name, symbol and decimals (@colony/colony-js-contract-client, @colony/colony-js-client)


  • Wait for in-progress transactions when getting the transaction receipt (@colony/colony-js-contract-client, @colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers)
  • Made the default timeout for sending transactions dependent on the network: 1 hour for mainnet, 5 minutes otherwise (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)


Bug fixes

  • Enabled the networkId to be passed from the contract loading query through to the loader transform function; reintroduced support for specifying the networkId in truffleTransform (@colony/colony-js-contract-loader)


New features

  • Added new ContractEvent events subscription to ContractClient, allowing for simple events subscription (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Added new task lifecycle events to ColonyClient, using new event subscriptions (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Added support for sending multisig operations for tasks with one signature alone (when no other signatures are required) (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Added support for per-task nonce values for multisig operations; multisig operations can now be run in parallel (for different tasks) (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Added TokenClient, a means of interacting with a colony's token contract (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Added AuthorityClient, a means of interacting with a colony's authority contract (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Get token and authority when initializing a ColonyClient (@colony/colony-js-client)


  • Refactored contract parameter validation and conversion to allow for events subscriptions (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Refactored the contracts interface and EthersContract to allow for events subscription with optional transaction hashes (@colony/colony-js-adapter, @colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers)
  • Ignore parameters that aren't in the spec when validating parameters (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)


  • Specify which users can call addGlobalSkill, addDomain, setTaskRoleUser, setTaskDomain and setTaskSkill (@colony/colony-js-client)


New features

Added colony-js-contract-loader-fs: load contracts from the local file-system in node.



  • Updated 'Getting Started', removed 'Quickstart' and reordered sections


  • Validation errors in contract methods now contain the method name (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Add a release command for the project, streamlined prepublish hooks, simplified and improved babel config

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where methods with default values were not validated properly (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Fixed a bug where timestamps were not converted correctly (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)



  • New ipfsHash parameter type, to more easily store/retrieve IPFS hashes from the contracts (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)
  • Implement the ipfsHash type in ColonyClient: getTask, createTask, submitTaskDeliverable, setTaskBrief (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add a date parameter type and implement it in ColonyClient: getTask, getTaskWorkRatings, setTaskDueDate (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Add a default value (1) for ColonyClient.createTask (@colony/colony-js-client)

Bug fixes

  • Ensure that the returned values in ColonyClient.getTask were handled properly (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Clean 'empty' hex strings for IPFS hash output validation (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)



  • Updated the Quickstart and Get Started documentation; these guides now show how to use an ethers wallet, use require statements over import, and provide some additional information about prerequisites.

Bug fixes

  • Define the defaultGasLimit property of Senders as a number as opposed to a BigNumber (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)



  • The nonce value is now carried through when serializing and restoring MultisigOperations (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)


  • Update ethers to 3.0.17 (@colony/colony-js-adapter-ethers)
  • Use fixed mode in lerna.json (see here)

Bug fixes

  • Fix ROLES values to reflect contracts (@colony/colony-js-client)
  • Fixed a bug where MultisigOperations erroneously had required signees reset upon restoring an operation (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)


  • Bumped versions of packages/interdependencies


Bug fixes

  • Fixed the documentation site link in the README
  • Fixed a bug where string input values were not converted properly (@colony/colony-js-contract-client)



  • General documentation updates
  • Added automatic documentation generation for @colony/colony-js-client (yarn build:docs, also runs on precommit hook)

New features

  • Added method ColonyNetworkClient.getMetaColonyClient
  • Added Caller ColonyClient.getDomain
  • Added bignumber parameter type for contract methods
  • Added role parameter type for contract methods
  • Added declarative parameter type mapping for contract methods, and addParamType method


  • Better handling for empty values from contracts; e.g. addresses reported as '0x000...0' are cleaned as null
  • Failed validation reasons are now added to error messages
  • Updated ColonyNetworkClient/ColonyClient to match colonyNetwork
  • Upon starting or restoring a MultisigOperation, the operation is refreshed to get the latest values
  • Removed separate error/success contract event handling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the isBigNumber utility function didn't look for the correct property in ethers-ified BigNumbers
  • Add babel-runtime dependency


Released Tue, 22 May 2018 17:19:06 GMT

  • First release.